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Messages - Gwydion

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Discussion & Troubleshooting / Gallery style html pages
« on: October 08, 2006, 12:11:57 PM »
I would like to ask if someone can give me some directions and/or tips how to achieve the following:
I have categories with magazine scans. Sometimes I also have the text, this is currently displayed on a htm page together with the images/thumbnails. If I want to give users a link to the text from the category in question and I want the text html be the same style as the gallery - how do I have to do it?
I know - and have done - that you can make custom html (did this for the help page) but I don't quite get where and how to place a link to the text page and where to put the html so it can use the default template.
Maybe this is not possible at all or I am thinking the wrong way.

To give an example:
I have the scan of the interview XYZ-2003 and I have the txt of this article.
I can put the scans in a category
magazine scans
- 2003
-- XYZ
When a user now opens the category magazine scans>2003>XYZ he should not only be able to see the scan images but also find a link to the html page with the text.

I probably make it more complicated than it is so I need directions. :)

Plugins / Re: [Plugin] Rebuild Search Index
« on: September 07, 2006, 12:43:03 PM »
Ich hab jetzt festgestellt, daß die Suche in 1.7.2 irgendwie nicht so richtig läuft. Beim Klick auf ein keyword klappt alles, aber die Suche findet nichts.
Nicht mal wenn man den genauen Bildnamen eingibt, mit Wildcards und ohne, wenn man genau in der category oder global sucht .. nada.
Hab mich dann hier umgesehen und nun meine Frage: ist dieser Mod für dieses Problem geeignet?
Bzw. liegt das Problem bei meiner Version darin, daß irgendwas mti searchindex nicht klappt?

Link zur Gallery

Ah, misread .. thought the whole 1.1. had to be skipped. My bad.
Thanks for fixing it on page 1. :)

Applied it to 1.7.2 without step 1.1. No error message but subcategories are not changed either.
Any ideas? I checked the code twice and am pretty sure I made no mistake with copy-paste.

Mods & Plugins (Releases & Support) / Re: [MOD] 4images Quiz
« on: August 23, 2006, 07:43:38 PM »
Gott nein, das war keine Kritik! Der Mod ist klasse und der Installer hat perrfekt funktioniert.
Mich betreffen die 2 Punkte ja auch nicht mehr, dachte es eher als Anregung oder Feedback .. oder Kommentar.
Entschuldige, wenn das anders rüberkam, war nicht so gemeint.

Mods & Plugins (Releases & Support) / Re: [MOD] 4images Quiz
« on: August 22, 2006, 08:48:52 PM »
Dankeschön. :)
Scheint auch alles zu klappen.

Nur 2 Dinge .. für Dummies wie mich ist die Verzippung ein bißchen irreführend .. mußte erst mal probieren, welcher Folder nun genau hochzuladen war. Vielleicht ließe sich das für zukünftige Nutzer vereinfachen.
Gleiches gilt für den Link im ACP .. mußte erstmal überlegen, ehe ich kapiert habe, daß der Link nicht funzen kann (im Verweis in quiz_admin_eng.php wird ja ein dir "quiz_eng" angesprochen wird, das aber nicht angelegt wurde bzw. enthalten ist).

Ist wie gesagt, kein Problem, kann aber verwirren.
Sonst sieht alles super aus. :)

ETA: eine Frage noch - können Guests auch spielen? Hab es noch nicht ausprobiert, aber so wie ich das sehe, können sie, es werden jedoch keine highscores eingetragen, richtig?
Gibt es eine Möglichkeit nicht-registrierte User aufzunehmen?
Ich frage deshalb, weil ich in meiner gallery keine registrierten User habe (n will).

