4images Modifications / Modifikationen > Language Packs

Vietnamese lang problem

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I have translated the main.php file into Vietnamese using Vietnamese Unicode keyboard. The charset in the main.php file was defined as "utf-8" however, when I try it, the text did not show properly??

Can you give me some tips to solve the problem??
Thanks in advance!

i have the same problem with vietnamese utf-8

make sure this is correct:

i want link download


--- Quote from: vuquangquyen on May 06, 2005, 08:22:36 PM ---i want link download

--- End quote ---

Here the code: is using charset=iso-8859-1 (copy and save bye name main.php) copy english folder then rename it to vietnam, then copy back to lang folder. After that copy the code below then save and overwrite to vietnam/main.php

Been fix and update to 1.7.x ... Sorry All ...................

PS: Ban Nao da download version cu, xin vui long update lai version nay. Cam on cac Ban.


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