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Topics - trez

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Discussion & Troubleshooting / Zwei kleine Fragen ;)
« on: September 13, 2006, 09:24:25 PM »
1. Was muss ich machen um KEINE emails zu bekkommen, wenn jemand ein bild hochgeladen hat? Bekomm c.a. 500 mails am Tag, ist ziemlich nervig :D :D

2. Ich wuerde gerne den Online/Offline status des jeweiligen mitglieds in seinem profil angezeigt bekommen. Hab so einiges ausprobiert, allerdings zeigt es mir immer "Offline" an - kann mir da jemand weiterhelfen?

Danke :)

Discussion & Troubleshooting / Little question / Kleine Frage
« on: September 11, 2006, 10:14:38 PM »

Ich moechte auf einem template einen link anzeigen lassen, der aber am ende die user_id vom jeweiligen user haben muss.

Beispiel (im template):

a href="example.php?action={user_id}"

Auf der seite wuerde das dann so aussehen : action=1111 (nur beispiel)

wie mach ich das ? :)


I want to show a link on a template, wich contains on the end the user_id from the user, who is logged in


a href="example.php?action={user_id}"

So on the browser it would be the following : action=1111 (if 1111 is the user_id from the user currently logged in)

How can i make this?

Discussion & Troubleshooting / 4images and speed/mySQL problems
« on: August 14, 2006, 05:18:18 PM »

this is maybe the 4th topic i start for that problem, but many people are currently working on my problem, and we will fix it, AND i wanna share it when the time comes.

quick overview of the problem

With over 6500 categories and 20-30 mods installed, my 4images slows down, at some point (with 50+ visitors at the sme time on the site) my server overloads and i have to reset the mySQL and the httpd.

4images is not designed as an CMS system, so it was just a matter of time for that error to come.
All sugestions don't work for me, random images and big mods are off, caching system doesnt help - so what to do. Over the last 4 months i've received many PMs about users with big sites, complaining about the same problem - is there anyone who has 5000 unique visitors a day, and doesnt have problems? - yes there are, but i ask them for info - they don't answer.

what to do with big sites based on 4images?

I've consulted many programists here in Bulgaria, all are saying that the problem is in the 4images code - how can 2x3Ghz / 1GB RAM not be enough for 40 users?
So, we start searching in the code, and we came to:

Code: [Select]
| 1132 | zapomni_4images2     | localhost | zapomni_4images2 | Query   | 120    | Copying to tmp table | SELECT cat_id, COUNT(*) AS num_images
          FROM 4images_images


Code: [Select]
| 1625 | zapomni_4images2 | localhost | zapomni_4images2 | Query   | 285  | Locked       | SELECT cat_id, COUNT(image_id) AS new_images
          FROM 4images_images
          WHERE image_act |
| 1626 | zapomni_4images2 | localhost | zapomni_4images2 | Query   | 287  | Locked       | SELECT cat_id, COUNT(image_id) AS new_images
          FROM 4images_images
          WHERE image_act |
| 1627 | zapomni_4images2 | localhost | zapomni_4images2 | Query   | 283  | Locked       | SELECT cat_id, COUNT(image_id) AS new_images

So we stopped it, everything is working - first question why? Second question - what does that line do? Okay, it's not so important, because it didn't solve the problem at all.

So we keep on searching and found this:

Code: [Select]