Mods & Plugins (Releases & Support) / Re: [MOD] 4images Quiz
« on: August 20, 2006, 04:36:02 PM »
Die Idee ist gut, aber ich hab nicht wirklich viel Ahnung von Databases .. bzw. der direkten Manipulation.
Kann jemand die Anleitung
» Die 4images Datenbank ist in der Tabelle 4images_users um folgenden 2 Felder zu erweitern :
  1. SQL-Befehl:
  ALTER TABLE `4images_users` ADD `user_quiz_level` DECIMAL( 6, 2 ) DEFAULT '0.00' NOT NULL

  2. SQL-Befehl:
  ALTER TABLE `4images_users` ADD `user_quiz_firstlevel` DECIMAL( 6, 2 ) DEFAULT '0.00' NOT NULL

in eine step-by-step für Dummies umwandeln?

Sorry if this is double posting but maybe some people here know an answer.
Is there a way to search/edit comments in certain categories? Mod or code change ..
E.g. all comments before /after date X in category y only? Or at least just search in certain category, as it is possible in "edit images" ..?

Discussion & Troubleshooting / Edit comments in category, 1.7.2
« on: August 17, 2006, 08:20:59 PM »
Is there a mod or how can I add a field to search for comments in a certain category only (e.g. all comments before /after date in category X)? Or at least just search in certain category, similar to "edit images" ..

Chit Chat / Do you have a big gallery? Need help with hosting decision
« on: August 10, 2006, 10:18:22 AM »
My gallery (1.7.2.) has grown pretty big, using storage and bandwidth - which I pay for on a shared server.
Now my host told me that my account is using "46 % server capacity" (not giving details when and what exactly, but it's not bandwidth usage) and that I have to move to a dedicated server. They also told me my site has got 9 million (!) hits last month and already 3 millions this month. I know my gallery is getting popular but these figures seem very hard to believe to me .. after all bandwidth would have gone straight through the roof with that figure, wouldn't it?
For me this is rather an attempt to get rid of a customer that actually uses the storage and bandwidth he pays for.
What is the experience of people here who have big galleries?

Anyway, since I can not force them to keep me and since I am getting tired of this issue (was already an issue with my old host too) I am considering dedicated servers.
So, if you have a big/popular gallery can you recommend a host? I have pretty much no knowledge of dedicated servers and don't know which "hidden" features or traps I should look for. The stuff that is not first place in the plans ..

*slap forehead*
Of course .. that was it. Thanks. :)
We should do a step-by-step checklist for dummies. :)

I put my question on here cause it's kind of fitting.
I have all the needed file extensions stuff done, have the wmv icon and also the auto-thumbnailer mod.
My problem however is that after I have uploaded the wmv into the directory via FTP it is not recognised and can't be added to the database (using check for new images, maybe that is wrong?). Not recognised as in there is nothing new found.
I had no problem with a mov file though.
I don't think the wmv.html is the problem but to be sure I copied it into the default template dir too. I would be happy with the default wmv icon but it does not show any.
I am using vs. 1. 7.1

So my question is - how can I add videos to the database via the cpanel?

Installed this a while ago and immediately spams ceased- great mod!
Just one question: can I change the colors to black background/white or silver numbers? If so, where/how?

I had the same problem. It confused me quite some time that in the cp at descriptions it said "html allowed" while it clearly was not. IMHO that's something that should be corrected in upcoming releases.

Discussion & Troubleshooting / Re: cpu usage problem due to 4images?
« on: July 02, 2006, 04:43:02 PM »
Thanks. I did all that including the change of constants.php.
It looks now like this:
// If you have a lot of images in your database,
// the random image function could make your programm slow.
// Try first to set "SHOW_RANDOM_CAT_IMAGE" to 0.
define('SHOW_RANDOM_IMAGE', 0);

Do I have to change anything else to stop random images? Because they are still there.
In the templates maybe?

And something else: I have now enabled cache but the only way to see if e.g. new categories have been added is by deleteing everything in the cache folder.
When I click "clear cache" I get
Warning: opendir(./cache): failed to open dir: No such file or directory in /home/user/public_html/gallery/includes/cache_utils.php on line 129
Cache directory cleared

line 129 seems to be a blank line .. so I have no idea what is to change there.
This refers to vs. 1.7.2

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