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Messages - ch€ri{Bi}˛

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Feedback & Suggestions / Re: 4images 1.7.3 - Feedback
« on: August 09, 2006, 08:40:28 PM »
is anybody there who can tell me the changes (in the files) ?

from Version 1.72 to 1.73...?

I can't find the code in STEP 2.5? I have version 1.7.2
:? not sure this code come from the original script !!!

but it's not a problem   :arrow:  add the code at the very end of the file, before the final ?>  :wink:

Chit Chat / Re: [MODs] - Requested from others.
« on: May 30, 2006, 04:59:44 PM »
6 MODs for you guys.

If you wish to have one these features, you can always email me at: to evaluate a trial version of these releases.

Note: These products are NOT for sale !


Shadow Nicer !

what you mean ? Are you doing it for free, or just make mod's work at limited time ?

If you don't want to sale these scripts then:
1 - why did you propose a trial version ?
2 - why did you call them "product" ?

and if you have 6 mods for "us", why didn't you simply share them on this forum ????

Discussion & Troubleshooting / Re: small bug in ACP user management
« on: May 29, 2006, 09:39:48 PM »
thank you v@no!
i will try it!

 :idea: i guess the other (long) solution is to take all variables (from the previous page) as input for the back button...  :wink:

hi all,

i consulted a site which has surprised me  :o as for the beauty and the effectiveness of the CSS style sheets...
and as you can see, you can select another design and after this the only thing which change between the 2 pages is the external CSS stylesheet!  wow! the possibilities are amazing!

I don't know if you think like me, but it makes it possible to have a practically unique design for your site   8)

Is there someone who has already developed a CSS based template for a 4images site?

Discussion & Troubleshooting / small bug in ACP user management
« on: May 29, 2006, 11:57:17 AM »
hi all,

i have a small bug (v1.7.2) in ACP : when i ask to delete  a user,  it does not matter if i answer yes or no, the user is always deleted  :!:

Any idea to correct this ?

Oh no, I am so an idiot...
hehe! you're welcome  :mrgreen:

But maybe it is possible that the voting is saved by cookie/ip, so that this Guest can download the image after a vote.
well you can use this mod to store a cookie when a user rates a pic... but...
 :arrow: you have to add extra code to verify the cookies in this mod
 :arrow: if it's a guest and if he deletes the cookie, he can vote again and again for the same picture :twisted:

Code: [Select]
if (!in_array($id, $split_list) && !in_array($id, $cookie_rated) && !$rated) {Thought that "$cookie_rated" was what I was searching :(

Any ideas how to implement that?
:?: where did you see this code ?

Bad news: The Download Butten is still disabled after vote.
i forgot to mention : this mod requires version A of [MOD]Votes saved in DB
the two tables you are talking about are supposed to be the same table (4images_voted is the real name of the mysql table, VOTED_TABLE is a global variable used in PHP to make mysql queries...)

and if there is no data stored in VOTED_TABLE after some votes then  :? 
 :arrow: the present mod will never know who voted  and the button will always stay disabled
 :arrow: you made a mistake when you install [MOD]Votes saved in DB version A!! Try to re-install the complete mod  :wink:

 :!: admin accounts are not concerned by these restrictions, that's why admin will always have buttons enabled.

sorry to post it so late  :oops:
as requested here, this is the missing file to make this mod work with PHP 4.x .


hi Cyrus,

i asked the same thing about the rate form and it works....
 :arrow: maybe this can help you

Try to change the tags used to rate with the tags about download, and test it to konw if it works ;)


yeah, yeah, yeah, v@no, you got it!  :wink:
Thank you very much!

i did not say it before for this mod : very great job! :D

 yes v@no  :?  you are right surely but if I replace the $color code by this one:
Code: [Select]
$color = ImageColorAllocate($im, mt_rand(0, 255),mt_rand(0, 255),mt_rand(0, 255));
you can see and test the result here (and refresh it...): it works for only 1 or 2 letters! the others letters don't take the color  :!:

There is also a little config that you can play with, which allow you to change size of the image, size of font, font color (shade of grey actualy)
 :?: is there a particular reason to keep this font color?

 :arrow: i tried to change the $rgb variable in rndimg.php with differents values...
$color = ImageColorAllocate($im, $rgb,$rgb,$rgb);
but only the 2 first letters get their color changed  :?

:?: so how can i change the font color for all letters?


how can I integration these mod into the comments?
I white, it is more simply the existing mod to be inserted than again freshly to begin a new mod!!
you are absolutely right !!! no need of several mod to do the same thing but it helps the creativity should never be killed   :wink:

if you want to apply this mod to protect your comments, then follow these steps (after installing the first part) :

Step 1.1 :
open details.php
 find :
Code: [Select]
if ($comment_text == "")  {
      $msg .= (($msg != "") ? "<br />" : "").$lang['comment_required'];
      $error = 1;

add after:
Code: [Select]
$code = $site_sess->get_session_var("rnd_code");
    if (!$code || !isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['code']) || empty($HTTP_POST_VARS['code']))
      $msg .= (($msg != "") ? "<br />" : "").$lang['rndimg_required'];
      $error = 1;
    elseif (strtoupper(trim($HTTP_POST_VARS['code'])) != $code)
      $msg .= (($msg != "") ? "<br />" : "").$lang['rndimg_missmatch'];
      $error = 1;

Step 1.2 :
still in details.php
Code: [Select]
$comment_headline = (isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['comment_headline']) && $error) ? format_text(trim(stripslashes($HTTP_POST_VARS['comment_headline'])), 2) : "";
    $comment_text = (isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['comment_text']) && $error) ? format_text(trim(stripslashes($HTTP_POST_VARS['comment_text'])), 2) : "";

and add after:
Code: [Select]
      "lang_rndimg" => $lang['rndimg'],
      "lang_rndimg_expl" => $lang['rndimg_expl'],
      "rndimg_url" => $site_sess->url(ROOT_PATH."rndimg.php?".MD5(time()), "&")."&",

Step 2 :
Open templates/<your template>/comment_form.html
find :
Code: [Select]
<input type="submit" name="postbutton" value="{lang_post_comment}" class="button" />
and add somewhere before :
Code: [Select]
            <td class="row2"><b>{lang_rndimg}:</b><br /><img src="{rndimg_url}" onClick="this.src='{rndimg_url}'+((Math.round(Math.random()*(999-100)))+100);"></td>
            <td class="row2" valign="top"><input type="text" name="code" size="5" value="" /><br /><span class="smalltext">{lang_rndimg_expl}</td>

That's all  :wink:

hi all,

for all people which still have problems with the (not working) variables %D %T %N %H %U %S %B,
here is the solution!

 :arrow: open annotate.php and find :
$ann_vars = array ("'%D'", "'%T'", "'%N'", "'%H'", "'%U'", "'%S'", "'%B'");

and replace by:
Code: [Select]
$ann_vars = array ('%D', '%T', '%N', '%H', '%U', '%S', '%B');
 :idea: delete all single quote (and keep double quotes)  OR   delete all double quotes (and keep single quote) from the original code
and it should work!

... and this solution had perhaps not been rather clear but it had been already posted here  :wink:

Thanks to the authors of this good mod!

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