Author Topic: My wishlist / suggestions  (Read 5991 times)

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Offline moremojo

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My wishlist / suggestions
« on: May 11, 2002, 01:57:28 PM »
First I want to thank you for the xl-ent script you wrote. The best one available I think!

Here is my litte wishlist / suggestions:

* users who upload their pictures can also make a new categorie themselves

* comments per categorie instead of per picture (f.e. an option in the admin menu where you can set comments for each categorie to yes en and comments for each picture to no, OR as an option in the permissions system)

* permissionssystem redesign. Work with grouppermissions for categories. With which you can make your own permissions (f.e. Standard category, Restricted category, Custom category etc) My gallery has over  30 categories. (I know you can inherit the permissions from the category above.., but it still is a lot of work if i want to change permissions after you've already made the categories)

Thnx !

Greetings Michel (Holland)