Hi -
I'm using v1.7.7
I just installed the Tooltip for Thumbnails MOD and love its preview capabilities.
I tried adding the code to the last_comment_bit.html that is used in the Last Commend Received MOD, topic 15701.0, so that the same preview could happen:
<table width="1%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" onmouseover="Tip('{image_tip}<br />{image_name}<br />{lang_category} {cat_name}<br />{lang_comments} {image_comments}')" onmouseout="UnTip()">
Yikes! What a disaster.
Does anyone know if it can be added? I had a look at the german -> english translation of this MOD several times and couldn't find anything except a remark by Manwenzi here:
http://www.4homepages.de/forum/index.php?topic=22030.msg139389#msg139389Thanks for any ideas. I'd love to use the same principle on the other MOD Show Received Comments V.2, topic 12695.0, and on Rinaldo's Top100 MOD, topic 23055.0.
The Last Comment MOD and the Show Received Comments MOD both have *bit.html type files but the code does not digest at all. In Rinaldo's Top 100, he has a Top100.php file and a top100.html file. I tried adding the code I quoted here and the template went splat all over the screen but ... one image did go into preview... but just one!
Thanks for any ideas or thoughts you have.
- Brian