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Messages - Alan @ ArtScans

Pages: 1 2 3 [4]
Discussion & Troubleshooting / Can't upload ! plz. help
« on: June 29, 2002, 11:37:05 PM »

Is that URL for your 4images site above correct?  I get a lycos 404 error page when I try it.


Discussion & Troubleshooting / How to fix it...
« on: June 29, 2002, 11:29:57 PM »

I installed all 1.6 files over the top of the 1.5 files.  Then applied the new 1.6 patch on top of that.

Been doing some more testing, and have tracked the bug down to functions.php->prepare_text().  The following line seems to be causing the problem...

Code: [Select]

$message = preg_replace("/[^\r]\n/si", "\r\n", $message);

To fix it, change the line (95) above to ...

Code: [Select]

$message = preg_replace"/(?<!\r)\n/si","\r\n", $message);


Discussion & Troubleshooting / [Possible Bug] E-Cards
« on: June 29, 2002, 10:12:30 PM »
Hi folks,

Further testing has revealed that it is cutting of the final character in postcard_id as well.  This is what was causing the second error (Invalid ecard ID).


Discussion & Troubleshooting / [Possible Bug] E-Cards
« on: June 29, 2002, 10:03:54 PM »

Just been testing 4images, and tried to send a couple of e-cards, and noticed the following problems.

The time in the e-mail is missing the last number - "Your eCard has been sent on 29.06.2002 20:5".  It was infact sent at 20:53.

The link to the e-card didn't work at all.  All I got was "Invalid eCard ID", and it displays a random image.

The site in question is at (please take into account, that this site is not launching until Monday 1st July, so it's not fully working yet).


Mods & Plugins (Requests & Discussions) / member profile mod
« on: June 29, 2002, 06:41:00 PM »
Hi keemo,

If I understand the question correctly, you could just put something like "include("search.php?search_user=artist_name"); at the bottom of the member_profile page.  Obviously, you'd need to replace artist_name with the var that holds the member name, and you might want to do a bit of editing in search php (copy it to search2.php or something first, so you the original search functions don't get screwed up), and delete the bits of the template that show the header, footer, sidebar, etc as they will already have been displayed by members.php

Not sure if that's what your after, but I hope it helps.

(Sorry it's not more specific, but I don't have access to my 4images atm, so I can't check any of the above).



I'm just guessing here, from what was in the original message, but if your not uploading a thumbnail, you need to leave that field blank, and a thumbnail will be created by 4images (v1.6 has automatic thumbnail generation on uploads, with older versions you need to run the auto-thumbnailer from the admin cp).

If I'm wrong, and the thumbnail field on the upload form is blank, then I don't know what the problem is :-)  But it looks like your entering a filename in the thumbnail field as well.


Discussion & Troubleshooting / Solution
« on: June 25, 2002, 07:54:18 PM »

For anyone having the same problem, it turned out, it was because I was using URL based images, instead of local files.  Apparently you cannot create thumbnails based on URL images.

In the end, I wrote a script to copy the files over to the local server, then edit the images table to strip the url from the name, and finally use Auto-thumbnailer to create the thumbnails.

Works a treat now, thanks to Nicky.


Discussion & Troubleshooting / Mass-generating thumbnails
« on: June 25, 2002, 02:27:23 PM »
Hi Nicky,

I've done this (set to GD), but still no luck.  Auto-thumbnailer just reports No entries found.

EDIT: Forgot to mention, that GD is installed and working fine, as it's used to create the thumbnails on the original site.

Any other ideas?

Alan, Admin Team.

Discussion & Troubleshooting / Mass-generating thumbnails
« on: June 25, 2002, 11:18:29 AM »

I'm converting an online art gallery from our custom PHP, to 4images, and have come accross a bit of a problem.

I wrote a conversion script to move all of the image records from the old database to the new one, but now I'm left with 500+ images without thumbnails.

Does 4images have the ability to create them (using auto-thumbnailer, for example), or would I have to use an image program to manually create the thumnails then insert each thumbnail name into the images table?

Or, alternativly, is there a flag for the images, that will make 4images think it's a new image, and a thumbnail needs creating for it?  I had a quick look, but couldn't see anything obvious.

While I'm here, a suggestion for the next version (just a small suggestion).  In includes\page_header.php, change the [Control Panel] URL form "admin/" to "admin/index.php" as on a Colbalt RAQ server, going to admin/ will take you to the Raq's admin screens.

Fantastic script by the way.

Alan, Admin Team.

Discussion & Troubleshooting / display field
« on: June 25, 2002, 10:39:09 AM »

Sorry to pester you, but I was wondering if this is likely to be released before Monday 25th June, as that is when my site is being re-launched using your software :-)

KEEMO: Keemo from Zaffix?  I take it you guys are going to same way as us ( then? :-)

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