4images Modifications / Modifikationen > Mods & Plugins (Releases & Support)

[MOD] Batch Copy/Move/Edit Images v4.15.7 (2011-01-09)

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This is a modified admin/images.php file, that now can copy/move files to the selected category.
new feature added in v2.3: copied/moved files date handling, either keep its original, or use current date.

------- [ Features ] ----------

[*] thumbnails in image list
[*] batch copy images to specified category
[*] batch move images to specified category
[*] batch edit images description, keywords, date, active and allow comments settings
[*] quick edit images name, description, keywords, date and other image fields
[*] displays category ID of the images
[*] fixed few bugs from original 4images v1.7
[o] support for [Mod] Show original image in new window by clicking on image
[o] configurable open in a new window individual image edit/delete links
[o] adjustable thumbnails size in image list
[o] adjustable image preview size in edit image page
[*] support for [MOD] Category Image
[*] quick change owner of the selected images
[o] support for backup images
[*] search not activated images
[*] search in additional image fields
[o] show/hide each additional image field in search form
[*] more precise search by means of selectable search methods for each field
[o] EXIF support (very limited as of v4.11)
[*] customizable search form presets

[*] feature configurable/available through web interface
[o] feature configurable/available through manual editing admin/images_config.php

Normal view:

With "Quick edit":

Since v4.8:

Image search form:

Search results without "quick edit":

Multi-image edit:

------- [ Installation ] ----------

1. Backup admin/images.php file
2. Download attached package(s) (note, attached image_config.php file is optional and can be used to store settings. It might not be the same version as images.php, it only getting updated if some settings are changed or added/removed)
3. Unpack them and upload into admin/ dir (replace the old one).

------- [ Configuration ] --------

The following settings are located at admin/image_config.php file:
//--- Settings --------

/*set BIGDIR variable with the name of your "big" folder for "big" images (no trailing slashes!)*/
//define("BIGDIR", "");
define('BIGDIR', "big"); // http://www.4homepages.de/forum/index.php?topic=3236.0

/*set BACKUPDIR variable with the full path to your backup dir (no trailing slashes!)*/
if (!defined('BACKUPDIR'))
  define('BACKUPDIR', "");
//  define('BACKUPDIR', "/home/4images/backup"); //example full path on unix systems
//  define('BACKUPDIR', "C:/4images/backup"); //example full path on windows systems

$thumbsize = 48; //thumbnail size showed at find image page (will be resized by browser)
$imagesize = 600; //image size showed at edit image page (will be resized by browser)

//quick edit description and keywords field size
$cols = 30; //textarea width
$rows = 4; //textarea height
$target = false; //Open links to edit/delete a single image in a new window? (true or false)

$limitnumber = 25; //number of images per page by default

//Quick Edit options:
$quickedit_checkboxes = 0; //1 = show checkboxes; 0 = show multiline dropdown
$quickedit_checkboxes_height = 200; //when show checkboxes limit height of the column in pixels (0 = disable)
$quickedit_default = array(); //list of image fields that will be selected by default and after search form reset.

//example select image name, description and date by default or when reset search form
$quickedit_default = array(
$nextpage_default = 1; //select "Continue next page after save" by default? (1 = yes, 0 = no)

$savedate = 1; //select "save date" on copy/move by default? (1 = yes, 0 = no)

$use_media_template = 1; //use media template at edit image page (useful for non-image files)

$num_newimages_max = 10; //max number of "add new images"

$exif_enable = 1; //use exif? if PHP doesn't support read_exif_data() function, this setting will be ignored and exif support will be disabled.

$image_resize_default = 1; //resize image by default for add new images page (1 = yes, 0 = no)
$thumb_tools_default = 2; //thumbnail tools by default for add new images page (0 = skip, 1 = resize, 2 = create)

$image_resize_type = -1; //image resize type (-1 = use settings, 1 = proportionally, 2 = fixed width, 3 = fixed height)
$image_resize_quality = -1; //image quality (-1 = use settings, 0-100 = quality)
$image_resize_width = -1; //image resize width (-1 = use settings)
$image_resize_height = -1; //image resize height (-1 = use settings)

$thumb_resize_type = -1; //thumbnail resize type (-1 = use settings, 1 = proportionally, 2 = fixed width, 3 = fixed height)
$thumb_resize_quality = -1; //thumbnail quality (-1 = use settings, 0-100 = quality)
$thumb_resize_dimension = -1; //thumbnail resize dimention (-1 = use settings)

$presets_session = 0; //use sessions to store presets? (1 = yes, 0 = no) If no, use $presets_file
$presets_file = ROOT_PATH."data/images_presets.txt"; //file where presets will be stored. Must be writable!

