Mods & Plugins (Requests & Discussions) / Re: Google recaptcha
« on: February 02, 2017, 02:37:09 PM »
The problem is that I need step-by-step manual how to install it.. I don't know PHP(
Check the new Tutorial subforum with helpfull guides and tutorials for modifications and tweaks.
This section allows you to view all posts made by this member. Note that you can only see posts made in areas you currently have access to.
How can I do this? I need insert this address to page. $additional_user_fields['admin_text'] = array($lang['admin_text'], "text", 0);
$lang['admin_text'] = "Personal rank: ";
*You are can use {if admin_text} and {endif admin_text}{if admin_text}
{endif admin_text}
$sql = "SELECT c.comment_id, c.image_id, c.user_id, c.user_name AS comment_user_name,
add in this line:u.admin_text,
$admin_links = "";
before add:$admin_text = $comment_row[$i]['admin_text'];
"comment_user_info" => $comment_user_info,
after add:"admin_text" => $admin_text,
"lang_admin_text" => $lang['admin_text'],
ALTER TABLE `4images_users` ADD `admin_text` TEXT NOT NULL;
function get_rank($count, $mode) {
global $lang;
if ($count == 0) {
$rank_commentator = $lang['passive'].$lang['commentator'];
$rank_photographer = $lang['passive'].$lang['photographer'];
elseif ($count >= 1 && $count < 10) {
$rank_commentator = $lang['beginner'].$lang['commentator'];
$rank_photographer = $lang['beginner'].$lang['photographer'];
elseif ($count >= 10 && $count < 50) {
$rank_commentator = $lang['active'].$lang['commentator'];
$rank_photographer = $lang['active'].$lang['photographer'];
elseif ($count >= 50 && $count < 100) {
$rank_commentator = $lang['super'].$lang['commentator'];
$rank_photographer = $lang['super'].$lang['photographer'];
else {
$rank_commentator = $lang['mega'].$lang['commentator'];
$rank_photographer = $lang['mega'].$lang['photographer'];
if ($mode == "commentator") {
return $rank_commentator;
if ($mode == "photographer") {
return $rank_photographer;
$lang['rank'] = "Rank:";
$lang['commentator'] = "commentator";
$lang['photographer'] = "photographer";
$lang['passive'] = "Passive ";
$lang['beginner'] = "Beginner ";
$lang['active'] = "Active ";
$lang['super'] = "Super ";
$lang['mega'] = "Mega ";
$sql = "SELECT c.comment_id, c.image_id, c.user_id, c.user_name AS comment_user_name, c.comment_headline, c.comment_text, c.comment_ip, c.comment_date".get_user_table_field(", u.", "user_level").get_user_table_field(", u.", "user_name").get_user_table_field(", u.", "user_email").get_user_table_field(", u.", "user_showemail").get_user_table_field(", u.", "user_invisible").get_user_table_field(", u.", "user_joindate").get_user_table_field(", u.", "user_lastaction").get_user_table_field(", u.", "user_comments").get_user_table_field(", u.", "user_homepage").get_user_table_field(", u.", "user_icq")."
Replace:$sql = "SELECT c.comment_id, c.image_id, c.user_id, c.user_name AS comment_user_name, c.comment_headline, c.comment_text, c.comment_ip, c.comment_date, u.user_images".get_user_table_field(", u.", "user_level").get_user_table_field(", u.", "user_name").get_user_table_field(", u.", "user_email").get_user_table_field(", u.", "user_showemail").get_user_table_field(", u.", "user_invisible").get_user_table_field(", u.", "user_joindate").get_user_table_field(", u.", "user_lastaction").get_user_table_field(", u.", "user_comments").get_user_table_field(", u.", "user_homepage").get_user_table_field(", u.", "user_icq")."
$comment_user_ip = ($user_info['user_level'] == ADMIN) ? $comment_row[$i]['comment_ip'] : "";
before this add:$rank = "";
if ($comment_user_id != GUEST) {
$rank_commentator = get_rank($comment_row[$i][$user_table_fields['user_comments']], "commentator");
$rank_photographer = get_rank($comment_row[$i]['user_images'], "photographer");
$rank = $rank_commentator."<br />".$rank_photographer;
"comment_id" => $comment_row[$i]['comment_id'],
"comment_user_id" => $comment_user_id,
"rank" => $rank,
"lang_rank" => $lang['rank'],
{if rank}
<b>{lang_rank}</b><br />
{rank}<br />
{endif rank}
$del_img = $site_db->query($sql);
After add:$sql2 = "UPDATE ".USERS_TABLE."
SET user_images = user_images-1
WHERE user_id = ".$image_row['user_id']."";
$image_id = $site_db->get_insert_id();
if ($result) {
After add:if ($user_info['user_id'] != GUEST) {
SET user_images = user_images+1
WHERE user_id = ".$user_info['user_id']."";
"user_id" => $user_row['user_id'],
"user_name" => (isset($user_row['user_name'])) ? format_text($user_row['user_name'], 2) : REPLACE_EMPTY,
replace: $rank_commentator = get_rank($user_row['user_comments'], "commentator");
$rank_photographer = get_rank($user_row['user_images'], "photographer");
"user_id" => $user_row['user_id'],
"user_name" => (isset($user_row['user_name'])) ? format_text($user_row['user_name'], 2) : REPLACE_EMPTY,
"lang_rank" => $lang['rank'],
"rank_commentator" => $rank_commentator,
"rank_photographer" => $rank_photographer,
$sql = "SELECT image_id
2 times replace:$sql = "SELECT image_id, user_id
$image_ids_sql .= (($image_ids_sql != "") ? ", " : "").$image_row['image_id'];
2 times after add:if ($image_row['user_id'] != GUEST) {
SET user_images = user_images-1
WHERE user_id = ".$image_row['user_id'];
WHERE image_id = ".$image_row['image_id'];
if ($site_db->query($sql)) {
After add:if ($image_row['user_id'] != GUEST) {
SET user_images = user_images-1
WHERE user_id = ".$image_row['user_id'];
if ($result) {
$search_words = array();
foreach ($search_match_fields as $image_column => $match_column) {
if (isset($HTTP_POST_VARS[$image_column.'_'.$i])) {
$search_words[$image_column] = stripslashes($HTTP_POST_VARS[$image_column.'_'.$i]);
add_searchwords($image_id, $search_words);
After add:if ($user_id != GUEST) {
SET user_images = user_images+1
WHERE user_id = $user_id";
$search_words = array();
Before add:if ($user_id != GUEST) {
SET user_images = user_images+1
WHERE user_id = $user_id";
$search_words = array();
Before add:if ($user_id != GUEST) {
SET user_images = user_images+1
WHERE user_id = $user_id";
define('ROOT_PATH', './');
$sql_data = "ALTER TABLE `".USERS_TABLE."` ADD `user_images` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0' AFTER `user_comments`";
$sql = "SELECT user_id, COUNT(image_id) AS count
GROUP BY user_id";
$result = $site_db->query($sql);
while($row = $site_db->fetch_array($result))
$sql = "UPDATE " . USERS_TABLE . "
SET user_images = " . $row['count'] . "
WHERE user_id = " . $row['user_id'];
Install it and delete from server.