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Topics - Gwydion

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Ich habe eine allgemeine Frage zu Updates.

Ich habe einige Mods (z.B. batchcopymoveedit, autothumbnailer, checknewimages etc.). Dafür werden Files in die jeweiligen Verzeichnisse geladen, die die bestehenden überschreiben.
Wenn ich ein Update mache, überschreibe ich so aber die neuesten Files (z.B. images.php) mit einem recht alten File.
Kann damit der Effekt des Updates zunichte gemacht werden? Z.B. daß man Sicherheitslücken hat?

Wie macht ihr das denn, wenn ihr verschiedene Mods habt und die Galerie aber immer auf den neuesten Scriptstand halten wollt?

Und noch eine Frage - ist 4images besonders anfällig? Mir wurden nun zum 2. Mal in 4 Monaten Verzeichnisse gelöscht. Mein Provider meint (wie übich), es wäre wohl ein Hacker und es läge an veralteteten Scripts. In Frage kommen da aber nur die 4images Scripts, beides Version 1.7.6. Paßwort für den Account ändere ich auch öfters .. Komischer Hacker übrigens, der nur 2 Directories löscht ..
Redet mein Provider sich billig aus oder ist das eine vermehrte Tendenz?

Discussion & Troubleshooting / Database reset nötig und wie?
« on: August 27, 2009, 08:42:20 PM »
Nachdem meine Galerie gehackt wurde, waren die Media und Template Folder mit allen Unterverzeichnissen gelöscht.
Ich habe nun erstmal auf 1.7.7. upgraded (von 1.7.6.).
Dann einige Mods hinzugefügt. War vielleicht eine Spur voreilig ..

Gehe ich nun auf die index Seite, werden mir dort die alten Kategorien angezeigt. Natürlich ohne Bilder.
Füge ich manuell diese Kategorien in /media und /thumbnails ein und lade ein Bild in eine Kategorie wird es mit "check new images" nicht gefunden.

Mir bleibt da wohl nur ein komplettes reset bzw. Löschen der Database und Anlegen der Kategorien via cpanel - aber wie geht ein reset?
Geht das via 4images? Muß ich unbedingt mit mysqlmanager ran - damit kenne ich mich fast gar nicht aus - wenn es nur so geht, hat jemand vielleicht einen Link zu einer Anleitung für Dummies?

Ich habe gesehen, daß in "backup database" die Möglichkeit für ein reset besteht, weiß aber nicht, was es bewirkt. Da es eh schon egal war, habe ich es probiert, das war's aber nicht ..

Discussion & Troubleshooting / e-cards problem / e-cards Problem
« on: February 21, 2008, 02:19:13 PM »
Gallery version: 1.7.4
Problem: recipients don't receive e-cards

Question: which settings do I need to enable this function?
It does not work with smtp server settings disabled.
If I enable smtp I can enter the smtp host but I have not got a username or password from  my ISP. Do I have to ask thathem for that? Is this setting (smtp server on) required for e-cards?

Spam filter of recipient is not the problem
"- If check web log and mail log in FTP or cPanel, what is say for error ?"
" - If check in cPanel for SPAM email add, see if match with email you type."
I have no option in the cpanel for mail logs or spam email add ..


Gallery Version: 1.7.4
Problem: Empfänger erhält keine e-cards

Frage: welche Settings werden benötigt?
SMTP Server ist im CP nicht aktiviert.
Sind diese Einstellungen aber aktiviert, geht es dennoch nicht. Vom ISP habe ich nur den SMTP Servernamen, aber keinen Usernamen oder Passwort erhalten. Brauche ich die? Müssen SMTP Einstellungen überhaupt aktiviert sein um e-card Versand zu ermöglichen?

Spam Filter biem Empfänger sind nicht das Problem.
"- If check web log and mail log in FTP or cPanel, what is say for error ?"
" - If check in cPanel for SPAM email add, see if match with email you type."
Ich habe im CP keine Option "mail log" oder "spam email add" gefunden ..

