Ones I was browsing my site and all of the sudden I discovered that some images and thumbnails were missing (it showed 404.gif and red cross where thumbnails where missing). To check if image file missing is easy - just go to "Edit images" and it shows " ! " if it missing, but with thumbnail files u have to edit the image to find it out - that would take forever editing 3000+ images.
I desided just write something that will find the broken images automaticaly
------[ Overview ]------------------ This plugin could save lots of time if u need check/find missing/broken files/thumbnails
------[ How does it work ]--------- It scans files from all/selected categories and check if they are actual exist on the server
------[ Installation ]---------------- 1. Create
admin/plugins/ folder
2. Download from the
attachment at the bottom of this post
3. Extract it and upload in
admin/plugins/ ------ [ How to use ] ---------------- Login to your 4images Admin Control Panel
On left side u should see new link
Files Check Scanning:
Error Report:
------ [ Version history ] ----------- v1.2 (2009-03-29)
- Fixed: possible problem on some servers related to incorrect ROOT_PATH
- Added: "include sub-categories" option
- Added: "check thumbnails" option
v1.1- Added batch delete option
v1- First release