Hello, Jaana;
are you sure to have done exactly what is mentionned in the "SKIN_installation.txt" file?
It contains:
Created By: Goran Zajec & 7dana.com
Creator Email: info@7dana.com
Creator Web: http://www.7dana.com
4Images version 1.7.x compatible
DESCRIPTION: 4Images "7dana" template by 7dana.com
REQUIREMENTS: 4Images version 1.7.x
- Unzip template package and upload the "7dana" folder to
the /templates directory.
Look the folders/files you are uploading and make sure its the correct
folders/files, an extra folder may be created in the unzipping process,
so CHECK!!
- Login to 4Images Control Panel >> Settings >> Choose template directory and
select '7dana'. Refresh your browser, skin is installed.
- Copy the default directory over your existing 7dana directory
and start with installation again.
Have you uploaded the real "7dana" folder to your templates folder, and not the parent folder (for instance: 7dana_4i)?
In case, look in your computer where you have unpacked the file from 7dana' you have downloaded. Maybe you will find a folder called "7dana_4i". Open it and you will find in it a single file called "SKIN_installation.txt" and a folder named "7dana". This last folder is the one you need to upload by FTP to your site's templates' folder, to get the gallery work with this particular skin.
Well, sorry if not, but I hope I've been clear enough. Feel free to ask any help.