SELECT i.image_id, i.cat_id, i.user_id, i.image_name, i.image_description, i.image_keywords, i.image_date, i.image_active, i.image_media_file, i.image_thumb_file, i.image_download_url, i.image_allow_comments, i.image_comments, i.image_downloads, i.image_votes, i.image_rating, i.image_hits, c.cat_name, u.user_name FROM 4images_images i, 4images_categories c LEFT JOIN 4images_users u ON (u.user_id = i.user_id) WHERE i.image_active = 1 AND c.cat_id = i.cat_id AND i.cat_id IN (2255) AND i.cat_id NOT IN (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75,76,77,78,79,80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87,88,89,90,91,92,93,94,95,96,97,98,99,100,101,102,103,104,105,106,107,108,109,110,111,112,113,114,115,116,117,118,119,120,121,122,123,124,125,126,127,128,129,130,131,132,133,134,135,136,137,138,139,140,141,142,143,144,145,146,147,148,149,150,151,152,153,154,155,156,157,158,159,160,161,162,163,164,165,166,167,168,169,170,171,172,173,174,175,176,177,178,179,180,181,182,183,184,185,186,187,188,189,190,191,192,193,194,195,196,197,198,199,200,201,202,203,204,205,206,207,208,209,210,211,212,213,214,215,216,217,218,219,220,221,222,223,224,225,226,227,228,229,230,231,232,233,234,235,236,237, 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3141, 3981, 4023, 2430, 2316, 4068, 4079, 3509, 3605, 2162, 3567, 1853, 3573, 2233, 3073, 2292, 2947, 1609, 1870, 3331, 385, 1520, 1575, 1576, 2271, 4, 205, 3807, 2284, 3999, 2186, 36, 620, 29, 2971, 2017, 1161, 316, 1233, 1221, 4042, 4044, 2579, 2077, 69, 4104, 1084, 2779, 1620, 4105, 160, 27, 2489, 694, 695, 738, 2209, 2210, 834, 3840, 1791, 985, 536, 4052, 180, 2150, 2027, 964, 2647, 3693, 2794, 1887, 1883, 2837, 376, 966, 247, 774, 120, 249, 2798, 1939, 1023, 2631, 2707, 1369, 3916, 2240, 3617, 2979, 1790, 3843, 3369, 22, 10, 11, 12, 25, 13, 24, 14, 3137, 2710, 399, 253, 2050, 3491, 3815, 1572, 2487, 1282, 3492, 2847, 366, 3578, 264, 1387, 763, 3775, 3776, 3187, 2584, 99, 1483, 2372, 3543, 1863, 1034, 1495, 2019, 131, 1486, 3449, 1213, 157, 1653, 3959, 3007, 811, 896, 3136, 1311, 1741, 719, 3949, 326, 2408, 3490, 2270, 1547, 3845, 3165, 447, 2125, 1321, 154, 3019, 583, 3895, 2527, 1830, 2578, 3731, 2935, 814, 3158, 3402, 3911, 116, 2818, 3243, 337, 3740, 4099, 402, 538, 2199, 4087, 4109, 855, 1855, 213, 4108, 2549, 3937, 1432, 1187, 1542, 3405, 2557, 2556, 2567, 3851, 2692, 139, 3976, 3309, 3908, 3260, 2840, 114, 3926, 2961, 2375, 1049, 3316, 3715, 2154, 1278, 1358, 1235, 1075, 3634, 1801, 3478, 243, 2220, 3284, 1666, 826, 1743, 1746, 2145, 2493, 2923, 3515, 3161, 3503, 1988, 1969, 4147, 3267, 2423, 914, 3767, 4130, 3275, 3095, 81, 59, 208, 51, 648, 1553, 390, 1022, 1618, 1083, 3176, 651, 1753, 1366, 2664, 674, 3971, 989, 312, 817, 343, 266, 3901, 2373, 594, 1656, 2931, 3125, 3251, 273, 1186, 1936, 3214, 2004, 1869, 3276, 3173, 3174, 3479, 943, 2445, 2058, 2911, 487, 2469, 1538, 2924, 2811, 4102, 1819, 4094, 2649, 2014, 3186, 3799, 1044, 3952, 4139, 887, 1192, 74, 2729, 2637, 3530, 2892, 1566, 3454, 3036, 2269, 1519, 2748, 2757, 1141, 3443, 1121, 2954, 3026, 2940, 3194, 108, 3444, 3525, 3512, 1273, 204, 3695, 3190, 2334, 164, 3960, 1193, 1525, 1372, 4008, 2083, 600, 1335, 2084, 3819, 1252, 3989, 2682, 3189, 982, 1959, 1868, 1070, 317, 3973, 2029, 3648, 318, 2467, 135, 530, 791, 709, 207, 211, 215, 222, 122, 3921, 1397, 915, 3459, 1225, 3441, 3038, 2382, 3957, 3052, 2996, 3347, 3879, 595, 85, 820, 78, 1470, 3658, 2544, 3640, 1601, 1267, 1983, 1511, 1648, 1025, 3910, 1464, 4086, 2946, 3156, 2443, 1943, 3101, 3632, 2376, 592, 2896, 138, 3050, 1993, 255, 3271, 1508, 2187, 754, 755, 2006, 2776, 1135, 2003, 2324, 3092, 2468, 4030, 2403, 523, 733, 218, 2730, 3067, 543, 612, 3923, 4004, 2419, 4051, 1163, 1913, 957, 2634, 1579, 1580, 1088, 1492, 3794, 777, 3437, 2728, 2440, 1965, 2659, 3850, 1838, 3303, 3954, 852, 2098, 1907, 3143, 2323, 1286, 859, 1462, 3205, 161, 3559, 4158, 3256, 951, 2908, 2254, 212, 3032, 2251, 959, 825, 3602, 4089, 1421, 2574, 1377, 1250, 2613, 2157, 1945, 1503, 210, 144, 3883, 1164, 2400, 1767, 1814, 2929, 3386, 2952, 3677, 3690, 2461, 1331, 1626, 1732, 2195, 1686, 3629, 2338, 3003, 3134, 2161, 1346, 2424, 3814, 3094, 4135, 3839, 978, 1713, 727, 2413, 2123, 3874, 2020, 1073, 1257, 2311, 652, 3774, 2968, 3535, 1260, 684, 1067, 1900, 756, 3121, 2789, 3398, 925, 683, 606, 1425, 2510, 3940, 227, 1634, 1298, 2714, 2075, 1644, 1026, 3440, 3548, 3812, 3948, 2814, 3604, 2809, 2221, 2096, 1751, 2638, 995, 3014, 2835, 2180, 2633, 2226, 2693, 637, 183, 759, 829, 3588, 2450, 3953, 3613, 3770, 3096, 3290, 148, 2078, 3801, 169, 3511, 3201, 4155, 1474, 2456, 162, 1336, 1433, 2508, 1589, 2409, 3206, 1540, 4063, 459, 432, 438, 433, 439, 434, 440, 442, 435, 436, 441, 437, 8, 455, 456, 2685, 2667, 476, 477, 514, 899, 2537, 478, 479, 280, 281, 289, 287, 285, 286, 758, 2231, 2232, 3388, 585, 587, 586, 626, 627, 483, 443, 444, 1159, 2156, 2452, 481, 980, 981, 2867, 277, 278, 2202, 283, 284, 453, 452, 3986, 3987, 3778, 1630, 1632, 2532, 2533, 1894, 2907, 2904, 3687, 1687, 3607, 41, 2965, 1029, 4144, 3603, 1901, 3820, 2594, 492, 2228, 1303, 3563, 3293, 3294, 3539, 1410, 3308, 2627, 3860, 2691, 3869, 2428, 2703, 2702, 3766, 3947, 2405, 3410, 380, 2326, 409, 2470, 96, 891, 647, 3453, 544, 3983, 394, 1020, 749, 2392, 1223, 3708, 4082, 377, 1764, 843, 201, 1342, 3611, 2848, 1320, 1123, 3990, 808, 3091, 3596, 2502, 2411, 2636, 194, 1113, 2328, 173, 1865, 1, 468, 3593, 3295, 3904, 1785, 1480, 2558, 2591, 894, 4116, 1106, 657, 1537, 263, 2038, 2958, 885, 1548, 1712, 133, 1403, 1798, 62, 521, 1447, 2732, 1222, 4001, 2234, 3432, 955, 2810, 466, 2425, 3113, 2266, 2065, 1055, 3528, 744, 2872, 787, 2771, 654, 649, 596, 2349, 868, 1368, 3753, 2474, 2635, 3333, 1328, 3209, 3998, 987, 518, 3163, 3773, 3383, 1144, 830, 3656, 3985, 2784, 3518, 242, 1750, 803, 936, 47, 2694, 928, 3660, 1476, 2881, 3855, 1602, 678, 3758, 751, 1758, 446, 969, 4049, 424, 638, 1765, 304, 292, 3104, 713, 398, 1605, 4143, 2088, 2526, 902, 2247, 3033, 1692, 3574, 2761, 3374, 1172, 2629, 2669, 2225, 1552, 601, 499, 1383, 80, 998, 3699, 158, 1313, 2451, 3197, 3109, 2214, 412, 1701, 3852, 2619, 578, 2024, 1265, 1306, 3842, 1128, 3684, 1635, 2367, 2015, 3781, 1012, 2131, 3108, 3126, 3890, 872, 117, 4076, 2678, 890, 1370, 2663, 4090, 3438, 3145, 1048, 2277, 3844, 4098, 874, 2422, 2495, 676, 2185, 2874, 1623, 3719, 1564, 3351, 2274, 1561, 558, 3237, 3207, 1929, 3234, 3015, 2804, 391, 43, 298, 1445, 1496, 739, 534, 532, 531, 533, 3044, 430, 516, 3139, 4078, 1247, 3102, 3977, 2799, 3065, 421, 555, 315, 3906, 2769, 1028, 2999, 3029, 642, 3691, 2082, 3315, 793, 1531, 1734, 3480, 2280, 3056, 2821, 3359, 633, 3238, 2642, 1709, 1416, 1677, 3162, 1805, 2763, 1080, 4120, 44, 1599, 3600, 3533, 2134, 512, 4069, 236, 736, 2383, 2780, 2071, 2158, 2920, 663, 1254, 1183, 2268, 1513, 2646, 2239, 3464, 3806, 2696, 2687, 1882, 362, 3408, 1004, 3749, 113, 619, 715, 3422, 628, 630, 629, 1059, 3516, 2697, 1419, 909, 2783, 615, 707, 1469, 2129, 2898, 2391, 4148, 3933, 3235, 2245, 3700, 2800, 3339, 2606, 3595, 2011, 3363, 42, 2577, 1104, 4140, 1487, 908, 2301, 1010, 2257, 1657, 3149, 2436, 3529, 567, 2397, 3813, 2860, 2843, 3472, 3411, 3116, 519, 214, 223, 2998, 2360, 2586, 3522, 3000, 3175, 3792, 2416, 3619, 1920, 1533, 1248, 1784, 2897, 3682, 1958, 1636, 1637, 1823, 234, 195, 1101, 3301, 1072, 2989, 2805, 2415, 4010, 757, 3531, 3868, 1680, 2889, 2903, 704, 1473, 1698, 2812, 621, 718, 1961, 506, 291, 77, 3586, 288, 1232, 129, 838, 1115, 1266, 2352, 3785, 2698, 1833, 1834, 1175, 3894, 2457, 2630, 3768, 2244, 1837, 1818, 1360, 3725, 3513, 3756, 2500, 2559, 76, 1191, 1596, 3394, 3395, 2686, 3833, 3554, 1997, 2900, 1930, 31, 3218, 1408, 1773, 1772, 3318, 4012, 1415, 3735, 3319, 503, 75, 3591, 1866, 2758, 2995, 3706, 3709, 3896, 877, 3772, 4124, 2462, 2680, 1112, 3, 3572, 325, 1529, 1984, 425, 1243, 2310, 2325, 507, 602, 857, 2463, 1488, 462, 2056, 2341, 3429, 3886, 2184, 702, 2497, 3068, 260, 2708, 2822, 3219, 4085, 3570, 672, 2174, 2909, 1817, 423, 4128, 153, 177, 3790, 611, 1090, 2432, 903, 1937, 1407, 1641, 3080, 1962, 1858, 1013, 331, 2466, 1181, 1700, 1587, 728, 3779, 525, 2072, 1239, 3378, 641, 1056, 4074, 2438, 769, 1968, 3221, 2564, 924, 1215, 310, 3992, 1971, 2213, 3093, 845, 846, 993, 1980, 3918, 1694, 4077, 3305, 123, 328, 3803, 691, 2063, 383, 2127, 3669, 2641, 1214, 729, 1776, 3696, 1545, 3321, 3471, 3862, 49, 2915, 1643, 3122, 1507, 1523, 2002, 3589, 1695, 3590, 2807, 2819, 864, 3526, 3171, 2339, 1166, 655, 3322, 491, 2322, 3196, 2733, 147, 1409, 1896, 2542, 2937, 662, 732, 1627, 2599, 1211, 146, 1459, 271, 372, 417, 2118, 722, 3541, 1147, 4057, 1219, 3239, 82, 3312, 1236, 3278, 2299, 2762, 2106, 865, 2122, 2746, 1441, 2215, 2216, 2217, 469, 3071, 2738, 3178, 3545, 3540, 1234, 1033, 3764, 1619, 165, 3608, 2169, 1775, 494, 4027, 170, 2048, 368, 3140, 2869, 3848, 3849, 3216, 181, 2052, 1440, 1550, 3551, 4011, 776, 2622, 2149, 2575, 3891, 748, 3501, 84, 1952, 2571, 2933, 3477, 986, 1573, 1371, 270, 2873, 3661, 358, 653, 3451, 659, 1991, 1584, 2711, 1129, 3356, 2975, 935, 1411, 2142, 3831, 2551, 610, 2168, 1045, 2983, 2587, 3072, 3060, 3689, 2402, 1249, 1757, 2677, 893, 1319, 1518, 1209, 3118, 1453, 2036, 3064, 2808, 1105, 605, 2249, 809, 2765, 2366, 913, 688, 2293, 2670, 3810, 2674, 2727, 3887, 1976, 636, 142, 1119, 4083, 4034, 2890, 3875, 3761, 682, 699, 2726, 2921, 2306, 1341, 717, 2137, 1504, 2350, 906, 1783, 1399, 2264, 2541, 2441, 3204, 3364, 1312, 2464, 2294, 2969, 2981, 110, 3226, 3865, 1794, 3668, 2151, 725, 2026, 772, 46, 2087, 1365, 2177, 1509, 188, 1356, 1824, 1451, 2483, 2554, 588, 589, 2496, 2458, 1309, 2966, 1136, 2951, 807, 3915, 3379, 83, 1431, 2258, 2054, 4119, 3047, 2602, 1002, 3714, 2653, 3968, 3059, 2107, 849, 1872, 1873, 3373, 920, 3372, 3455, 1490, 1327, 2846, 4152, 1304, 1915, 742, 1177, 2854, 836, 1003, 2922, 34, 4018, 1731, 2398, 2208, 1171, 2589, 542, 64, 1111, 3846, 327, 1995, 705, 528, 3504, 1871, 3721, 3045, 2760, 2410, 3818, 1392, 119, 203, 2272, 3639, 3224, 1681, 1412, 3025, 2731, 1878, 1706, 1917, 1310, 1663, 2043, 2279, 889, 1394, 1019, 128, 3643, 1825, 2248, 2040, 675, 2459, 1821, 