//--- End Settings -------------------

------- [ Addons ] ---------

Select images from lightbox (by e-trader_2002)

-------- [ How to use ] ---------

1. Login into ACP (Admin Control Panel).
2. Click on "Edit Images" link on left.
3. Find needed images.
4. Select a category to witch u want the images be copied/moved to
5. Click on "Copy" or "Move" button

-------- [ Version history ] --------
--- [Expand] --- v4.15.7 (2011-01-09)
 - FIXED: search keywords not being saved at quick edit unless image keywords edited
 - FIXED: yet another issue with keywords when adding images

v4.15.6 (2011-01-07)
 - FIXED: another keywords issue from quick edit page...

v4.15.5 (2011-01-06)
 - FIXED: compatibility issue with config file from previous versions.

v4.15.4 (2010-12-18)
 - FIXED: not all template tags generated when use of templates activated

v4.15.3 (2010-12-17)
 - FIXED: keywords not saved properly (hopefully) on multi image edit

v4.15.2 (2010-12-12)
 - FIXED: keywords not saved properly

v4.15.1 (2010-08-14)
 - FIXED: keywords handling for 4images >= v1.7.8

v4.15 (2010-07-17)
 - FIXED: presets filtering
 - FIXED: unable remove autoload from a preset, if no other presets exist
 - ADDED: search in subcategories

v4.14.1 (2008-12-30)
 - Fixed: incorrect loaded preset name displayed when clicked "back" button
 - Fixed: would not let save new preset if "Default" selected in the dropdown
 - Fixed: quick edit category id would not move images
 - Changed: save at quick edit will only update images that had changes
 - Changed: "Media file" and "Thumb file" removed from quick edit options. This is due to possible conflicts with existing filenames

v4.14 (28-12-2008)
 - Added: search form presets

v4.13 (27-12-2008)
 - Added: image resize, thumbnail resize/create at add/edit image pages
 - Added: edit image link after new image added
 - Added: delete image link at image edit page (next to image name header)
 - Changed: image name field at add images page is no longer required, if left empty filename will be used
 - Changed: return to "add images" page after image(s) successfully added
 - Changed: improved message display after new image(s) added

v4.12 (26-12-2008)
 - Fixed: if error occur while saving an image, it didn't mark the form field where the error was.
 - Added: direct links to media/thumb files at edit image page. (links are at filename)
 - Added: new setting $exif_enable to enable/disable EXIF support. This setting will only work if PHP itself supports EXIF, otherwise it will be ignored and EXIF support will be disabled.

v4.11 (22-11-2008)
- Fixed: Multi image upload adds user_id from last image to all images.
- Fixed: Wrong message showed when error occur while deleting image comments.
- Added: EXIF support, for now only DateTimeOriginal, DateTimeDigitized and DateTime EXIF values used in edit image page and in quick edit.
- Added: When selected "User ID" in quick edit it allowes you enter username instead of user id. To activate this feature you must install this: http://www.4homepages.de/forum/index.php?topic=23387.0

v4.10 (06-11-2008)
- Fixed: incompability with 4images v1.7 - 1.7.1
- Added: max number of new images is configurable via $num_newimages_max variable and can be set manually on the page.

v4.9.2 (13-10-2008)
- Fixed: keywords not being properly saved when used quick edit

v4.9.1 (05-10-2008)
- Fixed: image name and date wasn't updated after save at quick edit page

v4.9 (05-10-2008)
- Added: javascript select all/none in quick edit dropdown box
- Fixed: javascript calendar doesn't work on quick edit page
- Fixed: when used none-english language pressing some buttons would show a blank page
- Fixed: none-english usernames and categories showed incorrectly

v4.8 (04-10-2008)
- Added: color in dropdown menu if it will affect search results
- Added: at "batch image edit" page keywords field will show unique keywords from all selected images
- Added: quick calendar for date inputs at quick edit and multi edit pages.
- Changed: "quick edit" is rewriten, now any image fields can be edited
- Changed: after save "batch image edit" shows result above search form (used to be results with a link to search form)
- Changed: layout at search form.
- Fixed: at batch image edit page fields showed the searched data
- Removed: $editname, $editdescription, $editkeywords, $editdate variables no longer used, $quickedit_default array used instead.