Mods & Plugins (Requests & Discussions) / Batch edit/move categories?
« on: February 14, 2008, 01:02:51 AM »
Is there a mod or way to move several categories in one go?

--- 2007
--- 2007-name1
--- 2007-name2
If I want to move both 2007-name categories into the category 2007 I now must edit each one.
No problem with 2 but tiresome with several categories.

Is there a way round like there is for images with the batch copy/move/edit/delete mod?

Over the years my gallery has got a bit messed up and I would like to clean up.

Would this work:

installing a clean version of the newest version of 4homepages in a new folder
uploading the backup of the gallery
uploading the actual images and thumbnails (does the backup create the directories too?)
installing a template and if necessary some mods

or alternatively:
renaming the data directory (images and thumbnails)
deleting everything else
uploading the newest version of 4images
removing the new data directory and renmaing the old one to data again
restoring the database from the backup

Since I have many directories and images, creating them manually would take ages.
My fear is that restoring the db wouldn't work or the folders will not be integrated etc. in which case I will have to start with a compelte new gallery and do everything again especially creating folders in the cp and uploading images, not to mention that keywords etc. will be lost as well.

I wanted to backup my database and download the backup.
Vs. is 1.7.4
The last time I did this was in December 2007, no problems.
Now, I could create the backup but when going on "download" there is the following error:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: get_basefile() in /home/mydir/public_html/gallery/admin/backup.php on line 54

It is also not possible to delete earlier backups (same error message).

I have not installed any mods or did any changes.
I have had a problem with a hacker and uploaded the index.php again overwriting the hacked one. Could this be the reason for the problem?
Is there a way to fix the backup.php or how can I donwload the backup otherwise (no idea where it is stored)?

Discussion & Troubleshooting / Upgrade and hacked questions
« on: December 03, 2007, 02:54:25 PM »
I have questions about upgrading and hacker protection/repair.

I am quite sure my gallery has been hacked because it is calling a spammer's site and tries to open popups

I thought of upgrading to a new version but I want to do a complete sweep while keeping the categories/images/thumbs as they are.
Is this possible and how do I do it best (remove all files and upload new version files/folders manually?)
Is there a chance to get rid of the hacker's script by doing so?
I have read that the template folders should be cmod to 644, is that correct?

I have upgraded to 1.7.4 and now I can't get rid of random image in details.html as it seems.
I changed the home.html in my template and that worked.
Did the same modification in details.html but the random image still shows up.
I renamed the random-image*.html files in templates/default and I even uploaded the modified details.html to the default folder as well.
Where does the script get the order to still show a random image from?
What am I doing wrong and/or where can I get rid of it?

And yes, I used the search but noone seemed to have this problem and the only other post with the same question is unanswered since 2005.

ETA: Found it in categories.html but now there are the links if a user is logged in (control panel, lightbox) etc. which I do not need nor want. What do I have to remove so controlpanel and logout is no longer shown? Or if logged out the login fields are not shown? Which files do I have to change?

Installation, Update & Configuration / Fatal Error nach Update auf 1.7.2
« on: November 12, 2007, 05:13:38 PM »
Argh ..
Code: [Select]
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: get_basefile() in /home/****/public_html/gallery/global.php on line 327
Was nun? Hab die update Anleitungen genau befolgt, update ist von 1.7.2 daher kein update script.
Config.php mit meiner alten ersetzt.
Ist das global.php im Pack fehlerhaft?

Und seh ich das richtig, daß permissions f. subcategories oder search new images in all categories schon wieder nicht drin ist und ich die Mods neu machen muß? Oder edit-move etc. in edit images? Wieso denn bloß nicht .. langsam geht mir das echt auf die Nerven. :/

Discussion & Troubleshooting / Database screwed up - is there hope?
« on: June 30, 2007, 07:24:30 PM »
My glorious webspace provider had technical problems and as result my gallery database has been screwed up completely.
We were able to restore the db with the backup one but there are lots of errors.
The problem I am confronted with is that about 50 % of the thumbnails are missing.
Of course I tried to use the auto-thumbnailer first but it could only handle very few files and mostly came up with an error like this:

Create thumbnail for: filename (filename.jpg) ....   

