Thanks for this Mod!! It's the best
This is my first post Hope I do it correctly Here iare my English translation edit(s) for this mod.
I wasn't sure if I could post the updated file but it is available for ease of update.
Edit images.php:
//--- Language Settings --------------
$lang['changeowner'] = "Ersetzen";
$lang['owner_to'] = "Username Byurch";
$lang['copy'] = "Kopieren";
$lang['move'] = "Verschieben";
$lang['save'] = "Speichern";
$lang['big_not_found'] = "Kein Original in Big Ordner gefunden";
$lang['orig_not_found'] = "Kein Original gefunden";
$lang['copy_file_error'] = "Error Kopieren. (Datei {src} zu {des}) Bitte überprüfe Deine Ordner Rechte.";
$lang['copy_success'] = "Bild kopiert";
$lang['copy_file_error'] = "<b>Error Bild kopieren</b> {src} (von Kategorie ID: {from} zu {to})";
$lang['skiped'] = "Übersprungen";
$lang['in_cat_id'] = "von Kategorie ID";
$lang['error_del_big'] = "Error gelöschte \"Big\" Datei";
$lang['error_del_backup'] = "Error gelöschte \"Backup\" Datei";
$lang['src_des_same'] = "Quelle und Ziel sind gleich";
$lang['moved'] = "Bild verschoben";
$lang['move_error'] = "Error Bild verschoben";
$lang['owner_error'] = "Error User ersetzen";
$lang['no_user_select'] = "Kein User ausgewählt";
$lang['owner_success'] = "Username erfolgreich gewechselt";
$lang['file_delete_success'] = "Bild-Datei erfolgreich gelöscht";
$lang['file_big_delete_success'] = "Bild-Datei in Big Ordner erfolgreich gelöscht";
//--- Language Settings --------------
Replace with:
//--- Language Settings --------------
$lang['changeowner'] = "Replace";
$lang['owner_to'] = "Username by";
$lang['copy'] = "Copy";
$lang['move'] = "Move";
$lang['save'] = "Save";
$lang['big_not_found'] = "No original in Big file found";
$lang['orig_not_found'] = "No original found";
$lang['copy_file_error'] = "Error copying. (File {src} too {des}) please check your file rights.";
$lang['copy_success'] = "Picture copied";
$lang['copy_file_error'] = "<b>Error picture copy</b> {src} (of category ID: {from} too {to})";
$lang['skiped'] = "Skipped";
$lang['in_cat_id'] = "of category ID";
$lang['error_del_big'] = "Deletion error \"Big\" file";
$lang['error_del_backup'] = "Deletion Error \"Backup\" file";
$lang['src_des_same'] = "Source and a destination are the same";
$lang['moved'] = "Picture moved";
$lang['move_error'] = "Move Picture Error";
$lang['owner_error'] = "Replace User Error";
$lang['no_user_select'] = "No user selected";
$lang['owner_success'] = "Username successfully changed";
$lang['file_delete_success'] = "Image file successfully deleted";
$lang['file_big_delete_success'] = "Image file successfully in Big file deleted";
//--- End Language Settings ----------
show_input_row("User ID enthält", "user_id", "", $textinput_size);
Replace with
show_input_row("User ID contains", "user_id", "", $textinput_size);
show_radio_row("Aktiviert", "image_active", 1);
Replace with
show_radio_row("Enabled", "image_active", 1);
show_table_separator("Bilder Optionen", 2);
show_radio_row("Bild Name", "editname", 1);
show_radio_row("Beschreibung", "editdescription", 1);
show_radio_row("Schlüsselwörter", "editkeywords", 1);
show_radio_row("Datum", "editdate", 1);
Replace with
show_table_separator("Image Options", 2);
show_radio_row("Image Name", "editname", 1);
show_radio_row("Description", "editdescription", 1);
show_radio_row("Keywords", "editkeywords", 1);
show_radio_row("Date", "editdate", 1);
echo "<input type=\"checkbox\" value=\"1\" class=\"button\" name=\"nextpage\"".(($nextpage) ? " checked" : "")."> Weiter auf nächste Seite\n";
Replace with
echo "<input type=\"checkbox\" value=\"1\" class=\"button\" name=\"nextpage\"".(($nextpage) ? " checked" : "")."> Continue on Next Page\n";
echo "<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"date\" value=\"1\" checked />Speichere Original Datum</a><br /> <span class=\"smalltext\">Bei nicht aktivierter CheckBox wird das heutige Datum eingefügt!</span><br /><br />\n";
Replace with
echo "<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"date\" value=\"1\" checked />Save Original Date</a><br /> <span class=\"smalltext\">If CheckBox is not activated today's date is inserted!</span><br /><br />\n";
show_table_header("Verschiebe: ".$lang[$lang_key], 2);
show_description_row("Verschiebe Datei(en) nach Kategorie ID: ".$cat_id."?");
Replace with
show_table_header("Move: ".$lang[$lang_key], 2);
show_description_row("Move file (s) by category ID: ".$cat_id."?");