2778, 329, 1800, 2388, 1039, 743, 226, 2315, 2318, 2255, 2851, 2108, 2447, 2655, 6, 2117, 2176, 3898, 1594, 319, 2068, 4160, 3041, 537, 2094, 1803, 635, 4151, 4150, 1570, 1337, 1185, 3129, 1859, 2632, 1218, 1822, 1274, 1565, 353, 3336, 3978, 2681, 2953, 3097, 2320, 1861, 1005, 2389, 101, 513, 1889, 1888, 2598, 869, 219, 708, 1343, 1184, 4036, 4153, 3150, 3718, 1876, 3215, 1245, 1155, 3337, 3338, 3424, 3330, 3871, 2439, 386, 3521, 765, 3599, 3630, 3228, 2201, 2876, 1001, 1152, 1597, 1964, 1190, 3686, 3561, 104, 2781, 1333, 1271, 2090, 2099, 3172, 2826, 1633, 475, 734, 3821, 1086, 1268, 685, 1295, 1414, 1093, 3804, 1642, 3827, 1198, 1489, 1465, 340, 2179, 3789, 3625, 3261, 1941, 1985, 2455, 677, 3834, 3979, 3446, 1742, 1804, 2768, 2864, 2291, 4013, 3115, 4039, 3920, 2766, 3514, 3119, 3418, 2081, 3701, 563, 3744, 1697, 3382, 3428, 3469, 1664, 2858, 2309, 2744, 2825, 3463, 3517, 1148, 3127, 395, 30, 3263, 4127, 2891, 517, 3299, 1357, 2086, 712, 3647, 2370, 3412, 778, 898, 1477, 1544, 2095, 3626, 1782, 2237, 1862, 155, 3212, 79, 3348, 3805, 1502, 3273, 880, 946, 1098, 2028, 882, 1160, 1427, 750, 2085, 3223, 2377, 2152, 3324, 1188, 3147, 3375, 4132, 4133, 4131, 2910, 2932, 2420, 2512, 125, 1711, 3638, 646, 1140, 3951, 3791, 3737, 38, 1927, 1606, 1082, 3431, 3397, 396, 2013, 2832, 3707, 1690, 2034, 2833, 3269, 411, 3001, 1864, 3798, 2522, 566, 2172, 1071, 3202, 1261, 3859, 3641, 2049, 3208, 1582, 3456, 3058, 4146, 1378, 3250, 2974, 2480, 2481, 244, 1977, 2262, 723, 3623, 753, 3028, 1285, 2901, 1682, 4161, 1436, 4053, 1577, 3075, 4002, 3822, 634, 2139, 1568, 1338, 2147, 2224, 374, 2918, 3010, 2229, 568, 3442, 2956, 2673, 3265, 698, 3816, 1043, 2834, 4113, 1054, 1053, 2235, 357, 2514, 3057, 199, 351, 1904, 673, 3582, 3760, 3672, 1231, 2073, 2070, 1506, 1284, 202, 706, 2861, 2252, 2880, 2839, 4067, 1363, 2475, 1281, 1031, 801, 1662, 559, 3972, 1133, 1030, 2689, 2046, 1730, 1826, 3245, 3858, 3645, 2135, 175, 3203, 2943, 1194, 297, 1563, 1467, 604, 1986, 1011, 2356, 1127, 1729, 3997, 1903, 905, 1652, 88, 2844, 2465, 884, 658, 1842, 3414, 1350, 1793, 1109, 1460, 3566, 2358, 2091, 2473, 1046, 2037, 3615, 2111, 923, 2114, 2102, 790, 1078, 2312, 231, 1998, 1992, 3188, 1157, 182, 3488, 112, 800, 2917, 3913, 2739, 2916, 1302, 3345, 2603, 762, 2183, 2942, 1085, 2984, 842, 697, 2511, 2824, 419, 1006, 3606, 1089, 189, 917, 2977, 622, 2856, 608, 2501, 2581, 1484, 1118, 2519, 2528, 679, 257, 645, 1429, 3783, 1244, 2870, 485, 1708, 3258, 1788, 1516, 124, 178, 823, 3288, 2855, 3192, 3836, 815, 2820, 3199, 3917, 2041, 2074, 3797, 3988, 2133, 1845, 3393, 818, 1736, 1439, 3027, 1946, 3877, 354, 839, 1339, 1289, 3730, 1499, 2543, 1374, 3943, 1691, 3742, 1204, 640, 2057, 660, 4097, 1763, 1604, 3285, 1057, 3327, 3757, 3037, 1581, 2930, 2806, 2957, 2656, 1494, 2104, 3925, 3519, 1498, 3620, 1912, 3909, 172, 861, 854, 1608, 1040, 4009, 2039, 2595, 1505, 3654, 2912, 1400, 2862, 2583, 344, 3899, 3527, 2795, 2879, 2030, 1179, 3939, 1558, 1718, 2246, 3264, 2212, 3982, 3099, 1660, 1110, 3580, 3335, 3745, 4107, 3644, 3685, 1786, 1787, 1120, 3688, 593, 2775, 2166, 464, 1703, 3334, 1621, 1678, 3191, 3922, 860, 1966, 1854, 2289, 111, 4115, 3771, 703, 4026, 371, 2188, 2736, 1290, 1673, 168, 1317, 1426, 2842, 551, 1990, 1087, 2351, 2287, 2407, 2885, 381, 1076, 493, 1240, 90, 3181, 1497, 3367, 3168, 761, 2767, 2849, 1143, 339, 3786, 1227, 866, 4149, 2976, 570, 2494, 3427, 349, 741, 1607, 2109, 137, 789, 1220, 106, 3854, 3930, 1610, 1340, 3018, 3055, 3780, 3523, 4159, 2724, 2273, 2517, 2491, 2737, 3835, 3325, 3385, 1972, 785, 1323, 3298, 1761, 3460, 3655, 996, 2654, 1100, 1744, 350, 1749, 2136, 3584, 309, 400, 2671, 927, 1256, 1238, 1332, 473, 2105, 3142, 2718, 1574, 2175, 1404, 2265, 1769, 1651, 2548, 933, 1422, 1150, 1032, 2936, 529, 1796, 4028, 224, 3587, 1981, 1639, 2353, 4117, 828, 1017, 992, 1846, 2955, 45, 1195, 888, 3657, 2472, 367, 1066, 307, 916, 3481, 1471, 2518, 1206, 1661, 1251, 1740, 2706, 1770, 450, 2421, 2886, 3292, 265, 1122, 560, 32, 1153, 2887, 1021, 4031, 2607, 1693, 2588, 3712, 573, 4084, 692, 2260, 1162, 3106, 901, 3012, 2539, 3053, 2097, 1151, 248, 780, 2740, 2743, 3148, 3220, 1382, 735, 2080, 919, 2207, 1877, 3236, 496, 97, 526, 2787, 2618, 2066, 2990, 2938, 3934, 2555, 1117, 3769, 3307, 250, 841, 941, 3155, 1016, 2304, 3553, 3389, 554, 1754, 2972, 3900, 3021, 3748, 897, 1482, 2124, 1669, 166, 500, 2295, 3666, 4156, 136, 3705, 3702, 3546, 2774, 262, 3458, 3461, 267, 1820, 3023, 1154, 1131, 1559, 2793, 546, 1625, 3549, 2178, 617, 3289, 3164, 614, 196, 1099, 962, 2181, 1555, 1314, 1860, 1629, 3034, 1631, 2000, 2222, 1923, 1921, 3796, 539, 360, 1291, 945, 1571, 2486, 2625, 3723, 3342, 911, 907, 932, 4048, 3286, 1828, 1390, 1532, 352, 1361, 1041, 3483, 949, 2044, 2025, 3870, 1836, 696, 2298, 2433, 3841, 666, 3924, 1182, 1237, 1759, 2690, 345, 174, 2823, 3635, 984, 2700, 272, 393, 557, 3387, 1924, 1892, 2089, 1527, 2560, 2568, 2550, 2053, 2978, 3362, 1922, 2031, 2319, 1857, 2725, 3061, 2478, 1417, 1461, 4016, 971, 87, 2831, 4121, 1578, 2141, 1102, 1671, 1745, 1322, 2742, 1355, 3242, 788, 770, 1047, 3569, 3280, 2143, 3384, 2658, 997, 365, 1942, 3914, 3612, 2611, 2007, 2593, 3961, 2261, 1717, 965, 4014, 918, 618, 1442, 3317, 3653, 661, 2302, 3085, 3146, 1665, 3077, 953, 3496, 4017, 2614, 3486, 1914, 2850, 2704, 2047, 3160, 2417, 921, 2802, 3117, 3183, 363, 3575, 3562, 821, 1142, 2446, 3784, 2786, 2170, 1277, 384, 2561, 3433, 4075, 3013, 1934, 2401, 4062, 130, 3135, 1063, 1165, 1258, 2219, 1037, 1292, 737, 806, 2985, 3547, 3048, 2290, 3703, 3357, 3955, 3568, 497, 3652, 930, 163, 1137, 3958, 827, 2507, 934, 3406, 2286, 2749, 3710, 3550, 3076, 2960, 1951, 3577, 3487, 2816, 2871, 3361, 3002, 4123, 3004, 4111, 3838, 3495, 2055, 3016, 2203, 2993, 1668, 3304, 2535, 3133, 3627, 4000, 4025, 458, 2378, 2346, 1811, 2716, 2032, 2490, 89, 1840, 295, 991, 667, 668, 1253, 1373, 603, 2437, 474, 290, 294, 1795, 3086, 299, 2159, 2547, 764, 48, 414, 2238, 4081, 509, 3128, 1588, 3564, 3704, 1755, 254, 2211, 3457, 2454, 209, 3259, 3240, 2393, 2797, 931, 716, 2336, 2321, 2042, 1856, 2347, 482, 322, 2529, 1996, 1391, 3404, 3907, 1949, 3889, 2362, 1710, 1722, 3445, 4007, 792, 3262, 1616, 2374, 2504, 726, 3370, 3011, 3211, 3847, 1726, 2621, 3452, 1667, 4072, 760, 1879, 1276, 230, 2485, 1906, 1918, 1829, 1269, 3571, 1305, 4033, 947, 7, 3042, 3396, 1807, 1808, 3320, 305, 416, 321, 3465, 3882, 831, 664, 3502, 2314, 1180, 2919, 2562, 1536, 2303, 1208, 2342, 3157, 796, 3468, 3991, 1353, 2948, 522, 1522, 2453, 900, 1203, 3980, 1851, 1638, 2230, 2380, 1646, 102, 415, 851, 61, 2803, 4137, 2928, 401, 3555, 72, 1124, 2499, 2888, 3681, 1517, 813, 3673, 2661, 1728, 332, 886, 3633, 2126, 1149, 3484, 3912, 2263, 1216, 413, 192, 2684, 480, 460, 3558, 3332, 3039, 2330, 2112, 631, 1778, 3169, 2395, 3694, 3560, 1472, 3935, 3131, 956, 3592, 1396, 3829, 1546, 1362, 599, 912, 3046, 3430, 1714, 2033, 1014, 2609, 3467, 590, 3729, 3624, 3878, 1831, 4055, 1676, 3462, 2281, 3782, 505, 2515, 3975, 3450, 2390, 1316, 2132, 3391, 1491, 2772, 2059, 2335, 2623, 3313, 3884, 3392, 1259, 1890, 3809, 867, 3532, 3631, 356, 2987, 115, 863, 3377, 246, 3897, 1178, 2640, 510, 4101, 2620, 1926, 2950, 1325, 1326, 1434, 967, 1813, 3166, 2008, 2067, 156, 561, 193, 2745, 2875, 2688, 1384, 1068, 197, 361, 2600, 3903, 1530, 3368, 2553, 1955, 4050, 1202, 2103, 2645, 2838, 4125, 3649, 623, 3417, 2988, 3144, 3752, 3536, 3439, 1812, 1752, 1500, 2572, 313, 3499, 2701, 1264, 1628, 2001, 3231, 2488, 1406, 547, 2267, 2276, 311, 2200, 4046, 1512, 2492, 2418, 2845, 2256, 1228, 3683, 926, 2963, 643, 3724, 1457, 4157, 3030, 3963, 3964, 3739, 3746, 1910, 2605, 1672, 3283, 571, 2005, 3857, 2148, 3928, 3881, 1932, 2546, 1556, 1771, 2752, 3863, 3872, 3225, 3919, 3070, 3675, 2712, 3017, 3667, 2997, 1600, 2305, 1841, 680, 4118, 960, 3272, 387, 2146, 388, 1647, 3825, 1705, 2777, 2194, 1027, 1950, 3788, 2138, 3346, 3035, 3765, 853, 3009, 3082, 3880, 3873, 681, 2113, 1895, 4154, 63, 1241, 2666, 2018, 1351, 2012, 1207, 2651, 484, 3098, 1449, 938, 1501, 3326, 862, 1024, 1376, 1554, 1344, 3415, 3507, 3400, 2093, 4114, 3621, 3179, 1042, 2296, 2363, 937, 55, 2815, 216, 167, 3436, 107, 1585, 2878, 3482, 2665, 3266, 1009, 979, 1423, 3355, 1543, 1515, 3022, 3063, 4103, 1463, 1466, 2506, 1867, 375, 3088, 2243, 3864, 300, 3246, 3665, 3090, 3494, 1475, 2163, 848, 1354, 3062, 1816, 3493, 795, 833, 2357, 669, 670, 671, 1485, 2348, 1899, 2755, 2756, 2617, 3826, 3297, 3112, 2332, 3651, 3679, 1212, 3867, 3241, 1386, 471, 4100, 711, 1739, 3950, 1307, 1229, 1230, 2190, 1091, 700, 397, 562, 2668, 3556, 1168, 972, 1526, 3352, 2590, 2626, 2652, 2863, 3006, 252, 3888, 2250, 2121, 2120, 2119, 1928, 1263, 2379, 3069, 2171, 241, 3232, 3416, 1535, 3823, 2992, 3984, 4129, 176, 2927, 3793, 4054, 1062, 1982, 3733, 856, 2722, 3200, 2198, 1398, 403, 952, 1169, 2337, 2828, 1650, 58, 958, 2206, 1724, 961, 1679, 2197, 3287, 420, 3413, 4122, 2610, 3678, 2253, 2616, 472, 3583, 1954, 1138, 1139, 3421, 1455, 3837, 4106, 2675, 3244, 2829, 2830, 3344, 1493, 3066, 3489, 501, 4035, 35, 4056, 3349, 1911, 1201, 1994, 3732, 878, 342, 341, 2715, 2503, 3674, 2045, 314, 2884, 3399, 1521, 132, 3581, 4047, 3024, 2329, 2624, 3720, 690, 939, 3755, 100, 786, 1897, 1933, 779, 1287, 3120, 3552, 2368, 126, 490, 1288, 2994, 3500, 1145, 1330, 296, 2970, 2520, 714, 3049, 1902, 2069, 2813, 3233, 812, 3905, 86, 3663, 3662, 1777, 3579, 3601, 3598, 3154, 4145, 2482, 1973, 545, 2741, 2709, 2394, 3967, 1748, 3079, 948, 1659, 3254, 382, 3425, 2770, 2747, 198, 4126, 3470, 3498, 3302, 2639, 3970, 3358, 2010, 4138, 4093, 3929, 1675, 1301, 2285, 2817, 1849, 3892, 2751, 2959, 771, 2679, 3167, 449, 1827, 185, 3795, 766, 2364, 1077, 940, 3380, 3195, 1898, 2130, 3282, 68, 3544, 3248, 3310, 3281, 171, 1058, 3153, 3087, 2676, 3965, 4032, 644, 881, 2753, 2144, 1130, 752, 1810, 2750, 2509, 1329, 2307, 3565, 1081, 3885, 2592, 2827, 639, 3306, 4134, 2926, 1603, 3103, 1974, 1975, 1590, 553, 229, 2580, 1756, 724, 1688, 2448, 1541, 2484, 1880, 1886, 875, 2345, 2167, 1979, 3727, 359, 904, 508, 2115, 2116, 2396, 422, 3434, 1528, 2404, 944, 2597, 2754, 1586, 3123, 39, 1348, 1000, 3856, 3853, 3083, 2128, 2628, 