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Topics - shan

Pages: [1]
Hey does anyone know how we can implement a page where my forum users can upload their images and it will automatically go into 4images gallery? I have an idea of how it should work but i dont have php knowledge:( i think i have to modify the uploadform so that it points to my 4images not sure, is there anyone who can help please?

Mods & Plugins (Requests & Discussions) / User request page
« on: March 06, 2007, 05:21:06 AM »
Hey does anyone have a MOD for user request page. Like if lets say if the users need a specific thing, is there a way to code so they can request in a page and that will be visible to all but only registered members ofcourse:)

Discussion & Troubleshooting / how to change file type images?
« on: March 05, 2007, 06:25:00 PM »
Anyone know how to change the file type image so that when i upload that type, it will display the image associate with that type? please

Discussion & Troubleshooting / Word filtering on upload
« on: March 04, 2007, 07:04:17 PM »
Hi, Jan or there a mod or plugin that will allow the script to scan the filename while uploading. Scan for banned names or website url or it can verify the list of banned names then decline upload if the filename contains banned names else continue upload. You know what i mean, something similar to what some torrent sites do, they verify the folder if it contains a txt file with their site address in it.

Discussion & Troubleshooting / Custom icon?
« on: March 03, 2007, 01:54:40 PM »
Hey guys, i recently modified 4images and added a new extension to the list. Now when i upload a file with that extension, theres no image to display it. How can i tell 4images to show " custom icon" that i made specifically for that extension whenever a user uploads? Just like it would do with Jpeg or any other extension. I know this is probably the most easiest but im fairly new at this:(, please someone help...

Discussion & Troubleshooting / Help! how do i change the Text names?
« on: February 20, 2007, 05:21:33 AM »
Hi folks, sorry i am really new to Php and having trouble. By default 4images set names such as "Categories, New images, etc.." how can i change those? instead of running it as an image site, i want to modify to something else such as file site or something. So i want to change those names to suit my site theme. Please can anyone help:P, it be great! thanks.

Pages: [1]