Warning: imagejpeg() [function.imagejpeg]: Unable to open './../data/thumbnails/9/filename.jpg' for writing in /home/username/public_html/gallery/includes/image_utils.php on line 88
Error creating thumbnail!

I then thought that it might need to check for new images first but this comes up with the following error:

Warning: opendir(./../data/media/13) [function.opendir]: failed to open dir: No such file or directory in /home/username/public_html/gallery/admin/checkimages.php on line 800

The categories in question are all in the category list (cpanel) and I can see on FTP that the files are in the image folders (but like in this example category 9 was missing in the thumbnails).
I thought of making this directory directly via FTP but the script still comes up with errors.

I am not sure whether it is a problem with the files themselves or a script and/or database issue.

I don't know how to fix it. The worst case scenario would be to re-install the gallery inclusive all db entries (which would be some hell of work; I don't even want to think about it).
What shall/can I do?

I have a question about uploading/adding htm(l) files. I have set the allowed file type (txt, htm, html), I have the templates, I can upload via FTP and activate it - no problem.
Today I have got a single htm file and wanted to add it quickly via the cpanel, so I went to add images, selected the htm file and category, entered the data etc. and clicked "add" - but then I got the error message that it can't add htm to the db.

Error uploading image file: xxxxx.htm
xxxx.htm: Invalid file type (htm, text/html)

No database entry!

Since this only happens when using the cpanel I'd like to ask how i can fix it. I can still upload using FTP so it is not a big problem but I wonder why the cpanel does not accept htm from direct upload.

Version is 1.7.2

Mußte meine Gallery mal wieder neu aufsetzen, läuft jetzt in vs. 1.7.3 (4 hat einfach nicht geklappt).
Ich habe einige media files (wmv, flv etc.), upload, add to database etc. ist kein Problem.
Ein User kann sie aber nur downloaden indem er sie entweder zur lightbox hinzufügt oder via rightclick.
Was muß im html File stehen, damit ein Klick aufs media-icon den Download startet? Ich will kein embedded Abspielen, die User sollen es nur downloaden.
Downloaden kann bei mir jeder, lightbox ist an registered user gekoppelt. Vs. wie gesagt 1.7.3, Template Chique_black.

Beispiel für flv (wmv ist gneauso):

Code: [Select]
<!-- Template file for flv Files -->
{media_icon}<br />

Sorry falls die Frage schon kam, hab gesucht, aber wohl nicht die richtigen Begriffe gehabt, jedenfalls konnte ich nichts finden.

Discussion & Troubleshooting / Can I get version 1.7.3 somewhere?
« on: January 14, 2007, 09:53:20 PM »
I am looking for vs. 1.7.3 because I lost my .zip and would need that version.
Can't find it on the download page anymore, my ISP only has 1.7.2 in Fantastico.
Any directions to where I can download it?

I upgraded to 1.7.4, then a user told me he can't log in and to see what's wrong I wanted to log-out. Well, I can't.
Neither on the index page nor in the cpanel.
Is this a version bug or can/shall I do something?

Also, I upgraded after my site obviously was hacked (browser hijack when going to the gallery from the cpanel on or calling up the index.php page - since it was only with this gallery and only that sites and neither ad-aware nor spybot nor mcafee could find anything I assumed it was the server/gallery that got hacked. The upgrade fixed that except when you just call the galelry directory itself (not index.php).
Can someone suggest what to check to fix that too?

In Chicque_Black werden unter der Hauptkategorie und den folgenden Subkategorien alle übrigen Unterkategorien fortlaufend gelistet.

  subA subB subC
  subA subB subC subD


Da mir das nicht mehr so gefällt, hätte ich gern, daß die Unterkategorien ebenfalls untereinander gelistet werden.



Ist zwar noch nicht das Gelbe vom Ei, aber mal gucken.
Wie/wo stell ich das an?

Link zur Gallery

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