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Messages - kindian

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thanks for your effort Rembrandt

If it's all ok, if I have permissions set ok...what could it be?  :roll:


No replies?

Yes I did that too. As an admin, I can see the links, but as an user I can not see my own images links to edit or delete.

My details file is attached

Thanks for answering Rembrandt.

I've checked those before posting. They are all checked.
Strange because I havent' changed anything on the site, no new mods since a year ago.
The problem started this week...the only think that has changed was server update to latest php version.

So I'm pretty lost here.

Discussion & Troubleshooting / EDIT and DELETE is gone from normal user
« on: August 06, 2011, 02:54:09 PM »
Normal users used to had EDIT and DELETE below their own images. But I dont know why it is gone, and I can't bring it back.
Tried everything but not working.

Any help?

Discussion & Troubleshooting / Re: Make {image} work as {thumbnail}?
« on: January 09, 2007, 04:31:52 PM »
I want to use images as thumbnails and drop down all thumbnails.

I can already do this. But images are not clickable for other options, like vote etc.
I want images to be clickable to its details

Discussion & Troubleshooting / Make {image} work as {thumbnail}?
« on: January 09, 2007, 04:09:15 AM »
How do I make {image} tag work as {thumbnail}?
That is, when click on image open details.php?

one last question

out to turn {image} clickable like in {thumbnail}, because I still want users to comment and use the other features inside the details.php of each image.

thanks in advance.

Well I think that mine is just like yours, if not bigger than that.

I still dont know what was your solution: migrate to another script or totally rewrite 4images?

It's like the way you say, having 20 people at the same time work good, but reaching the hundreds like me totally struggles mysql and all the dedicated server AMD 3600 + 2GB RAM.

It's such a pitty, since I always like the simplicity of work of 4images. I hope the makers of this script can help us out.


I'm the owner of a very popular website, it as got as the same time more than 100 users online all day, hunderds of images are submitted everyday. we now have more than 26000 images.

Since the website became popular, problems came and I moved the site to a dedicated server and updated to the latest 4images version.

Now it still seems that even the dedicated server cant handle it. The problem is the mysql I think, connections are still alive when they should be killed when not active.

I'm on the edge of switching 4images for another gallery component like menalto or coopermine.

So my question to the 4images staff is: Can you help me on this?

but thumbnails will still be created right?


I want to totally discard thumbnails from my 4images and use the actual images as thumbnails and also stop the system to build more thumbnails in the data/thumbnails folder.

Is it possible?


Discussion & Troubleshooting / Re: Exceeded the 'max_connections' resource
« on: December 18, 2006, 12:50:30 AM »
I'm running this problem too..

I've changed servers, did the last updates, but connections are still active and arent closed as they should....any fix yet?


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