1557, 2866, 2531, 3435, 1723, 150, 301, 258, 3520, 2545, 1792, 564, 4070, 3736, 3130, 448, 665, 1716, 217, 1395, 527, 1103, 3185, 942, 4112, 3105, 1167, 245, 1380, 579, 2361, 4110, 693, 1315, 2434, 1479, 1170, 3340, 2857, 1270, 3941, 876, 2355, 3996, 1061, 3423, 465, 540, 541, 3268, 2300, 730, 3198, 461, 121, 2895, 333, 1438, 1065, 975, 977, 1999, 2945, 794, 1197, 1987, 4058, 4020, 3542, 302, 1891, 3994, 2384, 2385, 2386, 3741, 3381, 2100, 2223, 3931, 3962, 470, 3177, 2893, 66, 3274, 486, 3249, 2343, 109, 3247, 1007, 3366, 1768, 819, 746, 3505, 3350, 2573, 2565, 1052, 2883, 1944, 3419, 426, 3787, 2155, 832, 686, 3802, 999, 783, 2060, 2721, 3995, 1050, 3020, 721, 3152, 1379, 3956, 804, 1347, 2192, 773, 556, 1760, 1848, 2982, 502, 184, 3808, 3296, 2973, 2569, 4091, 2426, 1727, 1079, 1308, 2601, 1799, 151, 2513, 2660, 1435, 2657, 3524, 1839, 892, 3255, 2399, 3054, 781, 1560, 3401, 1781, 3734, 2534, 141, 2759, 3403, 1280, 2498, 3993, 1300, 835, 348, 3713, 3974, 3800, 2944, 240, 3932, 1064, 970, 1617, 1226, 4060, 1015, 1789, 1217, 1069, 103, 1275, 1174, 797, 2523, 1684, 3927, 454, 3270, 190, 3230, 1725, 1835, 2476, 2902, 810, 2792, 225, 3043, 2683, 3716, 3902, 4092, 687, 330, 802, 2934, 4136, 822, 3426, 3159, 2906, 274, 256, 582, 767, 870, 710, 1051, 3628, 3942, 3508, 1583, 3447, 1430, 3659, 2022, 2460, 3257, 3497, 3893, 2612, 370, 1762, 3650, 2648, 4096, 65, 3040, 2340, 3252, 2723, 1444, 2925, 1615, 3594, 4019, 4059, 1569, 3222, 2525, 3114, 488, 858, 1970, 3609, 731, 1364, 1612, 3311, 616, 2882, 1874, 1622, 2734, 2720, 2009, 2695, 2596, 52, 1953, 740, 2877, 1524, 2717, 1156, 954, 1843, 2076, 3576, 816, 747, 624, 625, 922, 406, 238, 963, 2218, 33, 3510, 28, 369, 1591, 1514, 1689, 2344, 983, 347, 775, 67, 3762, 73, 3341, 1255, 2650, 1375, 187, 1246, 407, 1428, 879, 2521, 1735, 429, 2110, 2242, 2278, 3537, 1196, 1654, 1132, 1074, 1683, 950, 1092, 1096, 2773, 1699, 2941, 98, 515, 4045, 2431, 2790, 3078, 2524, 2412, 837, 2939, 3680, 1963, 1097, 2365, 4071, 3616, 1420, 3132, 1279, 3747, 1847, 2672, 1388, 2331, 2662, 498, 2227, 251, 575, 3227, 3717, 335, 2359, 1881, 3817, 4064, 1158, 552, 2980, 2582, 2236, 1595, 1060, 3485, 2516, 2371, 1437, 1696, 71, 1296, 1989, 3466, 840, 784, 4080, 4037, 149, 1401, 463, 1611, 2563, 650, 220, 3475, 1018, 2160, 3597, 2061, 405, 495, 134, 4065, 4066, 338, 3642, 2153, 2140, 3360, 1908, 2536, 2196, 2530, 1948, 3938, 2381, 2406, 4015, 2782, 968, 3329, 3291, 3618, 4073, 4021, 2859, 3811, 2991, 873, 3184, 2023, 1454, 3866, 2566, 3213, 2283, 2079, 895, 3314, 3343, 2182, 118, 548, 2796, 2713, 2785, 3354, 1567, 145, 3005, 37, 1598, 4022, 105, 1116, 576, 1925, 3722, 3622, 2369, 3610, 3671, 3506, 3637, 824, 3711, 2173, 1176, 974, 990, 2101, 3754, 1393, 3448, 1297, 200, 3828, 1036, 3585, 1885, 2643, 2644, 3763, 973, 1806, 2986, 1262, 1534, 929, 3936, 2788, 799, 127, 1704, 355, 871, 3376, 2967, 2449, 4006, 632, 3253, 1774, 577, 1189, 1367, 1707, 2608, 3074, 2062, 3969, 3832, 1283, 1224, 1345, 392, 3107, 3170, 418, 4024, 1424, 2604, 2764, 1613, 3008, 798, 2092, 1640, 1747, 2354, 2836, 2193, 1125, 1658, 805, 1478, 1334, 3277, 364, 1733, 261, 4141, 2791, 524, 2189, 1702, 2962, 3726, 489, 3300, 3676, 720, 3124, 1402, 427, 3089, 3217, 1008, 3151, 2241, 2865, 2471, 3110, 268, 745, 569, 2615, 768, 3534, 2429, 2035, 237, 70, 3210, 373, 1293, 1815, 2735, 1038, 2552, 1624, 4005, 1458, 1797, 1967, 4088, 1649, 3876, 574, 467, 2204, 1539, 1450, 1452, 2801, 1318, 2444, 1448, 1549, 40, 3353, 1809, 565, 186, 2282, 2164, 3420, 3830, 3229, 1035, 883, 3759, 1352, 613, 3193, 379, 2852, 4038, 1200, 609, 1614, 550, 3698, 2719, 3614, 3636, 3861, 976, 1655, 3328, 53, 3084, 3031, 3182, 3743, 3697, 1715, 2313, 3407, 847, 1199, 2051, 410, 1645, 504, 3751, 50, 2894, 910, 451, 228, 1510, 303, 1931, 1299, 511, 1685, 1481, 1413, 3081, 994, 1832, 2913, 2576, 1210, 4061, 1324, 2333, 581, 2540, 988, 3664, 3371, 850, 2905, 91, 3390, 239, 2477, 3824, 3728, 3409, 2949, 1381, 3966, 2964, 2327, 4029, 591, 2064, 3138, 1114, 1405, 3692, 2308, 3180, 1359, 572, 3738, 1909, 1107, 1108, 1978, 4003, 4142, 1802, 324, 54, 323, 1674, 580, 2442, 2435, 3557, 2841, 293, 3111, 549, 2288, 1852, 191, 1456, 221, 1446, 1173, 1349, 2699, 159, 389, 656, 1294, 2868, 2914, 2853, 143, 408, 4040, 259, 1562, 782, 152, 1134, 457, 3476, 4041, 3365, 179, 235, 607, 3646, 3538, 2538, 1468, 520, 1738, 3946, 3323, 2570, 4043, 597, 2585, 346, 1418, 1780, 1844, 1884, 1938) ORDER BY i.image_rating DESC, i.image_rating DESC
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1940, 3141, 3981, 4023, 2430, 2316, 4068, 4079, 3509, 3605, 2162, 3567, 1853, 3573, 2233, 3073, 2292, 2947, 1609, 1870, 3331, 385, 1520, 1575, 1576, 2271, 4, 205, 3807, 2284, 3999, 2186, 36, 620, 29, 2971, 2017, 1161, 316, 1233, 1221, 4042, 4044, 2579, 2077, 69, 4104, 1084, 2779, 1620, 4105, 160, 27, 2489, 694, 695, 738, 2209, 2210, 834, 3840, 1791, 985, 536, 4052, 180, 2150, 2027, 964, 2647, 3693, 2794, 1887, 1883, 2837, 376, 966, 247, 774, 120, 249, 2798, 1939, 1023, 2631, 2707, 1369, 3916, 2240, 3617, 2979, 1790, 3843, 3369, 22, 10, 11, 12, 25, 13, 24, 14, 3137, 2710, 399, 253, 2050, 3491, 3815, 1572, 2487, 1282, 3492, 2847, 366, 3578, 264, 1387, 763, 3775, 3776, 3187, 2584, 99, 1483, 2372, 3543, 1863, 1034, 1495, 2019, 131, 1486, 3449, 1213, 157, 1653, 3959, 3007, 811, 896, 3136, 1311, 1741, 719, 3949, 326, 2408, 3490, 2270, 1547, 3845, 3165, 447, 2125, 1321, 154, 3019, 583, 3895, 2527, 1830, 2578, 3731, 2935, 814, 3158, 3402, 3911, 116, 2818, 3243, 337, 3740, 4099, 402, 538, 2199, 4087, 4109, 855, 1855, 213, 4108, 2549, 3937, 1432, 1187, 1542, 3405, 2557, 2556, 2567, 3851, 2692, 139, 3976, 3309, 3908, 3260, 2840, 114, 3926, 2961, 2375, 1049, 3316, 3715, 2154, 1278, 1358, 1235, 1075, 3634, 1801, 3478, 243, 2220, 3284, 1666, 826, 1743, 1746, 2145, 2493, 2923, 3515, 3161, 3503, 1988, 1969, 4147, 3267, 2423, 914, 3767, 4130, 3275, 3095, 81, 59, 208, 51, 648, 1553, 390, 1022, 1618, 1083, 3176, 651, 1753, 1366, 2664, 674, 3971, 989, 312, 817, 343, 266, 3901, 2373, 594, 1656, 2931, 3125, 3251, 273, 1186, 1936, 3214, 2004, 1869, 3276, 3173, 3174, 3479, 943, 2445, 2058, 2911, 487, 2469, 1538, 2924, 2811, 4102, 1819, 4094, 2649, 2014, 3186, 3799, 1044, 3952, 4139, 887, 1192, 74, 2729, 2637, 3530, 2892, 1566, 3454, 3036, 2269, 1519, 2748, 2757, 1141, 3443, 1121, 2954, 3026, 2940, 3194, 108, 3444, 3525, 3512, 1273, 204, 3695, 3190, 2334, 164, 3960, 1193, 1525, 1372, 4008, 2083, 600, 1335, 2084, 3819, 1252, 3989, 2682, 3189, 982, 1959, 1868, 1070, 317, 3973, 2029, 3648, 318, 2467, 135, 530, 791, 709, 207, 211, 215, 222, 122, 3921, 1397, 915, 3459, 1225, 3441, 3038, 2382, 3957, 3052, 2996, 3347, 3879, 595, 85, 820, 78, 1470, 3658, 2544, 3640, 1601, 1267, 1983, 1511, 1648, 1025, 3910, 1464, 4086, 2946, 3156, 2443, 1943, 3101, 3632, 2376, 592, 2896, 138, 3050, 1993, 255, 3271, 1508, 2187, 754, 755, 2006, 2776, 1135, 2003, 2324, 3092, 2468, 4030, 2403, 523, 733, 218, 2730, 3067, 543, 612, 3923, 4004, 2419, 4051, 1163, 1913, 957, 2634, 1579, 1580, 1088, 1492, 3794, 777, 3437, 2728, 2440, 1965, 2659, 3850, 1838, 3303, 3954, 852, 2098, 1907, 3143, 2323, 1286, 859, 1462, 3205, 161, 3559, 4158, 3256, 951, 2908, 2254, 212, 3032, 2251, 959, 825, 3602, 4089, 1421, 2574, 1377, 1250, 2613, 2157, 1945, 1503, 210, 144, 3883, 1164, 2400, 1767, 1814, 2929, 3386, 2952, 3677, 3690, 2461, 1331, 1626, 1732, 2195, 1686, 3629, 2338, 3003, 3134, 2161, 1346, 2424, 3814, 3094, 4135, 3839, 978, 1713, 727, 2413, 2123, 3874, 2020, 1073, 1257, 2311, 652, 3774, 2968, 3535, 1260, 684, 1067, 1900, 756, 3121, 2789, 3398, 925, 683, 606, 1425, 2510, 3940, 227, 1634, 1298, 2714, 2075, 1644, 1026, 3440, 3548, 3812, 3948, 2814, 3604, 2809, 2221, 2096, 1751, 2638, 995, 3014, 2835, 2180, 2633, 2226, 2693, 637, 183, 759, 829, 3588, 2450, 3953, 3613, 3770, 3096, 3290, 148, 2078, 3801, 169, 3511, 3201, 4155, 1474, 2456, 162, 1336, 1433, 2508, 1589, 2409, 3206, 1540, 4063, 459, 432, 438, 433, 439, 434, 440, 442, 435, 436, 441, 437, 8, 455, 456, 2685, 2667, 476, 477, 514, 899, 2537, 478, 479, 280, 281, 289, 287, 285, 286, 758, 2231, 2232, 3388, 585, 587, 586, 626, 627, 483, 443, 444, 1159, 2156, 2452, 481, 980, 981, 2867, 277, 278, 2202, 283, 284, 453, 452, 3986, 3987, 3778, 1630, 1632, 2532, 2533, 1894, 2907, 2904, 3687, 1687, 3607, 41, 2965, 1029, 4144, 3603, 1901, 3820, 2594, 492, 2228, 1303, 3563, 3293, 3294, 3539, 1410, 3308, 2627, 3860, 2691, 3869, 2428, 2703, 2702, 3766, 3947, 2405, 3410, 380, 2326, 409, 2470, 96, 891, 647, 3453, 544, 3983, 394, 1020, 749, 2392, 1223, 3708, 4082, 377, 1764, 843, 201, 1342, 3611, 2848, 1320, 1123, 3990, 808, 3091, 3596, 2502, 2411, 2636, 194, 1113, 2328, 173, 1865, 1, 468, 3593, 3295, 3904, 1785, 1480, 2558, 2591, 894, 4116, 1106, 657, 1537, 263, 2038, 2958, 885, 1548, 1712, 133, 1403, 1798, 62, 521, 1447, 2732, 1222, 4001, 2234, 3432, 955, 2810, 466, 2425, 3113, 2266, 2065, 1055, 3528, 744, 2872, 787, 2771, 654, 649, 596, 2349, 868, 1368, 3753, 2474, 2635, 3333, 1328, 3209, 3998, 987, 518, 3163, 3773, 3383, 1144, 830, 3656, 3985, 2784, 3518, 242, 1750, 803, 936, 47, 2694, 928, 3660, 1476, 2881, 3855, 1602, 678, 3758, 751, 1758, 446, 969, 4049, 424, 638, 1765, 304, 292, 3104, 713, 398, 1605, 4143, 2088, 2526, 902, 2247, 3033, 1692, 3574, 2761, 3374, 1172, 2629, 2669, 2225, 1552, 601, 499, 1383, 80, 998, 3699, 158, 1313, 2451, 3197, 3109, 2214, 412, 1701, 3852, 2619, 578, 2024, 1265, 1306, 3842, 1128, 3684, 1635, 2367, 2015, 3781, 1012, 2131, 3108, 3126, 3890, 872, 117, 4076, 2678, 890, 1370, 2663, 4090, 3438, 3145, 1048, 2277, 3844, 4098, 874, 2422, 2495, 676, 2185, 2874, 1623, 3719, 1564, 3351, 2274, 1561, 558, 3237, 3207, 1929, 3234, 3015, 2804, 391, 43, 298, 1445, 1496, 739, 534, 532, 531, 533, 3044, 430, 516, 3139, 4078, 1247, 3102, 3977, 2799, 3065, 421, 555, 315, 3906, 2769, 1028, 2999, 3029, 642, 3691, 2082, 3315, 793, 1531, 1734, 3480, 2280, 3056, 2821, 3359, 633, 3238, 2642, 1709, 1416, 1677, 3162, 1805, 2763, 1080, 4120, 44, 1599, 3600, 3533, 2134, 512, 4069, 236, 736, 2383, 2780, 2071, 2158, 2920, 663, 1254, 1183, 2268, 1513, 2646, 2239, 3464, 3806, 2696, 2687, 1882, 362, 3408, 1004, 3749, 