4images Modifications / Modifikationen > Mods & Plugins (Releases & Support)

[Mod] Make "Images Per Page" a jump menu

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I know it is a list but instead of making it available in the form of a jumpbox, I would like to present the list in the left table.


I'm not quet understand what do u mean by "jumpbox".
perpage_dropdown form generated from template setperpage_dropdown_form.html
category sellect dropdown generated from template category_dropdown_form.html
so, each one could be called seporately, with tags {setperpage_dropdown_form} and {category_dropdown_form}
so, it's up to u where do u want display them.

Sorry, but what I ment is that the list is displayed without the triangle-button. So that isn't a dropdown-list(box) but a "fixed" list.

Is this better explained?



--- Quote from: V@no ---it wont work, untill u either delete whole button from /setperpage_dropdown_form.html template =>
--- Code: ---<INPUT type="submit" value="{lang_go}" class="button" name="submit" />
--- End code ---
or delete
--- Quote ---name="submit"
--- End quote ---
from that button.  :wink:
--- End quote ---
Sounds like I left something out.  I was tired when I posted last night.  I'll recheck what I did when I get home after work and post again.

I know almost nothing about javascript or html, but I've never seen anywhere something what u asking for, exept when it used 'dropdown menu' javascript.
u can try search for it on www.hotscripts.com


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