Hi - nice work on "4images", really nice.
Take a look here for a
Danish testversion:
http://test.cwang.dk/laeremidler/4images/We're starting and running a non-profit community for teachers (in Denmark) helping eachother creating/providing new learning ressources.
4images is really what we need, but we strongly need an EDITOR-user level - plus:
- A userlevel between admin and ordinary users, let's call them EDITORS - allowing EDITORS to upload and manage images and categories - but NO acces to all the other admin-parameters.
- Admin-option that allows for DISABLING browser-rigth-click on images, forcing users to use the download button.
- Download all images from lightbox into one zip-file - GOOD SUGGESTION I must say!
- Change of the lay-out template of the 'details screen'. If the image is say 1024 pix wide - the user simply misses the "data-box" on the right side of the image if he/she does not scroll horz.. Suggestion: Move the "data-box" to above the image, aligning it left as the image. And move the RATING-roll-down input-box to the left as well. Images simply gets bigger and bigger.
- Add a permatent 'Help-menu' to the exsisting menus - linking to a brief description of how to use the site.
- 'rate-form.htm' contains language specific text, which should be moved to the language modules.