Chit Chat / I'm Back :-)
« on: November 16, 2014, 08:24:28 AM »
I remember me joining me 4images in 2009 as a total newbie to web design and development, hardly managed to write a bit of html and thought applying the mods in the forum is the coolest thing evaa.. the community was so helpful, to be honest the best community i have ever been apart of.
Man i'm so happy to return back,
This is where i learned to almost everything that i knew about web design and dev in earpy stages. Love this place.
Nicky,V@NO,kai,budduke,batu544 ... i hope you guys are still around
Can't wait to contribute
I remember me joining me 4images in 2009 as a total newbie to web design and development, hardly managed to write a bit of html and thought applying the mods in the forum is the coolest thing evaa.. the community was so helpful, to be honest the best community i have ever been apart of.
Man i'm so happy to return back,
This is where i learned to almost everything that i knew about web design and dev in earpy stages. Love this place.
Nicky,V@NO,kai,budduke,batu544 ... i hope you guys are still around

Can't wait to contribute