113, 619, 715, 3422, 628, 630, 629, 1059, 3516, 2697, 1419, 909, 2783, 615, 707, 1469, 2129, 2898, 2391, 4148, 3933, 3235, 2245, 3700, 2800, 3339, 2606, 3595, 2011, 3363, 42, 2577, 1104, 4140, 1487, 908, 2301, 1010, 2257, 1657, 3149, 2436, 3529, 567, 2397, 3813, 2860, 2843, 3472, 3411, 3116, 519, 214, 223, 2998, 2360, 2586, 3522, 3000, 3175, 3792, 2416, 3619, 1920, 1533, 1248, 1784, 2897, 3682, 1958, 1636, 1637, 1823, 234, 195, 1101, 3301, 1072, 2989, 2805, 2415, 4010, 757, 3531, 3868, 1680, 2889, 2903, 704, 1473, 1698, 2812, 621, 718, 1961, 506, 291, 77, 3586, 288, 1232, 129, 838, 1115, 1266, 2352, 3785, 2698, 1833, 1834, 1175, 3894, 2457, 2630, 3768, 2244, 1837, 1818, 1360, 3725, 3513, 3756, 2500, 2559, 76, 1191, 1596, 3394, 3395, 2686, 3833, 3554, 1997, 2900, 1930, 31, 3218, 1408, 1773, 1772, 3318, 4012, 1415, 3735, 3319, 503, 75, 3591, 1866, 2758, 2995, 3706, 3709, 3896, 877, 3772, 4124, 2462, 2680, 1112, 3, 3572, 325, 1529, 1984, 425, 1243, 2310, 2325, 507, 602, 857, 2463, 1488, 462, 2056, 2341, 3429, 3886, 2184, 702, 2497, 3068, 260, 2708, 2822, 3219, 4085, 3570, 672, 2174, 2909, 1817, 423, 4128, 153, 177, 3790, 611, 1090, 2432, 903, 1937, 1407, 1641, 3080, 1962, 1858, 1013, 331, 2466, 1181, 1700, 1587, 728, 3779, 525, 2072, 1239, 3378, 641, 1056, 4074, 2438, 769, 1968, 3221, 2564, 924, 1215, 310, 3992, 1971, 2213, 3093, 845, 846, 993, 1980, 3918, 1694, 4077, 3305, 123, 328, 3803, 691, 2063, 383, 2127, 3669, 2641, 1214, 729, 1776, 3696, 1545, 3321, 3471, 3862, 49, 2915, 1643, 3122, 1507, 1523, 2002, 3589, 1695, 3590, 2807, 2819, 864, 3526, 3171, 2339, 1166, 655, 3322, 491, 2322, 3196, 2733, 147, 1409, 1896, 2542, 2937, 662, 732, 1627, 2599, 1211, 146, 1459, 271, 372, 417, 2118, 722, 3541, 1147, 4057, 1219, 3239, 82, 3312, 1236, 3278, 2299, 2762, 2106, 865, 2122, 2746, 1441, 2215, 2216, 2217, 469, 3071, 2738, 3178, 3545, 3540, 1234, 1033, 3764, 1619, 165, 3608, 2169, 1775, 494, 4027, 170, 2048, 368, 3140, 2869, 3848, 3849, 3216, 181, 2052, 1440, 1550, 3551, 4011, 776, 2622, 2149, 2575, 3891, 748, 3501, 84, 1952, 2571, 2933, 3477, 986, 1573, 1371, 270, 2873, 3661, 358, 653, 3451, 659, 1991, 1584, 2711, 1129, 3356, 2975, 935, 1411, 2142, 3831, 2551, 610, 2168, 1045, 2983, 2587, 3072, 3060, 3689, 2402, 1249, 1757, 2677, 893, 1319, 1518, 1209, 3118, 1453, 2036, 3064, 2808, 1105, 605, 2249, 809, 2765, 2366, 913, 688, 2293, 2670, 3810, 2674, 2727, 3887, 1976, 636, 142, 1119, 4083, 4034, 2890, 3875, 3761, 682, 699, 2726, 2921, 2306, 1341, 717, 2137, 1504, 2350, 906, 1783, 1399, 2264, 2541, 2441, 3204, 3364, 1312, 2464, 2294, 2969, 2981, 110, 3226, 3865, 1794, 3668, 2151, 725, 2026, 772, 46, 2087, 1365, 2177, 1509, 188, 1356, 1824, 1451, 2483, 2554, 588, 589, 2496, 2458, 1309, 2966, 1136, 2951, 807, 3915, 3379, 83, 1431, 2258, 2054, 4119, 3047, 2602, 1002, 3714, 2653, 3968, 3059, 2107, 849, 1872, 1873, 3373, 920, 3372, 3455, 1490, 1327, 2846, 4152, 1304, 1915, 742, 1177, 2854, 836, 1003, 2922, 34, 4018, 1731, 2398, 2208, 1171, 2589, 542, 64, 1111, 3846, 327, 1995, 705, 528, 3504, 1871, 3721, 3045, 2760, 2410, 3818, 1392, 119, 203, 2272, 3639, 3224, 1681, 1412, 3025, 2731, 1878, 1706, 1917, 1310, 1663, 2043, 2279, 889, 1394, 1019, 128, 3643, 1825, 2248, 2040, 675, 2459, 1821, 2778, 329, 1800, 2388, 1039, 743, 226, 2315, 2318, 2255, 2851, 2108, 2447, 2655, 6, 2117, 2176, 3898, 1594, 319, 2068, 4160, 3041, 537, 2094, 1803, 635, 4151, 4150, 1570, 1337, 1185, 3129, 1859, 2632, 1218, 1822, 1274, 1565, 353, 3336, 3978, 2681, 2953, 3097, 2320, 1861, 1005, 2389, 101, 513, 1889, 1888, 2598, 869, 219, 708, 1343, 1184, 4036, 4153, 3150, 3718, 1876, 3215, 1245, 1155, 3337, 3338, 3424, 3330, 3871, 2439, 386, 3521, 765, 3599, 3630, 3228, 2201, 2876, 1001, 1152, 1597, 1964, 1190, 3686, 3561, 104, 2781, 1333, 1271, 2090, 2099, 3172, 2826, 1633, 475, 734, 3821, 1086, 1268, 685, 1295, 1414, 1093, 3804, 1642, 3827, 1198, 1489, 1465, 340, 2179, 3789, 3625, 3261, 1941, 1985, 2455, 677, 3834, 3979, 3446, 1742, 1804, 2768, 2864, 2291, 4013, 3115, 4039, 3920, 2766, 3514, 3119, 3418, 2081, 3701, 563, 3744, 1697, 3382, 3428, 3469, 1664, 2858, 2309, 2744, 2825, 3463, 3517, 1148, 3127, 395, 30, 3263, 4127, 2891, 517, 3299, 1357, 2086, 712, 3647, 2370, 3412, 778, 898, 1477, 1544, 2095, 3626, 1782, 2237, 1862, 155, 3212, 79, 3348, 3805, 1502, 3273, 880, 946, 1098, 2028, 882, 1160, 1427, 750, 2085, 3223, 2377, 2152, 3324, 1188, 3147, 3375, 4132, 4133, 4131, 2910, 2932, 2420, 2512, 125, 1711, 3638, 646, 1140, 3951, 3791, 3737, 38, 1927, 1606, 1082, 3431, 3397, 396, 2013, 2832, 3707, 1690, 2034, 2833, 3269, 411, 3001, 1864, 3798, 2522, 566, 2172, 1071, 3202, 1261, 3859, 3641, 2049, 3208, 1582, 3456, 3058, 4146, 1378, 3250, 2974, 2480, 2481, 244, 1977, 2262, 723, 3623, 753, 3028, 1285, 2901, 1682, 4161, 1436, 4053, 1577, 3075, 4002, 3822, 634, 2139, 1568, 1338, 2147, 2224, 374, 2918, 3010, 2229, 568, 3442, 2956, 2673, 3265, 698, 3816, 1043, 2834, 4113, 1054, 1053, 2235, 357, 2514, 3057, 199, 351, 1904, 673, 3582, 3760, 3672, 1231, 2073, 2070, 1506, 1284, 202, 706, 2861, 2252, 2880, 2839, 4067, 1363, 2475, 1281, 1031, 801, 1662, 559, 3972, 1133, 1030, 2689, 2046, 1730, 1826, 3245, 3858, 3645, 2135, 175, 3203, 2943, 1194, 297, 1563, 1467, 604, 1986, 1011, 2356, 1127, 1729, 3997, 1903, 905, 1652, 88, 2844, 2465, 884, 658, 1842, 3414, 1350, 1793, 1109, 1460, 3566, 2358, 2091, 2473, 1046, 2037, 3615, 2111, 923, 2114, 2102, 790, 1078, 2312, 231, 1998, 1992, 3188, 1157, 182, 3488, 112, 800, 2917, 3913, 2739, 2916, 1302, 3345, 2603, 762, 2183, 2942, 1085, 2984, 842, 697, 2511, 2824, 419, 1006, 3606, 1089, 189, 917, 2977, 622, 2856, 608, 2501, 2581, 1484, 1118, 2519, 2528, 679, 257, 645, 1429, 3783, 1244, 2870, 485, 1708, 3258, 1788, 1516, 124, 178, 823, 3288, 2855, 3192, 3836, 815, 2820, 3199, 3917, 2041, 2074, 3797, 3988, 2133, 1845, 3393, 818, 1736, 1439, 3027, 1946, 3877, 354, 839, 1339, 1289, 3730, 1499, 2543, 1374, 3943, 1691, 3742, 1204, 640, 2057, 660, 4097, 1763, 1604, 3285, 1057, 3327, 3757, 3037, 1581, 2930, 2806, 2957, 2656, 1494, 2104, 3925, 3519, 1498, 3620, 1912, 3909, 172, 861, 854, 1608, 1040, 4009, 2039, 2595, 1505, 3654, 2912, 1400, 2862, 2583, 344, 3899, 3527, 2795, 2879, 2030, 1179, 3939, 1558, 1718, 2246, 3264, 2212, 3982, 3099, 1660, 1110, 3580, 3335, 3745, 4107, 3644, 3685, 1786, 1787, 1120, 3688, 593, 2775, 2166, 464, 1703, 3334, 1621, 1678, 3191, 3922, 860, 1966, 1854, 2289, 111, 4115, 3771, 703, 4026, 371, 2188, 2736, 1290, 1673, 168, 1317, 1426, 2842, 551, 1990, 1087, 2351, 2287, 2407, 2885, 381, 1076, 493, 1240, 90, 3181, 1497, 3367, 3168, 761, 2767, 2849, 1143, 339, 3786, 1227, 866, 4149, 2976, 570, 2494, 3427, 349, 741, 1607, 2109, 137, 789, 1220, 106, 3854, 3930, 1610, 1340, 3018, 3055, 3780, 3523, 4159, 2724, 2273, 2517, 2491, 2737, 3835, 3325, 3385, 1972, 785, 1323, 3298, 1761, 3460, 3655, 996, 2654, 1100, 1744, 350, 1749, 2136, 3584, 309, 400, 2671, 927, 1256, 1238, 1332, 473, 2105, 3142, 2718, 1574, 2175, 1404, 2265, 1769, 1651, 2548, 933, 1422, 1150, 1032, 2936, 529, 1796, 4028, 224, 3587, 1981, 1639, 2353, 4117, 828, 1017, 992, 1846, 2955, 45, 1195, 888, 3657, 2472, 367, 1066, 307, 916, 3481, 1471, 2518, 1206, 1661, 1251, 1740, 2706, 1770, 450, 2421, 2886, 3292, 265, 1122, 560, 32, 1153, 2887, 1021, 4031, 2607, 1693, 2588, 3712, 573, 4084, 692, 2260, 1162, 3106, 901, 3012, 2539, 3053, 2097, 1151, 248, 780, 2740, 2743, 3148, 3220, 1382, 735, 2080, 919, 2207, 1877, 3236, 496, 97, 526, 2787, 2618, 2066, 2990, 2938, 3934, 2555, 1117, 3769, 3307, 250, 841, 941, 3155, 1016, 2304, 3553, 3389, 554, 1754, 2972, 3900, 3021, 3748, 897, 1482, 2124, 1669, 166, 500, 2295, 3666, 4156, 136, 3705, 3702, 3546, 2774, 262, 3458, 3461, 267, 1820, 3023, 1154, 1131, 1559, 2793, 546, 1625, 3549, 2178, 617, 3289, 3164, 614, 196, 1099, 962, 2181, 1555, 1314, 1860, 1629, 3034, 1631, 2000, 2222, 1923, 1921, 3796, 539, 360, 1291, 945, 1571, 2486, 2625, 3723, 3342, 911, 907, 932, 4048, 3286, 1828, 1390, 1532, 352, 1361, 1041, 3483, 949, 2044, 2025, 3870, 1836, 696, 2298, 2433, 3841, 666, 3924, 1182, 1237, 1759, 2690, 345, 174, 2823, 3635, 984, 2700, 272, 393, 557, 3387, 1924, 1892, 2089, 1527, 2560, 2568, 2550, 2053, 2978, 3362, 1922, 2031, 2319, 1857, 2725, 3061, 2478, 1417, 1461, 4016, 971, 87, 2831, 4121, 1578, 2141, 1102, 1671, 1745, 1322, 2742, 1355, 3242, 788, 770, 1047, 3569, 3280, 2143, 3384, 2658, 997, 365, 1942, 3914, 3612, 2611, 2007, 2593, 3961, 2261, 1717, 965, 4014, 918, 618, 1442, 3317, 3653, 661, 2302, 3085, 3146, 1665, 3077, 953, 3496, 4017, 2614, 3486, 1914, 2850, 2704, 2047, 3160, 2417, 921, 2802, 3117, 3183, 363, 3575, 3562, 821, 1142, 2446, 3784, 2786, 2170, 1277, 384, 2561, 3433, 4075, 3013, 1934, 2401, 4062, 130, 3135, 1063, 1165, 1258, 2219, 1037, 1292, 737, 806, 2985, 3547, 3048, 2290, 3703, 3357, 3955, 3568, 497, 3652, 930, 163, 1137, 3958, 827, 2507, 934, 3406, 2286, 2749, 3710, 3550, 3076, 2960, 1951, 3577, 3487, 2816, 2871, 3361, 3002, 4123, 3004, 4111, 3838, 3495, 2055, 3016, 2203, 2993, 1668, 3304, 2535, 3133, 3627, 4000, 4025, 458, 2378, 2346, 1811, 2716, 2032, 2490, 89, 1840, 295, 991, 667, 668, 1253, 1373, 603, 2437, 474, 290, 294, 1795, 3086, 299, 2159, 2547, 764, 48, 414, 2238, 4081, 509, 3128, 1588, 3564, 3704, 1755, 254, 2211, 3457, 2454, 209, 3259, 3240, 2393, 2797, 931, 716, 2336, 2321, 2042, 1856, 2347, 482, 322, 2529, 1996, 1391, 3404, 3907, 1949, 3889, 2362, 1710, 1722, 3445, 4007, 792, 3262, 1616, 2374, 2504, 726, 3370, 3011, 3211, 3847, 1726, 2621, 3452, 1667, 4072, 760, 1879, 1276, 230, 2485, 1906, 1918, 1829, 1269, 3571, 1305, 4033, 947, 7, 3042, 3396, 1807, 1808, 3320, 305, 416, 321, 3465, 3882, 831, 664, 3502, 2314, 1180, 2919, 2562, 1536, 2303, 1208, 2342, 3157, 796, 3468, 3991, 1353, 2948, 522, 1522, 2453, 900, 1203, 3980, 1851, 1638, 2230, 2380, 1646, 102, 415, 851, 61, 2803, 4137, 2928, 401, 3555, 72, 1124, 2499, 2888, 3681, 1517, 813, 3673, 2661, 1728, 332, 886, 3633, 2126, 1149, 3484, 3912, 2263, 1216, 413, 192, 2684, 480, 460, 3558, 3332, 3039, 2330, 2112, 631, 1778, 3169, 2395, 3694, 3560, 1472, 3935, 3131, 956, 3592, 1396, 3829, 1546, 1362, 599, 912, 3046, 3430, 1714, 2033, 1014, 