International > Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian & Slovenian
google analytics
kako dodati google analytics na 4images, pokusavao sam al nikako nisam uspio,
di treba ubaciti kod.
na obicnu stranicu di je html tamo znam, al ovdje na php nemam pojma.
lijep pozdrav :!:
cao zikihos,
ubaci google code u template footer.html
i to je to.
zahvaljujem :D
I donīt understand your language but your answer must be Wrong...
Canīt go in Footer, Analytic code must be placed befor </head> code, so this must go in header template.
Welcome to the Forum!
--- Quote from: cabrote on March 28, 2012, 06:34:36 PM ---..
Canīt go in Footer, Analytic code must be placed befor </head> code, so this must go in header template.
--- End quote ---
This information is not false!
only the new Tracking Code is in front of "</head>"
the old Tracking Code is in the "footer.htm" befor </body>.
mfg Andi
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