v4.7 (22-09-2008)
- Added dropdown options for more precise searches
- Checkboxes for additional fiels replaced by dropdown menus
- Added highlited entire row for images with missing files (additional to a red "!")
- $big and $backup variables no longer used, instead BIGDIR and BACKUPDIR constant used.
- Added new feature: use media template at edit image page (useful for non-images media files). Controlled by $use_media_template variable
- Fixed php warning message showed when replaced remote image with an uploaded one
- Fixed "reset" button didn't work when $savesearchform = 0 and pressed "back" button after search.
- Fixed old keywords references not being removed from database when saved via quick edit

v4.6 (16-09-2008)
- Internal configuration now moved into separate file admin/images_config.php
- Added support for easier show/hide additional image fields via admin/images_config.php
- Fixed all additional image fields checkboxes get selected after pressing "next page" button

v4.5 (16-09-2008)
- Added experemental support for additional image fields on search form

v4.4 (16-09-2008)
- Added thumbnails to multi-image edit page
- Now if only one image selected and pressed edit button, a normal image edit page opens
- Fixed displaying missing thumbnails
- Fixed progress window popup wouldn't close after save at multi-image edit.

v4.3 (16-09-2008)
- Added link to image details in edit image page and after new image added
- Added error message if trying edit non-existent image
- Image preview size is now can be changed via $imagesize variable
- Date column at search images page now shows image date and time
- Fixed uploaded image file not being deleted if something went wrong and image was not updated/saved in the database
- Fixed cat image being overwritten by moved in image

v4.2 (14-09-2008)
- "Reset" button will now reset form to default
- Added "internal" setting to enable/disable save search form in session

v4.1 (14-09-2008)
- "Results per page" number and selection of dropdown menus and radio buttons are now restored from last search.
- Fixed moving a category image to a new category not being removed from old category
- Fixed language misspellings

v4.0.3 (13-09-2008)
- Minor layout tweaks
- Fixed some deutsch translation incompatibilities.

v4.0.2 (13-09-2008)
- Fixed image doesn't get deleted from old category when category changed at "normal" edit page
- Fixed "big" and "backup" image not being deleted from old category when category changed at "normal" edit image page
- Fixed white page with non-english language and pressed "change owner" button
- Fixed "0" showed in some search fields when pressed back button

v4.0.1 (13-09-2008)
- Fixed "big" image not being moved if changed category at "normal" edit image page.
- Fully multilingual support. Included english and deutsch translation
- More settings on top of the file (see "configuration" above)
- Some minor visual changes on page after image search

v4.0 (22-02-2008) by ivan

v3.7.3 (10-08-2006)
- Fixed a minor bug on line 214

v3.7.2 (16-05-2005)
- Fixed thumbnails with the same name being overwritten on copy/move (more info here)

v3.7.1 (01-04-2005)
- Fixed little bug that would not let remove "Category image"

v3.7 (31-03-2005) (more info here)
- Added button to change owner of the selected images
- Added support for images in backup directory
- fixed few minor bugs
- moved most of the messages into appropriate $lang array, so now its easier translate to other languages

v3.6 (11-02-2005)
- Added option to open links to edit/delete a single image in a new window (edit setting inside the file to disable it)

v3.5.1 (06-12-2004)
-Fixed a minor bug, that could delete images in "big" folder when images deleted, even though the "big" folder wasnt set.

-Added support for Category Image mod

-Fixed quick edit date problem

-Fixed minor bug that produced error messages when on quick edit save

-Added search active/inactive images

-Added new option "Continue on next page" after quick edit save

-Added new option in "Quick edit": edit date

-Added new option: "Quick edit"
It let u edit image's name, description and keywords in the search results.

-Fixed overwriting files with same name

-Fixed error with a missing function
-Added new feature: batch images edit. It let edit description and keywords for selected images.

woooow I have not seen this MOD before the hack and it is a very useful one!!  :) :)

I also didn't see that MOD!
Great work!


PS: may be a silly question: but where do i find the link to download?


--- Quote from: Ach-Iem on March 15, 2005, 08:43:30 AM ---PS: may be a silly question: but where do i find the link to download?

--- End quote ---
download what? the mod? its in the instructions part ;)

Ok; it is early in the morning; didn't see the Link  :oops: :oops:



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