2609, 3467, 590, 3729, 3624, 3878, 1831, 4055, 1676, 3462, 2281, 3782, 505, 2515, 3975, 3450, 2390, 1316, 2132, 3391, 1491, 2772, 2059, 2335, 2623, 3313, 3884, 3392, 1259, 1890, 3809, 867, 3532, 3631, 356, 2987, 115, 863, 3377, 246, 3897, 1178, 2640, 510, 4101, 2620, 1926, 2950, 1325, 1326, 1434, 967, 1813, 3166, 2008, 2067, 156, 561, 193, 2745, 2875, 2688, 1384, 1068, 197, 361, 2600, 3903, 1530, 3368, 2553, 1955, 4050, 1202, 2103, 2645, 2838, 4125, 3649, 623, 3417, 2988, 3144, 3752, 3536, 3439, 1812, 1752, 1500, 2572, 313, 3499, 2701, 1264, 1628, 2001, 3231, 2488, 1406, 547, 2267, 2276, 311, 2200, 4046, 1512, 2492, 2418, 2845, 2256, 1228, 3683, 926, 2963, 643, 3724, 1457, 4157, 3030, 3963, 3964, 3739, 3746, 1910, 2605, 1672, 3283, 571, 2005, 3857, 2148, 3928, 3881, 1932, 2546, 1556, 1771, 2752, 3863, 3872, 3225, 3919, 3070, 3675, 2712, 3017, 3667, 2997, 1600, 2305, 1841, 680, 4118, 960, 3272, 387, 2146, 388, 1647, 3825, 1705, 2777, 2194, 1027, 1950, 3788, 2138, 3346, 3035, 3765, 853, 3009, 3082, 3880, 3873, 681, 2113, 1895, 4154, 63, 1241, 2666, 2018, 1351, 2012, 1207, 2651, 484, 3098, 1449, 938, 1501, 3326, 862, 1024, 1376, 1554, 1344, 3415, 3507, 3400, 2093, 4114, 3621, 3179, 1042, 2296, 2363, 937, 55, 2815, 216, 167, 3436, 107, 1585, 2878, 3482, 2665, 3266, 1009, 979, 1423, 3355, 1543, 1515, 3022, 3063, 4103, 1463, 1466, 2506, 1867, 375, 3088, 2243, 3864, 300, 3246, 3665, 3090, 3494, 1475, 2163, 848, 1354, 3062, 1816, 3493, 795, 833, 2357, 669, 670, 671, 1485, 2348, 1899, 2755, 2756, 2617, 3826, 3297, 3112, 2332, 3651, 3679, 1212, 3867, 3241, 1386, 471, 4100, 711, 1739, 3950, 1307, 1229, 1230, 2190, 1091, 700, 397, 562, 2668, 3556, 1168, 972, 1526, 3352, 2590, 2626, 2652, 2863, 3006, 252, 3888, 2250, 2121, 2120, 2119, 1928, 1263, 2379, 3069, 2171, 241, 3232, 3416, 1535, 3823, 2992, 3984, 4129, 176, 2927, 3793, 4054, 1062, 1982, 3733, 856, 2722, 3200, 2198, 1398, 403, 952, 1169, 2337, 2828, 1650, 58, 958, 2206, 1724, 961, 1679, 2197, 3287, 420, 3413, 4122, 2610, 3678, 2253, 2616, 472, 3583, 1954, 1138, 1139, 3421, 1455, 3837, 4106, 2675, 3244, 2829, 2830, 3344, 1493, 3066, 3489, 501, 4035, 35, 4056, 3349, 1911, 1201, 1994, 3732, 878, 342, 341, 2715, 2503, 3674, 2045, 314, 2884, 3399, 1521, 132, 3581, 4047, 3024, 2329, 2624, 3720, 690, 939, 3755, 100, 786, 1897, 1933, 779, 1287, 3120, 3552, 2368, 126, 490, 1288, 2994, 3500, 1145, 1330, 296, 2970, 2520, 714, 3049, 1902, 2069, 2813, 3233, 812, 3905, 86, 3663, 3662, 1777, 3579, 3601, 3598, 3154, 4145, 2482, 1973, 545, 2741, 2709, 2394, 3967, 1748, 3079, 948, 1659, 3254, 382, 3425, 2770, 2747, 198, 4126, 3470, 3498, 3302, 2639, 3970, 3358, 2010, 4138, 4093, 3929, 1675, 1301, 2285, 2817, 1849, 3892, 2751, 2959, 771, 2679, 3167, 449, 1827, 185, 3795, 766, 2364, 1077, 940, 3380, 3195, 1898, 2130, 3282, 68, 3544, 3248, 3310, 3281, 171, 1058, 3153, 3087, 2676, 3965, 4032, 644, 881, 2753, 2144, 1130, 752, 1810, 2750, 2509, 1329, 2307, 3565, 1081, 3885, 2592, 2827, 639, 3306, 4134, 2926, 1603, 3103, 1974, 1975, 1590, 553, 229, 2580, 1756, 724, 1688, 2448, 1541, 2484, 1880, 1886, 875, 2345, 2167, 1979, 3727, 359, 904, 508, 2115, 2116, 2396, 422, 3434, 1528, 2404, 944, 2597, 2754, 1586, 3123, 39, 1348, 1000, 3856, 3853, 3083, 2128, 2628, 1557, 2866, 2531, 3435, 1723, 150, 301, 258, 3520, 2545, 1792, 564, 4070, 3736, 3130, 448, 665, 1716, 217, 1395, 527, 1103, 3185, 942, 4112, 3105, 1167, 245, 1380, 579, 2361, 4110, 693, 1315, 2434, 1479, 1170, 3340, 2857, 1270, 3941, 876, 2355, 3996, 1061, 3423, 465, 540, 541, 3268, 2300, 730, 3198, 461, 121, 2895, 333, 1438, 1065, 975, 977, 1999, 2945, 794, 1197, 1987, 4058, 4020, 3542, 302, 1891, 3994, 2384, 2385, 2386, 3741, 3381, 2100, 2223, 3931, 3962, 470, 3177, 2893, 66, 3274, 486, 3249, 2343, 109, 3247, 1007, 3366, 1768, 819, 746, 3505, 3350, 2573, 2565, 1052, 2883, 1944, 3419, 426, 3787, 2155, 832, 686, 3802, 999, 783, 2060, 2721, 3995, 1050, 3020, 721, 3152, 1379, 3956, 804, 1347, 2192, 773, 556, 1760, 1848, 2982, 502, 184, 3808, 3296, 2973, 2569, 4091, 2426, 1727, 1079, 1308, 2601, 1799, 151, 2513, 2660, 1435, 2657, 3524, 1839, 892, 3255, 2399, 3054, 781, 1560, 3401, 1781, 3734, 2534, 141, 2759, 3403, 1280, 2498, 3993, 1300, 835, 348, 3713, 3974, 3800, 2944, 240, 3932, 1064, 970, 1617, 1226, 4060, 1015, 1789, 1217, 1069, 103, 1275, 1174, 797, 2523, 1684, 3927, 454, 3270, 190, 3230, 1725, 1835, 2476, 2902, 810, 2792, 225, 3043, 2683, 3716, 3902, 4092, 687, 330, 802, 2934, 4136, 822, 3426, 3159, 2906, 274, 256, 582, 767, 870, 710, 1051, 3628, 3942, 3508, 1583, 3447, 1430, 3659, 2022, 2460, 3257, 3497, 3893, 2612, 370, 1762, 3650, 2648, 4096, 65, 3040, 2340, 3252, 2723, 1444, 2925, 1615, 3594, 4019, 4059, 1569, 3222, 2525, 3114, 488, 858, 1970, 3609, 731, 1364, 1612, 3311, 616, 2882, 1874, 1622, 2734, 2720, 2009, 2695, 2596, 52, 1953, 740, 2877, 1524, 2717, 1156, 954, 1843, 2076, 3576, 816, 747, 624, 625, 922, 406, 238, 963, 2218, 33, 3510, 28, 369, 1591, 1514, 1689, 2344, 983, 347, 775, 67, 3762, 73, 3341, 1255, 2650, 1375, 187, 1246, 407, 1428, 879, 2521, 1735, 429, 2110, 2242, 2278, 3537, 1196, 1654, 1132, 1074, 1683, 950, 1092, 1096, 2773, 1699, 2941, 98, 515, 4045, 2431, 2790, 3078, 2524, 2412, 837, 2939, 3680, 1963, 1097, 2365, 4071, 3616, 1420, 3132, 1279, 3747, 1847, 2672, 1388, 2331, 2662, 498, 2227, 251, 575, 3227, 3717, 335, 2359, 1881, 3817, 4064, 1158, 552, 2980, 2582, 2236, 1595, 1060, 3485, 2516, 2371, 1437, 1696, 71, 1296, 1989, 3466, 840, 784, 4080, 4037, 149, 1401, 463, 1611, 2563, 650, 220, 3475, 1018, 2160, 3597, 2061, 405, 495, 134, 4065, 4066, 338, 3642, 2153, 2140, 3360, 1908, 2536, 2196, 2530, 1948, 3938, 2381, 2406, 4015, 2782, 968, 3329, 3291, 3618, 4073, 4021, 2859, 3811, 2991, 873, 3184, 2023, 1454, 3866, 2566, 3213, 2283, 2079, 895, 3314, 3343, 2182, 118, 548, 2796, 2713, 2785, 3354, 1567, 145, 3005, 37, 1598, 4022, 105, 1116, 576, 1925, 3722, 3622, 2369, 3610, 3671, 3506, 3637, 824, 3711, 2173, 1176, 974, 990, 2101, 3754, 1393, 3448, 1297, 200, 3828, 1036, 3585, 1885, 2643, 2644, 3763, 973, 1806, 2986, 1262, 1534, 929, 3936, 2788, 799, 127, 1704, 355, 871, 3376, 2967, 2449, 4006, 632, 3253, 1774, 577, 1189, 1367, 1707, 2608, 3074, 2062, 3969, 3832, 1283, 1224, 1345, 392, 3107, 3170, 418, 4024, 1424, 2604, 2764, 1613, 3008, 798, 2092, 1640, 1747, 2354, 2836, 2193, 1125, 1658, 805, 1478, 1334, 3277, 364, 1733, 261, 4141, 2791, 524, 2189, 1702, 2962, 3726, 489, 3300, 3676, 720, 3124, 1402, 427, 3089, 3217, 1008, 3151, 2241, 2865, 2471, 3110, 268, 745, 569, 2615, 768, 3534, 2429, 2035, 237, 70, 3210, 373, 1293, 1815, 2735, 1038, 2552, 1624, 4005, 1458, 1797, 1967, 4088, 1649, 3876, 574, 467, 2204, 1539, 1450, 1452, 2801, 1318, 2444, 1448, 1549, 40, 3353, 1809, 565, 186, 2282, 2164, 3420, 3830, 3229, 1035, 883, 3759, 1352, 613, 3193, 379, 2852, 4038, 1200, 609, 1614, 550, 3698, 2719, 3614, 3636, 3861, 976, 1655, 3328, 53, 3084, 3031, 3182, 3743, 3697, 1715, 2313, 3407, 847, 1199, 2051, 410, 1645, 504, 3751, 50, 2894, 910, 451, 228, 1510, 303, 1931, 1299, 511, 1685, 1481, 1413, 3081, 994, 1832, 2913, 2576, 1210, 4061, 1324, 2333, 581, 2540, 988, 3664, 3371, 850, 2905, 91, 3390, 239, 2477, 3824, 3728, 3409, 2949, 1381, 3966, 2964, 2327, 4029, 591, 2064, 3138, 1114, 1405, 3692, 2308, 3180, 1359, 572, 3738, 1909, 1107, 1108, 1978, 4003, 4142, 1802, 324, 54, 323, 1674, 580, 2442, 2435, 3557, 2841, 293, 3111, 549, 2288, 1852, 191, 1456, 221, 1446, 1173, 1349, 2699, 159, 389, 656, 1294, 2868, 2914, 2853, 143, 408, 4040, 259, 1562, 782, 152, 1134, 457, 3476, 4041, 3365, 179, 235, 607, 3646, 3538, 2538, 1468, 520, 1738, 3946, 3323, 2570, 4043, 597, 2585, 346, 1418, 1780, 1844, 1884, 1938) ORDER BY i.image_rating DESC, i.image_votes DESC
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SELECT i.image_id, i.cat_id, i.user_id, i.image_name, i.image_description, i.image_keywords, i.image_date, i.image_active, i.image_media_file, i.image_thumb_file, i.image_download_url, i.image_allow_comments, i.image_comments, i.image_downloads, i.image_votes, i.image_rating, i.image_hits, c.cat_name, u.user_name FROM 4images_images i, 4images_categories c LEFT JOIN 4images_users u ON (u.user_id = i.user_id) WHERE i.image_active = 1 AND c.cat_id = i.cat_id AND i.cat_id NOT IN (4,6,288,234,7,319,1152) AND i.cat_id IN (0, 3670, 1242, 56, 3051, 320, 1385, 4095, 2427, 1551, 306, 275, 2, 445, 2387, 431, 5, 140, 1592, 279, 404, 60, 282, 26, 20, 206, 276, 15, 23, 1205, 535, 3777, 2191, 57, 3279, 1670, 3100, 1443, 1956, 1916, 598, 2479, 1875, 2414, 1850, 584, 689, 9, 232, 2899, 1779, 2505, 1737, 1893, 2705, 1721, 1766, 1720, 2259, 1146, 16, 1957, 1947, 1960, 269, 308, 378, 428, 844, 1272, 3944, 2297, 701, 1905, 1126, 3474, 3750, 2165, 2021, 1389, 1593, 1919, 2205, 3945, 233, 2016, 2275, 3473, 1940, 3141, 3981, 4023, 2430, 2316, 4068, 4079, 3509, 3605, 2162, 3567, 1853, 3573, 2233, 3073, 2292, 2947, 1609, 1870, 3331, 385, 1520, 1575, 1576, 2271, 4, 205, 3807, 2284, 3999, 2186, 36, 620, 29, 2971, 2017, 1161, 316, 1233, 1221, 4042, 4044, 2579, 2077, 69, 4104, 1084, 2779, 1620, 4105, 160, 27, 2489, 694, 695, 738, 2209, 2210, 834, 3840, 1791, 985, 536, 4052, 180, 2150, 2027, 964, 2647, 3693, 2794, 1887, 1883, 2837, 376, 966, 247, 774, 120, 249, 2798, 1939, 1023, 2631, 2707, 1369, 3916, 2240, 3617, 2979, 1790, 3843, 3369, 22, 10, 11, 12, 25, 13, 24, 14, 3137, 2710, 399, 253, 2050, 3491, 3815, 1572, 2487, 1282, 3492, 2847, 366, 3578, 264, 1387, 763, 3775, 3776, 3187, 2584, 99, 1483, 2372, 3543, 1863, 1034, 1495, 2019, 131, 1486, 3449, 1213, 157, 1653, 3959, 3007, 811, 896, 3136, 1311, 1741, 719, 3949, 326, 2408, 3490, 2270, 1547, 3845, 3165, 447, 2125, 1321, 154, 3019, 583, 3895, 2527, 1830, 2578, 3731, 2935, 814, 3158, 3402, 3911, 116, 2818, 3243, 337, 3740, 4099, 402, 538, 2199, 4087, 4109, 855, 1855, 213, 4108, 2549, 3937, 1432, 1187, 1542, 3405, 2557, 2556, 2567, 3851, 2692, 139, 3976, 3309, 3908, 3260, 2840, 114, 3926, 2961, 2375, 1049, 3316, 3715, 2154, 1278, 1358, 1235, 1075, 3634, 1801, 3478, 243, 2220, 3284, 1666, 826, 1743, 1746, 2145, 2493, 2923, 3515, 3161, 3503, 1988, 1969, 4147, 3267, 2423, 914, 3767, 4130, 3275, 3095, 