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Messages - Stoleti

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 5 ... 41
Requests for paid modifications / Jobbörse / Re: Steam connect
« on: July 30, 2011, 11:50:10 PM »
i've found this files (php) related to steam, but thats how far i can go without help to integrate steam account/login/info into 4images. example of how steamp api works theres site called wich uses steam api.

i would be willing to pay a small fee to have it done....  :roll:

Requests for paid modifications / Jobbörse / Steam connect
« on: July 30, 2011, 02:57:16 AM »
hello everyone

i've seen sites using Steam as way to connect to their sites, without need a whole own registration only needs to connect the user steam account (bit like how facebook does), since i'm gammer i want to use steam account using steam api (and using steam info, like profile id, avatar, etc).

anyone can tell me how to do this? 

maybe useful link

Mods & Plugins (Requests & Discussions) / Re: [addon] DREAMBOARD V 2.1
« on: April 11, 2009, 11:02:09 PM »
theres any "search" mod addon working with this board ? this would be alot useful to avoid double-triple posts and spam  :roll:

Mods & Plugins (Releases & Support) / Re: [PROGRAM] 4images Mobile Server
« on: October 13, 2007, 11:38:56 PM »
well this have worked fine, but the installer version should give us the option to choose where install,choose the disk etc

anyway great work, i hope see more features soon  :mrgreen:

Mods & Plugins (Releases & Support) / Re: [PROGRAM] 4images Mobile Server
« on: October 13, 2007, 02:34:56 AM »
Hello, Stoleti;
very sorry, but I am at the hospital for a while.
My sites are both out, for now.
A nurse lent me her computer and I uploaded my sources from my USB key here:
Installable version
Zip version
My brother will try tomorrow on his Vista computer.

I apologize.

Best regards. Keep on supporting 4images!


thats ok, you dont need apoligize when you did nothing wrong :)

ill test it anyway on vista and ill report here if this work in vista or not  :mrgreen:

again , thanks for this awesome software  :mrgreen:

Mods & Plugins (Releases & Support) / Re: [PROGRAM] 4images Mobile Server
« on: October 12, 2007, 05:57:03 PM »
thats a awesome program :D

but i can't download it, link seesm not be working

Error 403 - Forbidden
L'accès au fichier requiert une autorisation.

can somebody post here another mirror please  :?:

also this work with windows vista (i hope so)  :mrgreen:

@ccsakuweb , sure i'll post here, but one note if you say your english is horrible, so you should see my spanish ... "crime against mankind"  :mrgreen:

Plugins / Re: [MOD] - MOD Compare
« on: August 07, 2007, 09:43:06 PM »
nice mood  :D

hopefully i've got friend from chile who are going translate it to english  :wink:

dude....everybody knows that kind of translators sucks as hell ..mostly of times make translations without any sense, i prefer somebody , a user or try find out somebody to help :)

but thanks for the tip  :wink:

somebody can translate at least this part:

$lang['friendslist_no_images'] = "No tienes amigos almacenados. Para guardarlos haz clic en la imagen Amigo en los comentarios.";
$lang['friendslist_add_success'] = "Amigo guardado.";
$lang['friendslist_add_error'] = "¡Error agregando amigo a la lista!";
$lang['friendslist_remove_success'] = "Amigo eliminado.";
$lang['friendslist_remove_error'] = "¡Error borrando amigo!";
$lang['friendslist_register'] = "Para poder usar su listado de amigos, debe registrarse.<br />&raquo; <a href=\"{url_register}\">Registrarse ahora</a>";
$lang['friendslist_delete_success'] = "Lista de amigos eliminada.";
$lang['friendslist_delete_error'] = "¡Error eliminando lista de amigos!";
$lang['delete_friendslist'] = "Eliminar lista de amigos";
$lang['friendslist_lastaction'] = "Última actualización en su lista de amigos:";
$lang['delete_friendslist_confirm'] = "¿Esta seguro de eliminar su lista de amigos?";


yes i got that, but i still looking for the old pms installer  :roll: please !!

so who have the old pms installer ?? can attach here please  :|

wooow congratulations you found it,well theres 2 threads about it i've seens later this is about the same  :x

well this is possible, but would work better if its fresh gallery, or this ill show "guest" like thunderstrike said, until the users re-update their accounts,of course the new members ill work fine ;)

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