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Topics - obmob01

Pages: [1]
Is it possible to call the new images table to an external file?
Or maybe random images from 4images?

Not only one, i found that script already :p

Discussion & Troubleshooting / header and footer not loaded
« on: February 16, 2006, 07:28:32 PM »
Hmm, its interesting, every file in my site works perfect, have added some mods like dynamic page title, somehow, guestbook isn't showing the header, the template is loaded, but not the header or footer.

So, style is not applied :(

Now if i add the header and footer manually it works... i also installed my mods into guestbook php, but maybe i'm missing something, hope someone has an idea, i'd love to know what variables or functions may be missing :)

Is it possible to add a validation code before a user downloads a file or image?

Something like this, but in download section? :p

Discussion & Troubleshooting / Antileech for Images
« on: November 12, 2002, 03:25:12 AM »
Hi there, I have a site with many wallpapers and I can't place them zipped because of my webhost.

So with IE 5.5 and 6, you can download images just by pointing them and pressing a pop up menu.

How can I stop this?

Please refer to They use some antileech system, and also use a php script. I would love to do that exactly.


Español / Castellano / Activar/Desactivar Categoría
« on: September 29, 2002, 06:23:47 AM »
Hay alguna manera de activar o desactivar una categoría, es decir, que en cierto momento del año se pueda activar para celebrar algun evento especial y que posteriormente la pueda desacvtivar hasta el siguiente periodo.
Saludos y Gracias

Templates & Styles (Requests & Discussions) / Thumbs Problem
« on: July 27, 2002, 11:39:46 PM »
Well I'm testing 4images and seem fantastic. But I have one little problem with my thumbnail images.

As I inserted some images ito my categories, some of the images have an space abobe. What I mean is that they are not equally alignesd to the top.

I thought it might be a problem in the templates but I don't think so.
Any suggestion?

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