81, 59, 208, 51, 648, 1553, 390, 1022, 1618, 1083, 3176, 651, 1753, 1366, 2664, 674, 3971, 989, 312, 817, 343, 266, 3901, 2373, 594, 1656, 2931, 3125, 3251, 273, 1186, 1936, 3214, 2004, 1869, 3276, 3173, 3174, 3479, 943, 2445, 2058, 2911, 487, 2469, 1538, 2924, 2811, 4102, 1819, 4094, 2649, 2014, 3186, 3799, 1044, 3952, 4139, 887, 1192, 74, 2729, 2637, 3530, 2892, 1566, 3454, 3036, 2269, 1519, 2748, 2757, 1141, 3443, 1121, 2954, 3026, 2940, 3194, 108, 3444, 3525, 3512, 1273, 204, 3695, 3190, 2334, 164, 3960, 1193, 1525, 1372, 4008, 2083, 600, 1335, 2084, 3819, 1252, 3989, 2682, 3189, 982, 1959, 1868, 1070, 317, 3973, 2029, 3648, 318, 2467, 135, 530, 791, 709, 207, 211, 215, 222, 122, 3921, 1397, 915, 3459, 1225, 3441, 3038, 2382, 3957, 3052, 2996, 3347, 3879, 595, 85, 820, 78, 1470, 3658, 2544, 3640, 1601, 1267, 1983, 1511, 1648, 1025, 3910, 1464, 4086, 2946, 3156, 2443, 1943, 3101, 3632, 2376, 592, 2896, 138, 3050, 1993, 255, 3271, 1508, 2187, 754, 755, 2006, 2776, 1135, 2003, 2324, 3092, 2468, 4030, 2403, 523, 733, 218, 2730, 3067, 543, 612, 3923, 4004, 2419, 4051, 1163, 1913, 957, 2634, 1579, 1580, 1088, 1492, 3794, 777, 3437, 2728, 2440, 1965, 2659, 3850, 1838, 3303, 3954, 852, 2098, 1907, 3143, 2323, 1286, 859, 1462, 3205, 161, 3559, 4158, 3256, 951, 2908, 2254, 212, 3032, 2251, 959, 825, 3602, 4089, 1421, 2574, 1377, 1250, 2613, 2157, 1945, 1503, 210, 144, 3883, 1164, 2400, 1767, 1814, 2929, 3386, 2952, 3677, 3690, 2461, 1331, 1626, 1732, 2195, 1686, 3629, 2338, 3003, 3134, 2161, 1346, 2424, 3814, 3094, 4135, 3839, 978, 1713, 727, 2413, 2123, 3874, 2020, 1073, 1257, 2311, 652, 3774, 2968, 3535, 1260, 684, 1067, 1900, 756, 3121, 2789, 3398, 925, 683, 606, 1425, 2510, 3940, 227, 1634, 1298, 2714, 2075, 1644, 1026, 3440, 3548, 3812, 3948, 2814, 3604, 2809, 2221, 2096, 1751, 2638, 995, 3014, 2835, 2180, 2633, 2226, 2693, 637, 183, 759, 829, 3588, 2450, 3953, 3613, 3770, 3096, 3290, 148, 2078, 3801, 169, 3511, 3201, 4155, 1474, 2456, 162, 1336, 1433, 2508, 1589, 2409, 3206, 1540, 4063, 459, 432, 438, 433, 439, 434, 440, 442, 435, 436, 441, 437, 8, 455, 456, 2685, 2667, 476, 477, 514, 899, 2537, 478, 479, 280, 281, 289, 287, 285, 286, 758, 2231, 2232, 3388, 585, 587, 586, 626, 627, 483, 443, 444, 1159, 2156, 2452, 481, 980, 981, 2867, 277, 278, 2202, 283, 284, 453, 452, 3986, 3987, 3778, 1630, 1632, 2532, 2533, 1894, 2907, 2904, 3687, 1687, 3607, 41, 2965, 1029, 4144, 3603, 1901, 3820, 2594, 492, 2228, 1303, 3563, 3293, 3294, 3539, 1410, 3308, 2627, 3860, 2691, 3869, 2428, 2703, 2702, 3766, 3947, 2405, 3410, 380, 2326, 409, 2470, 96, 891, 647, 3453, 544, 3983, 394, 1020, 749, 2392, 1223, 3708, 4082, 377, 1764, 843, 201, 1342, 3611, 2848, 1320, 1123, 3990, 808, 3091, 3596, 2502, 2411, 2636, 194, 1113, 2328, 173, 1865, 1, 468, 3593, 3295, 3904, 1785, 1480, 2558, 2591, 894, 4116, 1106, 657, 1537, 263, 2038, 2958, 885, 1548, 1712, 133, 1403, 1798, 62, 521, 1447, 2732, 1222, 4001, 2234, 3432, 955, 2810, 466, 2425, 3113, 2266, 2065, 1055, 3528, 744, 2872, 787, 2771, 654, 649, 596, 2349, 868, 1368, 3753, 2474, 2635, 3333, 1328, 3209, 3998, 987, 518, 3163, 3773, 3383, 1144, 830, 3656, 3985, 2784, 3518, 242, 1750, 803, 936, 47, 2694, 928, 3660, 1476, 2881, 3855, 1602, 678, 3758, 751, 1758, 446, 969, 4049, 424, 638, 1765, 304, 292, 3104, 713, 398, 1605, 4143, 2088, 2526, 902, 2247, 3033, 1692, 3574, 2761, 3374, 1172, 2629, 2669, 2225, 1552, 601, 499, 1383, 80, 998, 3699, 158, 1313, 2451, 3197, 3109, 2214, 412, 1701, 3852, 2619, 578, 2024, 1265, 1306, 3842, 1128, 3684, 1635, 2367, 2015, 3781, 1012, 2131, 3108, 3126, 3890, 872, 117, 4076, 2678, 890, 1370, 2663, 4090, 3438, 3145, 1048, 2277, 3844, 4098, 874, 2422, 2495, 676, 2185, 2874, 1623, 3719, 1564, 3351, 2274, 1561, 558, 3237, 3207, 1929, 3234, 3015, 2804, 391, 43, 298, 1445, 1496, 739, 534, 532, 531, 533, 3044, 430, 516, 3139, 4078, 1247, 3102, 3977, 2799, 3065, 421, 555, 315, 3906, 2769, 1028, 2999, 3029, 642, 3691, 2082, 3315, 793, 1531, 1734, 3480, 2280, 3056, 2821, 3359, 633, 3238, 2642, 1709, 1416, 1677, 3162, 1805, 2763, 1080, 4120, 44, 1599, 3600, 3533, 2134, 512, 4069, 236, 736, 2383, 2780, 2071, 2158, 2920, 663, 1254, 1183, 2268, 1513, 2646, 2239, 3464, 3806, 2696, 2687, 1882, 362, 3408, 1004, 3749, 113, 619, 715, 3422, 628, 630, 629, 1059, 3516, 2697, 1419, 909, 2783, 615, 707, 1469, 2129, 2898, 2391, 4148, 3933, 3235, 2245, 3700, 2800, 3339, 2606, 3595, 2011, 3363, 42, 2577, 1104, 4140, 1487, 908, 2301, 1010, 2257, 1657, 3149, 2436, 3529, 567, 2397, 3813, 2860, 2843, 3472, 3411, 3116, 519, 214, 223, 2998, 2360, 2586, 3522, 3000, 3175, 3792, 2416, 3619, 1920, 1533, 1248, 1784, 2897, 3682, 1958, 1636, 1637, 1823, 234, 195, 1101, 3301, 1072, 2989, 2805, 2415, 4010, 757, 3531, 3868, 1680, 2889, 2903, 704, 1473, 1698, 2812, 621, 718, 1961, 506, 291, 77, 3586, 288, 1232, 129, 838, 1115, 1266, 2352, 3785, 2698, 1833, 1834, 1175, 3894, 2457, 2630, 3768, 2244, 1837, 1818, 1360, 3725, 3513, 3756, 2500, 2559, 76, 1191, 1596, 3394, 3395, 2686, 3833, 3554, 1997, 2900, 1930, 31, 3218, 1408, 1773, 1772, 3318, 4012, 1415, 3735, 3319, 503, 75, 3591, 1866, 2758, 2995, 3706, 3709, 3896, 877, 3772, 4124, 2462, 2680, 1112, 3, 3572, 325, 1529, 1984, 425, 1243, 2310, 2325, 507, 602, 857, 2463, 1488, 462, 2056, 2341, 3429, 3886, 2184, 702, 2497, 3068, 260, 2708, 2822, 3219, 4085, 3570, 672, 2174, 2909, 1817, 423, 4128, 153, 177, 3790, 611, 1090, 2432, 903, 1937, 1407, 1641, 3080, 1962, 1858, 1013, 331, 2466, 1181, 1700, 1587, 728, 3779, 525, 2072, 1239, 3378, 641, 1056, 4074, 2438, 769, 1968, 3221, 2564, 924, 1215, 310, 3992, 1971, 2213, 3093, 845, 846, 993, 1980, 3918, 1694, 4077, 3305, 123, 328, 3803, 691, 2063, 383, 2127, 3669, 2641, 1214, 729, 1776, 3696, 1545, 3321, 3471, 3862, 49, 2915, 1643, 3122, 1507, 1523, 2002, 3589, 1695, 3590, 2807, 2819, 864, 3526, 3171, 2339, 1166, 655, 3322, 491, 2322, 3196, 2733, 147, 1409, 1896, 2542, 2937, 662, 732, 1627, 2599, 1211, 146, 1459, 271, 372, 417, 2118, 722, 3541, 1147, 4057, 1219, 3239, 82, 3312, 1236, 3278, 2299, 2762, 2106, 865, 2122, 2746, 1441, 2215, 2216, 2217, 469, 3071, 2738, 3178, 3545, 3540, 1234, 1033, 3764, 1619, 165, 3608, 2169, 1775, 494, 4027, 170, 2048, 368, 3140, 2869, 3848, 3849, 3216, 181, 2052, 1440, 1550, 3551, 4011, 776, 2622, 2149, 2575, 3891, 748, 3501, 84, 1952, 2571, 2933, 3477, 986, 1573, 1371, 270, 2873, 3661, 358, 653, 3451, 659, 1991, 1584, 2711, 1129, 3356, 2975, 935, 1411, 2142, 3831, 2551, 610, 2168, 1045, 2983, 2587, 3072, 3060, 3689, 2402, 1249, 1757, 2677, 893, 1319, 1518, 1209, 3118, 1453, 2036, 3064, 2808, 1105, 605, 2249, 809, 2765, 2366, 913, 688, 2293, 2670, 3810, 2674, 2727, 3887, 1976, 636, 142, 1119, 4083, 4034, 2890, 3875, 3761, 682, 699, 2726, 2921, 2306, 1341, 717, 2137, 1504, 2350, 906, 1783, 1399, 2264, 2541, 2441, 3204, 3364, 1312, 2464, 2294, 2969, 2981, 110, 3226, 3865, 1794, 3668, 2151, 725, 2026, 772, 46, 2087, 1365, 2177, 1509, 188, 1356, 1824, 1451, 2483, 2554, 588, 589, 2496, 2458, 1309, 2966, 1136, 2951, 807, 3915, 3379, 83, 1431, 2258, 2054, 4119, 3047, 2602, 1002, 3714, 2653, 3968, 3059, 2107, 849, 1872, 1873, 3373, 920, 3372, 3455, 1490, 1327, 2846, 4152, 1304, 1915, 742, 1177, 2854, 836, 1003, 2922, 34, 4018, 1731, 2398, 2208, 1171, 2589, 542, 64, 1111, 3846, 327, 1995, 705, 528, 3504, 1871, 3721, 3045, 2760, 2410, 3818, 1392, 119, 203, 2272, 3639, 3224, 1681, 1412, 3025, 2731, 1878, 1706, 1917, 1310, 1663, 2043, 2279, 889, 1394, 1019, 128, 3643, 1825, 2248, 2040, 675, 2459, 1821, 2778, 329, 1800, 2388, 1039, 743, 226, 2315, 2318, 2255, 2851, 2108, 2447, 2655, 6, 2117, 2176, 3898, 1594, 319, 2068, 4160, 3041, 537, 2094, 1803, 635, 4151, 4150, 1570, 1337, 1185, 3129, 1859, 2632, 1218, 1822, 1274, 1565, 353, 3336, 3978, 2681, 2953, 3097, 2320, 1861, 1005, 2389, 101, 513, 1889, 1888, 2598, 869, 219, 708, 1343, 1184, 4036, 4153, 3150, 3718, 1876, 3215, 1245, 1155, 3337, 3338, 3424, 3330, 3871, 2439, 386, 3521, 765, 3599, 3630, 3228, 2201, 2876, 1001, 1152, 1597, 1964, 1190, 3686, 3561, 104, 2781, 1333, 1271, 2090, 2099, 3172, 2826, 1633, 475, 734, 3821, 1086, 1268, 685, 1295, 1414, 1093, 3804, 1642, 3827, 1198, 1489, 1465, 340, 2179, 3789, 3625, 3261, 1941, 1985, 2455, 677, 3834, 3979, 3446, 1742, 1804, 2768, 2864, 2291, 4013, 3115, 4039, 3920, 2766, 3514, 3119, 3418, 2081, 3701, 563, 3744, 1697, 3382, 3428, 3469, 1664, 2858, 2309, 2744, 2825, 3463, 3517, 1148, 3127, 395, 30, 3263, 4127, 2891, 517, 3299, 1357, 2086, 712, 3647, 2370, 3412, 778, 898, 1477, 1544, 2095, 3626, 1782, 2237, 1862, 155, 3212, 79, 3348, 3805, 1502, 3273, 880, 946, 1098, 2028, 882, 1160, 1427, 750, 2085, 3223, 2377, 2152, 3324, 1188, 3147, 3375, 4132, 4133, 4131, 2910, 2932, 2420, 2512, 125, 1711, 3638, 646, 1140, 3951, 3791, 3737, 38, 1927, 1606, 1082, 3431, 3397, 396, 2013, 2832, 3707, 1690, 2034, 2833, 3269, 411, 3001, 1864, 3798, 2522, 566, 2172, 1071, 3202, 1261, 3859, 3641, 2049, 3208, 1582, 3456, 3058, 4146, 1378, 3250, 2974, 2480, 2481, 244, 1977, 2262, 723, 3623, 753, 3028, 1285, 2901, 1682, 4161, 1436, 4053, 1577, 3075, 4002, 3822, 634, 2139, 1568, 1338, 2147, 2224, 374, 2918, 3010, 2229, 568, 3442, 2956, 2673, 3265, 698, 3816, 1043, 2834, 4113, 1054, 1053, 2235, 357, 2514, 3057, 199, 351, 1904, 673, 3582, 3760, 3672, 1231, 2073, 2070, 1506, 1284, 202, 706, 2861, 2252, 2880, 2839, 4067, 1363, 2475, 1281, 1031, 801, 1662, 559, 3972, 1133, 1030, 2689, 2046, 1730, 1826, 3245, 3858, 3645, 2135, 175, 3203, 2943, 1194, 297, 1563, 1467, 604, 1986, 1011, 2356, 1127, 1729, 3997, 1903, 905, 1652, 88, 2844, 2465, 884, 658, 1842, 3414, 1350, 1793, 1109, 1460, 3566, 2358, 2091, 2473, 1046, 2037, 3615, 2111, 923, 2114, 2102, 790, 1078, 2312, 231, 1998, 1992, 3188, 1157, 182, 3488, 112, 800, 2917, 3913, 2739, 2916, 1302, 3345, 2603, 762, 2183, 2942, 1085, 2984, 842, 697, 2511, 2824, 419, 1006, 3606, 1089, 189, 917, 2977, 622, 2856, 608, 2501, 2581, 1484, 1118, 2519, 2528, 679, 257, 645, 1429, 3783, 1244, 2870, 485, 1708, 3258, 1788, 1516, 124, 178, 823, 3288, 2855, 3192, 3836, 815, 2820, 3199, 3917, 2041, 2074, 3797, 3988, 2133, 1845, 3393, 818, 1736, 1439, 3027, 1946, 3877, 354, 839, 1339, 1289

