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Messages - megalomania

Pages: [1]
hello there, V@no,
hello there, Thunderxp,

for me it doen't work either.  :cry:

Although the youtube-video link can be entered and the video shows when u try to upload, there occurs an error which tells (as it can be seen in Thunderxps screenshot):

Please recheck the marked fields.
NOTE: In case the thumbnail file name does not correspond with the image file name it will be adapted to the image file name.

(Bitte überprüfen Sie die markierten Felder.
ACHTUNG: Hat die Thumbnail-Datei nicht den gleichen Namen wie die Bilddatei, wird der Name der Thumbnail-Datei angepasst.)

Apart from I never entered a thumbnail, there comes the question to my mind what the thumbnail filename should be like, if I only enter this object-link from e.g.

 :oops: maybee i am dumb, but i can't see the problem...

(additional information: i used the fresh german 1.72 version)


I am using the new 1.72 version of 4images and the {ifno...} blah {endifno...} feature doesn't work anymore, for me.
In the "Changelog.txt" it is mentioned, that the code of the 1.72 release differs from the solution in this forum post.

And since I am not very firm in PHP, it would be very helpful if someone may tell me which lines I have to change, in order to get my  {ifno...} blah {endifno...} feature back.  :oops:

Greetings, Mega

thanks mawenzi, but thats a lot more than i needed.  :D
IcEcReaM was the one with the needed info ;)

cause of that: many thanks to IcEcReaM!  :mrgreen:

Hello People,

is it possible to make 4images show the comments-sequence beginning with the last (newest) comment that has been made?

Greetings, mega

Hallo zusammen,

ich habe eine etwas dümmliche Frage glaube ich:

Wenn ich hier dieses Mod installiert habe und danach deinstallieren möchte, reicht es dann die Änderungen an den Dateien rückgänging zu machen, bzw. die Rettung einzuspielen? Oder muss man auch an einer der 4iamges - Tabellen etwas rückgängig machen?

Mods & Plugins (Releases & Support) / Re: [Mod] Mini-Top
« on: July 13, 2005, 06:24:12 PM »

i have installed the "mini-top mod" and it works fine.
but in my case, the mini-top only makes sense in the subcategories, instead of the home-temlate.

my problem is, that after editing the template "categories.html", it won't show the mini-top.
although "This Mod shows additional table on the first (and/or any other page) of your gallery, with the thumbnail of one winner from each category ..."
is mentioned in the the install.doc.

Could please someone help me to find a solution?


many options i did not think of. many thanks, v@no.
i'll try it out tomorrow. hopefully i won't reply to this topic, again. ;)

have a nice weekend...

That is right, V@no.

I installed the MOD, but now I am quite unsure how it works. For Example:

I upload "xyz.wmv" and add it to the db. Next I copy "xyz.jpg" into the thumbnailfolder.
When I start Auto-Thumbnailer it doesnt show me anything, after checking.

When I rename the thumb into "xyz.wmv" 4images tries to make a thumb out of that.
But it doesn't work of course.

Am I totally stupid or what do I do wrong?

Ola again.

I am able to upload the WMV-files. After uploading them, I want to show thumbs for each video. (I create them manually an copy them into the correspondig thumbnail-folder of the WMV-catergory.)

My problem is, that 4images does not recognize the thumbnails as a preview for a wmv-file. Although they habe the same name...
I thought, that it would work if i add the wmv extension in the "function set_allowed_filetypes()", but that was false ;(

What else could I try to get this feature? :)

Hi there,

as descibed in the subject, my problem is to get a unique thumbnail for each of the wmv-files that are uploaded.
i tried to manually create them and then named them like the wmf-file, except the file-extension. (i used jpeg instead)

after that didn't work, i found the function set_allowed_filetypes() in the "\includes\upload.php"...
but now iam not quite sure, if it has anything to do with it.

maybee someone out there may help me out?  :?

Hi there,

the Image Annotation Mod is working fine with Text-Annotation for me (no errors occur).
However, after switching to Watermark-Annotation I get this error code when I want to "Batch Annotate":

Code: [Select]
Annotating between image ID 0 and 5:
Processing image Motto from category Bilder, image ID 1 >>
Warning: imagesx(): supplied argument is not a valid Image resource in \4images\includes\annotate.php on line 176
Warning: imagesy(): supplied argument is not a valid Image resource in \4images\includes\annotate.php on line 177
Warning: imagecolorallocate(): supplied argument is not a valid Image resource in \4images\includes\annotate.php on line 184
Warning: imagecolortransparent(): supplied argument is not a valid Image resource in \4images\includes\annotate.php on line 185
Warning: imagecopymerge(): supplied argument is not a valid Image resource in \4images\includes\annotate.php on line 186

The .png files have been copied in the correct root-folder of "4images".
And now I am not quite sure what my problem is. And I didn't find any helpfull lines in here according to the mentioned line numbers, except the last post from "ascanio".  :oops:

Maybee someone else knows what the problem is?  :)

Hi mawenzi,

sorry aber ich hatte mich wohl missverständlich ausgedrückt, gestern Abend.

Die Sortierung der Unterkategorien ist vollkommen in Ordnung (zeilenweise).
Wenn ich aber die Kategorie in der sich die Unterkategorien befinden anklicke, werden mir diese spaltenweise angezeigt. Und das möchte ich gerade nicht.

Ich habe auch schon in der functions.php die 3 Tabellen ausfindig machen können, nachdem ich mit Deiner Codezeile herumexperimentiert habe, welche für die spaltenweise Sortierung verantwortlich sind. (Tabellenbeginn jeweils in Zeile: 885, 886 und 936)

Leider ist mein Hirn nicht so php-fähig, deshalb würde ich mich freuen wenn mir jemand (der vielleicht genau dieses Problem auch mal hatte) da helfen könnte. ;) 8O
Unnachahmliche Freude würde mir ja eine tabellenlose Variante mit DIVs bereiten...  :mrgreen:



ich habe ein sehr ähnliches Problem wie die Person in diesem Thread:

Nun ist 2002 ja schon was her, aber ich meine dass dieses Problem immer noch besteht. ;)

  • Ich bekomme es nicht hin, dass die Anzeige der Unterkategorien einer Hauptkategorie auf der Homeseite fortlaufend (von links nach rechts) ist.
  • Wenn ich die Kategorien so sortiere das o.g. erfüllt ist, erscheinen sie bei einem Klick auf die Hauptkategorie widerum unsortiert, da hier spaltenweise sortiert wird.

Kann ich die spaltenweise Sortierung irgendwie auf zeilenweise ändern?  :roll:
Ich wäre um jeden Rat dankbar.


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