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Messages - nameless

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Discussion & Troubleshooting / Re: change font type
« on: November 08, 2018, 09:33:05 AM »
Thank you for ur replay
I know it but haw can I do it
For example

from my style.css

.maincat {
  font-family: 'Lato', 'Helvetica Neue', Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
  font-size: 14px;
  font-weight: bold;
and the new font is Trufla Words.ttf

so where i upload the font and what is the change in style.css

Discussion & Troubleshooting / change font type
« on: October 27, 2018, 11:27:06 AM »
hi every one
I want to change font type
for example change font type for category in the home page


Dear sir

can we add a new filed in the member upload-form
to let the user chose the category from a list


I want to know
are there any disadvantages for this mod
because i see it's a simple than Google Friendly Urls For 4images Best Seo Mod



Mods & Plugins (Requests & Discussions) / infobox
« on: October 17, 2016, 04:56:27 PM »
dear sir

can we make infobox for text  like this
in the details page


I  update to version 1.7.13.
and nothing happen

but i solve it

i made a php.ini file in th root of th gallary
the file contain

default_charset = ""

and it work

my site in arabic and i have a problem with PHP5.6 so what i have to do

السلام عليكم
انا نقلت الموقع الى سرفر جديد وبعد ما نقلته لقيت ان الحروف العربى بتظهر على شكل ����� فا مش فاهم اعمل ايه وكل الى لاحظته ان السرفر الجديد PHP 5.6 ودا عامل مشكله مع الحروف العربى واى رموز خاصه


Dear sir

I have a new host and this is what i found

How can i change the input text size not the input textarea size

Thanks for ur help

thanks for all ur help

can we upload more photo for the same image

I mean if i have one image and i want to upload 5 photo for this image and display it in the details page

thanks againe

Thanks Scarala for ur help

<a href="../<?php echo basename($_SERVER[SCRIPT_NAME]) . '?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];  ?>" target="_self">Open desktop page.</a>

i try it but it did not work at the mobile but it work at my computer

i mean when i run the mobile site from my computer and i use to see the desktop pape it work

but when i run the mobile site from my mobile and i use to see the desktop pape it did't work

I hope u can find why it did not work

thanks agane

Will some one help me

in the mobile ver. i need to make a link (View this site in Normal view) to play the normal site on the mobile

like this site
the link in the end of the page
Diese Seite in der Normalansicht ansehen.

i found this but i do 't understant any thing from it

I have the same problem
how did u solve it

thanks thanks thanks Rembrandt

i make it and work great

But still one problem

in the mobile ver. i need to make a link (View this site in Normal view)

like this site
the link in the end of the page
Diese Seite in der Normalansicht ansehen.

thanks againe

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