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Topics - peterle

Pages: [1]
Plugins / [Plugin] Modified postcard viewer
« on: July 03, 2003, 10:25:22 PM »
based on the mod from uksoreeyes I modified the code a little bit. I think it is not of interest to see what message was sent. Therefore it just shows: date, who sent it and who received the card and the id of the picture with a link to open and make the used picture visible.
This is my first trial at all...My basic skills are Turbo-C and Pascal, times have changed, please forgive some possible strange lines...


1.) create a folder "plugins" in "admin" -> ...admin/plugins

2.) create a new file called "postcard_view.php" (e.g. use notepad) with following code:

Code: [Select]
<?php // PLUGIN_TITLE: modified Postcard Viewer 

$nozip 1

$root_path "./../../"

display_results() { 

$sql "SELECT * 
          FROM "
          WHERE p.image_id = i.image_id 
          ORDER BY postcard_id DESC"

$result $site_db->query($sql); 
$row $site_db->fetch_array($result)){ 
$postcard_id $row["postcard_id"]; 
$postcard_date date("D d M, Y g:i a"$row["postcard_date"]); 
$image_id $row["image_id"]; 
$postcard_sender_name $row["postcard_sender_name"]; 
$postcard_sender_email $row["postcard_sender_email"]; 
$postcard_recipient_name $row["postcard_recipient_name"]; 
$postcard_recipient_email $row["postcard_recipient_email"]; 
$cat_id $row['cat_id'];
$pict_id get_media_code($row['image_media_file'], $image_id$cat_id$row['image_name']);
$image_media_file get_media_code($row['image_media_file'], $image_id$cat_id$row['image_name']); 
    echo <<<END
    <font color="#000000" size="1" >
$postcard_date: <br>sent to: $postcard_recipient_name - 
<a href="mailto:
$postcard_recipient_email"><font color="#000000" size="1">$postcard_recipient_email</a></td>
     <td valign="top" width="200" height="250">
       sent by: 
$postcard_sender_name - <font color="#555555" size="1" ><a href="mailto:$postcard_sender_email">$postcard_sender_email</a>, picture: $image_id
<a href="../../details.php?image_id=
$image_id" target="_blank">click to show picture</a>



3.) save this file "postcard_view.php" in the new folder "plugins", enter admin panel and click postcard_view...

have fun...

Chit Chat / one more & eine mehr
« on: July 01, 2003, 04:05:20 PM »
-> have a look to my digital fotos

-> einfach ausprobieren


Discussion & Troubleshooting / problem with colors
« on: June 12, 2003, 09:20:36 AM »
I have a problem and can not solve it: in the navbar there are the clickstream links apperaing and on the left like next and previous picture. where can I change the color of this links...I changed the background of navbar top white, the text is now white and not visible - can one change this colors and also maybe define visited or hover?

I try to create a new template but there is a small but for me not dissolve-able problem: where can I change the color of clickstream and some other links (like "next picture", "top" and "new pictures" etc...) - I changed all the settings in style.css but these links stay white!!! Help me please please -- I start crying!

Mods & Plugins (Requests & Discussions) / extended info
« on: June 11, 2003, 01:49:46 PM »
I am not able to program that but maybe someone here has time or is also interested in that:
my dimage adds to each picture a extended file info with all the camer settings (Brennweite, Fokus, Belichtungszeit, etc...) - it would be great to be able to read that information and add it below the picture in an info box or to make a button to open the info.
I think one does not have to change the database as the file info is saved in the jpeg would be great!?
 :cry:  :?:  :idea:

I wonder if one could somewhere add a command to send a simple e-mail to an account of the adminsitrator that a user (the user name) has just sent a e-card. I am not interested in the message, I only would like to know how many cards a user is sending -> this could be usefull to have an eye on my users (linking...) :wink:

Discussion & Troubleshooting / e-cards safety
« on: May 16, 2003, 02:09:17 PM »
Wir sollten wirklich über die e-card-spam Probleme nachdenken:
Ich finde die Idee echt nicht schlecht: bei jeder Karte gibt es einen Hinweis wie "Wenn Sie in Zukunft keine e-cards von diesem Service mehr erhalten wollen, clicken oder mailen (oder was auch immer) Sie hier"
Dann kommt diese spezielle e-mail Adresse in einen Register - In Zukunft wird beim Verschicken einer e-card über dieses register gefiltert, ist die e-mail-Adresse in dem Register kann sie nicht verschickt werden.
So wird das potentielle spam-opfer nur 1x  und wir nicht von einem Rechtsanwalt belästigt...

oder was könnten wir sonst machen???
bei mir kann man sich auch nur mehr über mich als admin registrieren 8verdächtige Anmeldungen schiess ich gleich raus)

Discussion & Troubleshooting / restrictions and e-cards
« on: May 14, 2003, 03:06:12 PM »
I am wondering if one could make some restrictions to the users concerning e-cards:
-> I think about setting a maximum of e-cards a user can send within a day - this should be a safety-routine to avoid that spammers use the e-card function!?

Discussion & Troubleshooting / e-card
« on: May 12, 2003, 02:50:37 PM »
who can help me with that?

if one writes an e-card it looks ok, the preview looks also ok, but if you click send e-card all the line breakes of the meassge become visible as <br />??? what is wrong, what can I do???
I searched the forum, but I did not find anything!?

Thank you for your help,


Pages: [1]