Discussion & Troubleshooting / Simple redirect question :)
« on: July 09, 2006, 12:58:02 PM »
Hi all,

i hope someone can help me on that because i cant do it by myself.

I want the user (after logging in) to be redirected to a custom template - nothing else, but that shoud happen only when he logges in, for example:

1. user accesses homepage ""
2. user puts his name and password into the fields, and clicks on "login"
3. user is being redirected to ""
4. user is clicking on "home", (e.g., and sees the regular page (not the template)

can anyone understand what i'am trieng to do? :)

So, related to my other post, i make a little test, and please correct me if I'am wrong:

I have both, random cat image and random image enabled. When a user accesses a folder, 4images is selecting (by random) a picture in it's original size, making it smaller, and finally put it out (as a random cat image/radom image

So ususally the pictures are 80-200kb in size (sometimes even more) - If I'am right untill there, there must be a way to change the code, to select just the thumbnails, so the page would be loading faster - YAH or NAH ?

Hey folks,

I hope anyone can be with me on that. I have over 4000 cat's on my site, i talked with IcEcReaM, he said the site slows very much down, because of that. So, anyone any clue? I tried the following:

- switch off random cat picture / - (no effect just 0.3 seconds faster)
- switch off random picture / - (no effect)
- deleting unused lines in the page_header and index.php / - no effect

IcEcReaM said, every time an user clicks anywhere (by default) 4images is checking all categories, and thats the reason for the slow speed. So, when i have 10.000 categories, the ste will be 2 times slower.

Is anyone go so far go get to a clue for an solution about that problem? ANY help would be very nice, because my users are gettin' bored - i've made a poll - 60% said that the site is loading to slow (over 300 votes)



Chit Chat / Most ever users online!
« on: March 12, 2006, 04:44:10 PM »
Just might be interesting ;)

Discussion & Troubleshooting / Include just particular cat
« on: March 11, 2006, 11:20:01 PM »
Hi, thats some lines i use:

$selection = array('rating');
 $selection_alt = array('rating DESC', 'name ASC', 'name ASC', 'name ASC');
$not_in_cat = "1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,
# $selection_cutoff = array(' AND i.image_votes > 10', '', '', '', '');

its abaout a mod, but my question is PHP related. In this code, i have excludet 259 categorys, because i want to show only one of them. How can that code be different, so i can specify only the one category i want to use?

something like:

$selection = array('rating');
 $selection_alt = array('rating DESC', 'name ASC', 'name ASC', 'name ASC');
$in_cat = "cat_numer_xxx, cat_number_xxx";
# $selection_cutoff = array(' AND i.image_votes > 10', '', '', '', '');


Discussion & Troubleshooting / 4images and server ressources
« on: March 02, 2006, 02:04:23 PM »

i had very much trouble this days with my hosting company, whitch gave me 7 days to find a new hoster.

The reason the hosting company tells me for lockng the ste is the following: (translation of the original letter)

"our system registered that uses a big value of the availible server resources on the server where its hosted. You site uses more than 7 hours per day 100% of the resources of an 3Ghz machine, whitch is to much. .... ..... ...."

so thats the interesting part of their message. So, i posted that message in some bulgarian forums, and there are user who tell me, that a bad php-installation can cause the problem (i have only 4images installed)

The most users online where about 40 membsers and 50 guests, but normally there are about 10 members and 15 guests on my site.

What i'am asking for is, is that a problem of my installation of 4images, or is my hoster just lieng to me? Can the various MODs i've installed cause the problem?

I think they are just lieng to me, please correct me if i'am wrong, i really don't know what to do.


this is my first MOD i do alone, so please excuse any errors or any complications with other MOD's.


This little addon to 4images let your users put their skype-name into their profile, and shows automaticly the status (online,offline, etc) of the member in his profile.
Your users have to install skype 2.x in order to show the actual status. If a user is using a lower version will show status "unknown" (thx 2 v@no)

Files to edit

Time / Difficulty

10 minutes / easy





Step 1

add a new field into your 4images_users (using PhpMyAdmin)
user_skype      varchar(255)     cp1251_general_ci <-- (only for cyrillic suport)

Step 2

open /includes/db_field_definitions.php


Code: [Select]
add above:

Code: [Select]
$additional_user_fields['user_skype'] = array($lang['user_skype'], "text", 0);
save & close

Step 3

open /lang/english/main.php


Code: [Select]
$lang['icq'] = "ICQ:";
add below

Code: [Select]
$lang['skype'] = "Skype";
$lang['skype_status'] = "Status";

save & close

Step 4

open member.php


Code: [Select]
    $sql = "UPDATE ".USERS_TABLE."
            SET ".get_user_table_field("", "user_email")." = '$user_email', ".get_user_table_field("", "user_showemail")." = $user_showemail, ".get_user_table_field("", "user_allowemails")." = $user_allowemails, ".get_user_table_field("", "user_invisible")." = $user_invisible, ".get_user_table_field("", "user_homepage")." = '$user_homepage', ".get_user_table_field("", "user_icq")." = '$user_icq'".$additional_sql."
            WHERE ".get_user_table_field("", "user_id")." = ".$user_info['user_id'];

replace with:

Code: [Select]
    $sql = "UPDATE ".USERS_TABLE."
            SET ".get_user_table_field("", "user_email")." = '$user_email', ".get_user_table_field("", "user_showemail")." = $user_showemail, ".get_user_table_field("", "user_allowemails")." = $user_allowemails, ".get_user_table_field("", "user_invisible")." = $user_invisible, ".get_user_table_field("", "user_homepage")." = '$user_homepage', ".get_user_table_field("", "user_icq")." = '$user_icq'".$additional_sql." ".get_user_table_field("", "user_skype")." = '$user_skype'".$additional_sql."
            WHERE ".get_user_table_field("", "user_id")." = ".$user_info['user_id'];


Code: [Select]
$user_icq = (isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['user_icq'])) ? ((intval(trim($HTTP_POST_VARS['user_icq']))) ? intval(trim($HTTP_POST_VARS['user_icq'])) : "") : "";
add below

Code: [Select]
$user_skype = (isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['user_skype'])) ? un_htmlspecialchars(trim($HTTP_POST_VARS['user_skype'])) : ""; 


Code: [Select]
"user_icq_button" => $user_icq_button,
add below

Code: [Select]
"user_skype" => $user_skype,


Code: [Select]
"lang_icq" => $lang['icq'],
add below

Code: [Select]
"lang_skype" => $lang['skype'],

Code: [Select]
    $user_icq = (isset($user_row['user_icq'])) ? $user_row['user_icq'] : REPLACE_EMPTY;
    if (!empty($user_icq) && $user_icq != REPLACE_EMPTY) {
      $user_icq_button = "<a href=\"".$user_icq."\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"".$user_icq."&img=5\" width=\"18\" height=\"18\" border=\"0\" alt=\"".$user_icq."\" /></a>";
    else {
      $user_icq_button = REPLACE_EMPTY;

add below
Code: [Select]
$user_skype = (isset($user_row['user_skype'])) ? $user_row['user_skype'] : REPLACE_EMPTY;

Step 5

open /templetaes/yourtemplate/member_editprofile.html


Code: [Select]
           <TD class="row2"><B>{lang_icq}</B></TD>
           <TD class="row2"><INPUT type="text" name="user_icq"  size="30" value="{user_icq}" class="input" /></TD>

add below

Code: [Select]
           <TD class="row2"><B>{lang_skype}</B></TD>
           <TD class="row2"><INPUT type="text" name="user_skype"  size="30" value="{user_skype}" class="input" /></TD>

Step 6

open /templates/yourtemplate/member_profile.html


Code: [Select]
          <td class="row2"><b>{lang_icq}</b></td>
          <td class="row2">{if user_icq}<a href="{user_icq}">{user_icq}</a> (<b>{user_icq_status}</b>){endif user_icq}</td>

add below

Code: [Select]
         {if user_skype}<TR>
           <TD class="row2"><B>SKYPE</B></TD>
           <TD class="row2"><a href="callto://{user_skype}">call me!</a> my current status: <img src="{user_skype}.png"></TD>
         </TR>{endif user_skype}


Of course you have to edit your templates to your design. You can also use additional language tags for "call me" etc., just register them in your main language file and use them in your templates.

You can also link the status button to the "call me" function when you past in step 6 this code:

Code: [Select]
           <TD class="row2">{lang_skype}</TD>
           <TD class="row2"><a href="callto://{user_skype}"> <img src="{user_skype}.png" border=0></a> </TD>

In order to use the status, the user has to enabled "show status on web" , FAQ here: and Skype 2.x has to been installed!

For custom status icons check V@no's answer right below (5)

MOD has ben coded and tested oin a fresh 4images 1.7.1 installation. More expirienced members, please post any bugfixes for that MOD, its my first one so i maybe made a mistake - at least it works ;)

Chit Chat / Easter Egg in 4images? (screenshot)
« on: February 28, 2006, 09:02:06 AM »

was just wondering, happens the first time, and the text has nothing to do ith this or previous pictures - easter egg? :D
(look at the red arrow)

Discussion & Troubleshooting / IP question - please advise
« on: February 26, 2006, 04:18:02 AM »
I know, thats my third question for today, but i have a real problem.

I'am making a "picture of the monh" contest, where users can upload their picuses and win a price (dvd home system) - but there are many user who try to fake votes, they register under different names and vote for their picture.

is there any way, to save the IP (from the registration) of an user, and show the IP in the ACP under "edit users"? Thats the only way i can control who's cheating, and whos not. The most important thing is to "sort user by ip" - that would solve my problems.

Or just something like a log of IP/username, i just need something to view all IP's and find multiple usernames with just one IP.

Please advise (its urgend, contest is finishing in 5 days Sad, and i want to have a real winner )

Discussion & Troubleshooting / Excluding categorys (advanced)
« on: February 25, 2006, 02:26:13 PM »

I've seen many topics about this but i still don't found an answer ralated to my problem.

My site is dealing with pics, but to make the visit for my users more pleasent, i addet some categorys like "FUN" and "Other" to my site. But that pictures have really nothing to do with the site, and when a new user visit the site, he sees pictures from all categorys.

What i want to do, is exclude particular categorys from:

- Random new images on the main site
- Random image (on the left)
- and from the search, when a user clicks on "new images"

The third point is most important for me. So, for the new images on the main page i tried

Code: [Select]
WHERE i.image_active = 1 AND c.cat_id = i.cat_id AND i.cat_id NOT IN (".get_auth_cat_sql("auth_viewcat", "NOTIN" ) ."140,5)
but it's not excluding the pictures from 140 and 5.

Can someone please post the three lines i need, i would really appreciate it.



Discussion & Troubleshooting / /tmp/mysql.sock - Error - please help!
« on: February 24, 2006, 01:55:53 PM »
EDIT: Its gettin' worster, please help me.

I've read the error-messages, and search the whole forum for this kind of message, but did not find a solution.
I'am getting this not permanently, but from time to time:

Warning: mysql_connect(): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (11) in /www/ on line 39

DB Error: Could not connect to the database server (localhost, ggrec_4images2).

I first thought that this is NOT a 4images problem, so i contacted my hosting provider, but he tells me thats an error in 4images - what should i do?

Discussion & Troubleshooting / Question about the cache
« on: February 22, 2006, 12:17:04 PM »
i dont know, i didnt enable the cache, but i think the cache is somewhere enabled, for example, i have the usercredits-mod installed, and user are complaining that they didnt get their points (in time)

so how can i disable the cache everywhere, i dont want to have a cache-system.



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