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Messages - graficalicus

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yep - we got hacked. Not from 4images, but 4images is the only part of my site I'm having trouble getting back online.

My host has now banned any scripts running as "Nobody" - but I don't know where to look to find what scripts are running as "Nobody" - can anyone help? Luckily I have a complete backup of just a day or two before the hack, so I'm not losing too much - just can't get the config to work again.

(ERROR! CODE 500 shows up on all gallery pages - my host says this is because of the new ban on "Nobody" scripts - ) - -

Help?!  Thanks...

can't help you there - sounds like it will require some serious code change-

you'll have to modify which user table field to sort from - it should be easy enough, but I don't know how to help you with that.  :(

sure it does - in the code above, you posted this snippet:
[code$userlist .="\n<table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" bordercolor=\"FFFFFF\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" align=\"left\">\n<tr>\n<td height=\"5\">\n</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td>\n";
  $userlist .="<table width=\"100%\" bordercolor=\"000000\" border=\"1\" cellpadding=\"7\" cellspacing=\"0\">\n";
  $userlist .="<tr>\n<td class=\"head2\" align=\"left\">".$lang['user_name']."</td>\n<td class=\"head2\" align=\"left\">".$lang['join_date']."</td>\n</td>\n<td class=\"head2\" align=\"left\">".$lang['lang_total_user_images']."</td>\n</tr>\n";
//  $userlist .="<tr>\n<td class=\"head2\" align=\"left\">".$lang['user_name']."</td>\n<td class=\"head2\" align=\"left\">".$lang['join_date']."</td>\n<td class=\"head2\" align=\"left\">".$lang['email']."</td>\n<td class=\"head2\" align=\"left\">".$lang['homepage']."</td>\n<td class=\"head2\" align=\"left\">".$lang['lang_total_user_comments']."</td>\n<td class=\"head2\" align=\"left\">".$lang['lang_total_user_images']."</td>\n</tr>\n";
Code: [Select]

you can change the stylesheet and it will change this part of the code, no matter where it is -  :wink:

in style.css, take a look at ".head2" - you can change it from there (make it bold, make it italic, make it pink or green or purple!)

If you log in to my site, you'll see that you have the option to choose different templates from your user control panel - all templates are the same with just different style.css attached. Makes it W-A-Y E-A-S-Y to add new templates and/or colors very fast.

Where can I change the color of the links and the color of the text in the member list?

in templates/(your_template)/style.css

//Start Configuration

is the same as
//Start Configuration -

(the "//" part tells the script to ignore these lines - so you can type anything in them, like hints for yourself & notes to yourself so you know what each part of the code does)

Anyway, your problem - make sure the files go in the correct folder on your server - =>download a new version of geoip and upload it to your server - you might have the problem I had, above, a corrupt file -

Mods & Plugins (Releases & Support) / Re: [MOD] RSS Feed 0.1
« on: June 10, 2005, 12:28:20 AM »
have you edited RSS.html template?

you're calling two top layer elements - you can only call one, and the others must be sub-elements -

also the xml version must be stated - paste this into line 1 of the template:
Code: [Select]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
my entire rss.html is:
Code: [Select]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<rss version="2.0" xmlns:dc="">

Mods & Plugins (Releases & Support) / Re: [MOD] RSS Feed 0.1
« on: June 09, 2005, 10:04:34 PM »
try this -
in rss.php, find
Code: [Select]
include(ROOT_PATH.'global.php');and just below it add
Code: [Select]
(this from V@no on the Member Template Select thread)  :wink:

Bug Fixes & Patches / Re: [1.7,1.7.1] Security fix in sessions.php
« on: June 09, 2005, 07:12:36 PM »
fixed - I was editing an old sessions.php   :oops:  now updated   :|

thanks for looking!

Bug Fixes & Patches / Re: [1.7,1.7.1] Security fix in sessions.php
« on: June 09, 2005, 06:55:24 PM »
every error line is:
Code: [Select]

Bug Fixes & Patches / Re: [1.7,1.7.1] Security fix in sessions.php
« on: June 09, 2005, 06:51:44 PM »
restored - using 1.7 - this is the only change I've made in a few days. Dumped my cache, reloaded the page - nothing!

wonder if I've been hacked........

Bug Fixes & Patches / Re: [1.7,1.7.1] Security fix in sessions.php
« on: June 09, 2005, 06:39:55 PM »
made this change and the whole gallery went down!

direct image link:

category link:

home link:

rss link:

 :?: :!: :?: :!: :?: :!:  help  :!: :?:

will the watermark option work also on animated gifs?

try it!

i installed the mod, and i get no errors, but there is nothing on the images. not via the admin bathc, either the normal uploadskript

do this:
uncomment this line in global.php:
//error_reporting(E_ALL);(assuming u are using v1.7.1)

in v1.7 insert below the existing error_reporting line this:

and it will list the errors

That did it - I'd done something similar before, but put it one line too far down - -

thanks!  8)

Mods & Plugins (Releases & Support) / Re: [MOD] RSS Feed 0.1
« on: June 04, 2005, 07:40:05 PM »
(posted in the Member Template Select thread also, but I guess I should have poted here...  :oops: )

Can anyone help with "hard-coding" this RSS  to a special category template?   When I install the Member Select Template MOD, it moves code from global.php to sessions.php, making the two MODs incompatible with each other  :(

Does anyone have a solution?  Thanks-

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