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Messages - bernd

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V@no - this MOD is one of the best so far. We are just in the middle of re-arranging ~3000 images into a new category structure and this will save major time!

Thanks again,

Tutorials / how can i have the image_photographer clickable?
« on: March 22, 2003, 09:42:17 PM »
to be able to use it just like the keywords? I did the MODs so I have the photographer being shown below the image and I can search for this via the extended search but I'd like my users to be able to just click the photographer's name and they are then shown all pictures taken by this guy.

I tried to find how/where it is done for the keywords but I struggled ...

Thanks in advance!

Quote from: V@no
that's imposible, because when u r not logged in, u are GUEST, and when your friend not logged in, he's GUEST too.

I wouldn't say it's impossible - it's not possible with 4images as it is right now. But if you used the sessionID for setting up a light-box it should work (like having a shopping cart without being locked-in); then of course once the session is over the lightbox will be gone. Or you could do it cookie-based. If someone is willing to give it a go it'd surely be a valuable extension to 4images I think.


Installation, Update & Configuration / NetPBM, GD or ImageMagick
« on: February 13, 2003, 12:03:33 AM »
Quote from: geohei
Anyway ... my hoster has system() and exec() switched off (security reasons). I believe that's the end of my NetPBM project :(. I guess I have to create the thumbs myself  :?.

That's what I do as well :)
The reason why I am doing it is that I have a watermark in the bigger pictures and don't wanna have that in the thumbs so I created an ImageReady droplet and create 'em that way - not too big a deal actually.


Discussion & Troubleshooting / Use GZip compression
« on: February 09, 2003, 09:20:08 PM »
Quote from: Chris
As far as I can tell, it's for database backups and the zip download feature.

IIRC it is rather for transparent compression of the requested content. I.e. the html page itself (or the parsed php page to be precise) is gzipped, sent to the reader and the reader's browser decompresses it and displays it - normally without any notice by the user. By doing so you save your website bandwidth/transfer volume.

Here's a quote from the developer's website
mod_gzip is an Internet Content Acceleration module for the poular Apache Web Server. It compresses the contents delivered to the client. There is no need to install any additional software on the client!


Installation, Update & Configuration / NetPBM, GD or ImageMagick
« on: February 09, 2003, 09:11:14 PM »
I don't know about ImageMagick but for the other two the answer is easy: NetPBM, see here


Discussion & Troubleshooting / Automatic zip extraction
« on: February 06, 2003, 10:52:27 PM »
Gallery does it as well -


OK, the solution is simple: the form has to have a name  :o

So, put this into the file 'setperpage_dropdown_form.html' which is to be found within your template folder
Code: [Select]
<form method="post" name="imagesperpage" action="{self}">
also while you are there you can remove as suggested by V@no from this
Code: [Select]
<INPUT type="submit" value="{lang_go}" class="button" name="submit" />the
Code: [Select]
Then go to the includes/page_header.php and do the changes as posted by Chris. It works for me!


yo, das loest dieses Problem - doch nun kommt schon das naechste  :?

Wenn ich in dieser Kategorie '10' einstelle und dann in eine Kategorie gehe wo die normalen 3 Spalten verwendet werden, dann sehe ich dort nun auch 10 Bilder ... Wenn ich per Dropbox nichts verstelle, dann werden in der 2spaltigen 6 und in der 3spaltigen 9 angezeigt.

Idee? Oder kommen wir jetzt langsam vom Hundersten ins Tausendste?

Danke schonmal vorneweg!

Quote from: Jan
Sollte gehen, wenn Du den Code-Abschnitt von oben über dieser Zeile in includes/page_header.php einfügst:
Code: [Select]
$perpage = ceil($config['default_image_rows'] * $config['image_cells']);

Funktioniert ... aber leider nicht 100%ig. Ziemlich komisch ist das: Beim ersten Aufruf der Kategorie werden dann 6 Bilder anstatt der 9 angezeigt (klar: wegen 2x3 nun, anstatt 3x3 normalerweise) und die DropBox enhält automagically auch nur gerade Werte. Wenn ich nun mit der DropBox aber was anderes auswähle, z.B. "10 Bilder pro Seite" und auf "Go" klicke, dann hat die nächste Seite zwar genau die gewünschte Menge von Bildern, doch die Dropbox ist im Ursprungszustand, d.h. mit "3, 6, 9, 12, ..." Bildern.


Discussion & Troubleshooting / Re: 4images & server load
« on: January 28, 2003, 03:30:25 PM »
Quote from: reconocelos
The images on my site are no more of 200 pixels width.

Not the image size but the file size. SLL says that your provider is only complaining about the traffic your site produces and wants to force you into paying more by using a dedicated server or something.

Maybe server load could be reduced though - I don't know.


Klappt soweit ganz gut - hast Du evtl. auch noch einen kleinen Tip wo ich gucken muß für das folgende nun auftauchende Problem:

Als Standardbilderzahl habe ich 9 (macht für 3spaltiges Layout ja auch Sinn), bei dem nun speziellen 2spaltigen aber weniger (es ist halt die letzte Box immer leer). Könnte ich nach demselben Prinzip von Dir auch die Standard-Zahl der Bilder ändern und auch dann eine andere Dropbox darstellen (mit eben anderen Auswahlmöglichkeiten)?

Danke + cheers,

Plugins / Re: Yep
« on: January 27, 2003, 08:26:44 PM »
Quote from: Chris
I done that successfully myself.  It works.

Thanks - worked here as well. This leads me to the conclusion that under specific circumstances Jan's script doesn't empty these two tables thouroughly! Maybe something to look into.


Plugins / [Plugin] Rebuild Search Index
« on: January 27, 2003, 03:32:04 PM »

Could I also empty those two tables via phpmyadmin and then with a click on this plug-in the search index will be rebuilt?


Mods & Plugins (Requests & Discussions) / Re: Wo lese ich die cat ID aus
« on: January 23, 2003, 08:53:42 PM »
Quote from: Gabi
Hy ich bin dabei für die einzelen Kategorien Bilder einzufügen aber ich muß diese ja zuordnen. Wo finde ich die jeweilige ID der Kategorieen???

Im Control Panel unter "Kategorien bearbeiten" siehst Du die Kategorienummer, wenn Du die Maus über einer Kategorie stehen hast "categories.php?cat_id=42" zum Beispiel. Einfacher ist's, wenn Du folgenden Mod einfügst (siehe Post von Chris).


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