4images Issues / Ausgaben > Feedback & Suggestions

4images 1.9 - Feedback

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Please use this thread for feedback and comments about the 4images 1.9 release.
For general bug reporting and troubleshooting please use this forum.

Bitte nutzt diesen Thread für Feedback, Kommentare und Anregungen zum 4images 1.9 Release.
Für allgemeine Bug Reports und Troubleshooting bitte dieses Forum nutzen.

I've been using 4images for many years now and I currently run 4images version 1.7.13 with a lot of heavy modifications. I've been able to get it running on PHP 7.4.25, but I run into problems with PHP 8.

Because of all the modifications throughout the years I'm unable to update to version 1.9. I was wondering if there was possibly a changelog with a list of specific changes in code on specific php files that make it php 8 compatible that I could sort through to try to get my version PHP 8 compatible? I hope that makes sense.

Glad to see an update to 4images, I honestly thought it had seen it's end.

Thanks, Have a great day.


I can recommend "WinMerge" as an alternative.
With this programme you are able to examine individual PHPs for changes.


Habt ihr ein Changelog oder zumindest eine Liste für die geänderten Files?
Ich wollte an den Security Problemen arbeiten. Zumindest die unsicheren Cookies und andere Dinge die mir gemeldet wurden.

Gruß KP


--- Quote from: kitty999 on November 07, 2021, 02:36:45 AM ---Hello,
I've been using 4images for many years now and I currently run 4images version 1.7.13 with a lot of heavy modifications. I've been able to get it running on PHP 7.4.25, but I run into problems with PHP 8.

Because of all the modifications throughout the years I'm unable to update to version 1.9. I was wondering if there was possibly a changelog with a list of specific changes in code on specific php files that make it php 8 compatible that I could sort through to try to get my version PHP 8 compatible? I hope that makes sense.

Glad to see an update to 4images, I honestly thought it had seen it's end.

Thanks, Have a great day.

--- End quote ---

Hello kitty999,
you can have a look here:
there ist a version 1.8 which I've fixed for php8. I the attached zip file you can find the files which are fixed. May you can replace them or have a look into to change it to your customised files.

Sunny C.:
Die Installation läuft weiterhin nicht korrekt durch

Als erstes muss man folgendes in die install.php hinzufügen.
Das Scheint das System nicht zu erkennen.
function safe_htmlspecialchars($chars) {
  // Translate all non-unicode entities
  $chars = preg_replace(

  $chars = str_replace(">", ">",   $chars);
  $chars = str_replace("<", "&lt;",   $chars);
  $chars = str_replace('"', "&quot;", $chars);
  return $chars;

Außerdem kann es noch zu folgenden Fehler kommen

--- Quote ---DB Error: Bad SQL Query: CREATE TABLE 4images_settings (setting_name varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',setting_value mediumtext NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY (setting_name)) ENGINE=MyISAM
Specified key was too long; max key length is 1000 bytes
--- End quote ---

Das kann man beheben in dem man unter "data/database/default" die Dateien öffnet

--- Code: ---ENGINE=MyISAM;
--- End code ---
Ersetzen mit

--- Code: ---ENGINE=InnoDB;
--- End code ---

Ich finde das sollte man als Update mal nachschieben.



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