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Messages - scubaj

Pages: [1]
Great MOD.  Only one potential problem.....  If I logout as admin or close the browser by mistake without turning the maintenance page back off I'm stuck!  Would be great if there was an admin login box that could be inserted on the "Closed for Maintenance" page so I can get back in. Anyone have any ideas on this?

Discussion & Troubleshooting / Re: [vers 1.7.4] CAPTCHA
« on: January 30, 2007, 11:30:08 PM »
I'm having the same issue with a fresh install of 1.7.4.  Did you find any solutions?

Strange...  I'll give it a try.  At this point, I'll try just about anything!  I've been pulling my hair out all morning on this one.  I wonder if it's just a server issue.....

Has anyone else had this problem?

I've done a fresh install - all 1.7.4 files, and have the captcha verification turned on for new registrations.  However, the image shows sometimes, but not always.  Users have to click on the image multiple times to get it to appear.

Running PHP 4.4.4 with GD support.  When the image shows up, everything is great.

Just curious if anyone else has run into this.

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