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Topics - gustav

Pages: [1] 2
Installation, Update & Configuration / Folder limit?
« on: November 19, 2007, 11:35:54 PM »
Is there a limit on how many subfolders can be stored in a folder under linux? I already have like 1200 categories... and so also 1200 folders. 4images is still running fine so far, but is there a maximum of category folders unix (debian 3.1) can handle... or a maximum of categories 4 images can handle?


Discussion & Troubleshooting / problems delting images through ACP
« on: October 30, 2007, 02:17:41 AM »
Well... I have a big problem with deleting images from the server through the ACP.

If I upload pictures via the 4images system, I can easily delete them.
But when I upload images via ftp and use the "check new images " function to add them into the system... and then later on try to delete them, it does not work.
ACP reports that all files have been deleted, but the original file that was ftp'ed is still there.....
I know it has something to do with file ownership... but how can I set it so, that I can delete images through the ACP, that got uploaded via ftp?


Can someone give me a little mod, that shows the permissions of every folder in the ACP/edit categories list? 
I have already the mod installed that shows the cat ID for each folder right behind the folder name in the list view.... would be great if there could just be a next value behind that, indicating the "view category permission".. so that I do not have to click on "edit" everytime I wanna check the folderpermissions.

I'm currently using 1.72 with all patches and fixes....

Thanx in advance....


I need to change one file in my templates directory from html to php extension. But the template parser always adds html to the end of the $main_template.
I already created a "custom pages" file, where I can change basically everything about this template... just the parser always adds html to it....
Is there a way to modify this code below so, that it loads "blog.php" instead of "blog.html"??.... or maybe do this in the template parser?
(Version used 1.7.4)
Code: [Select]


$user_access get_permission(); 

if (isset(
$HTTP_GET_VARS['template']) || isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['template'])) { 
$template = (isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['template'])) ? stripslashes(trim($HTTP_GET_VARS['template'])) : stripslashes(trim($HTTP_POST_VARS['template'])); 
  if (!
file_exists(TEMPLATE_PATH."/".$template.".".$site_template->template_extension)) { 
$template ""
  else { 
$main_template $template

else { 
$template ""


if (!empty(
$template)) { 
$clickstream "<a href=\"".$site_sess->url(ROOT_PATH."index.php")."\">".$lang['home']."</a>".$config['category_separator'].str_replace("_"" "ucfirst($template)); 

$clickstream "<span class=\"clickstream\"><a href=\"".$site_sess->url(ROOT_PATH."index.php")."\" class=\"clickstream\">".$lang['home']."</a>".$config['category_separator']; 
$clickstream .= $main_template

//--- Print Out --------------------------------------- 
"msg" => $msg
"clickstream" => $clickstream 



Can anyone tell me how this peace of code needs to look to make the opacity filter working in IE and Mozilla?
It's working fine in IE though... just Firefox does not show any change..... no matter how I change the mozopacity part...
Code: [Select]
$thumb = "<span style=\"background-image: url(templates/default/images/highlight.gif);\" \>
<img src=\"".$file_src."\"
onMouseOver=\" = 'MozOpacity=0.6; Alpha(opacity=60, finishopacity=95, style=2)';\"
onMouseOut=\" = 'MozOpacity=1; none';\"  border=\"0\"".$width_height."
alt=\"".$image_name."\" /></span\>";

Here is another version I tried... but no luck either... does not work in any browser... no errors though...
Code: [Select]
a.linkopacity img {
-moz-opacity: 1.0;
opacity: 1.0;}

a.linkopacity:hover img {
-moz-opacity: 0.6;   
opacity: 0.6;

Code: [Select]
      $thumb = "<span style=\"background-image: url(templates/default/images/highlight.gif);\" \>
<img src=\"".$file_src."\" class=\"linkopacity\" border=\"0\"".$width_height." alt=\"".$image_name."\" />

Maybe someone can help with this issue....
I need to show the newest (latest added) pic of a given category in the categories.html file in it's original size... right above the thumbnails.
So, at the end it could look like this:
(part of the categories.html file)
Code: [Select]
{if newest_pic}
{endif newest_pic}

{if thumbnails}
{endif thumbnails}

I use 4images 1.74 with mod "different cat tempates"

Any help is appreciated....

Well, maybe someone can help with this issue???

If the original image is smaller then the default thumbnail sitze, then do not create resized thumbnail. So that if I have set the maximum thumbnail dimensions to 100x100... and now upload an image 80x80, the created thumbail will not be 100x100 but instead 80x80....
I'm trying to list a bunch of messenger icons... and these are usually 48x48 or 96x96.... and when the thumbs get created they simply look awfull... and uploading the thumbs manually is also no good option.

Right now, when a category is set to display 4x4 images, the categry view shows empty tablecells, when the number of images is different than 4,8,12,16.
Is there a way to avoid this, so that no empty tablecells are shown?

Is it possible to modify the categories.php so, that, if there is only one image in a category, it opens an image directly? So that I do not have to open the category first and then click the thimb?



I already found some mods that allow users to select how to sort images in categories... and to allow the admin to set image sort orders....
I need a very similar mod, that allows the user to select how categories are ordered....
I have some categories, that contain many subcategories..... and the user should be able to select how he wants these subcatecories ordered.... not the images in the categories.... the categories itself.
Thanx in advance...

Discussion & Troubleshooting / advanced search
« on: March 24, 2007, 11:32:38 AM »
How can I do a search for all pics in category X and it's subcategories that are "new"?


Well, I just deleted 100 categories... and only have the 5 first left..... but now, when I create a new category, the system want's to start at cat_id 106. But as all my left categories are 1,2,3,4,5, I would like the system to continue again whith cat_id 6.... but whatever I do, it always want's to create a category whith an ID >105..... where does the system store or chace this number? So that I can reset it to the value I need?


How can I assign a specific class to the image (avatar) in that line? (don't know the syntax) "class="pic"
Code: [Select]
$stats_topvalue .= "<td valign=\"middle\" width=\"70%\"><table><tr><td>".get_user_avatar(STATS_USERAVATARS_PATH,$row['user_avatar'])."</td><td>";

can someone help me to make it possible to use different media templates for different categories.... similar to "MOD different cat templates"
Also so that a media template gets inherited on subcategories.

So, that at the end same types of files will be displayed in different templates, depending on in what category they are in...


Mods & Plugins (Requests & Discussions) / paginglayout request
« on: December 04, 2006, 03:48:27 PM »

I have modified my paging to show images for navigation instead of text-links.... but how can I change the alignment of the pagenumbers so, that it all is aligned to the middle?.... right now it looks like on the first image... but I need it to look like on the second one....
I know I need to change some things in paging.php.. but what ever I have tried till now did not work....

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