This Modification works only with PHP 5 >= 5.1 or greater.
This Modification works only with *.jpg files.
Demo.)Available Language English German.
.)Original (Big) Images support
.)The Unsharp Mask works same as in Photshop.
.)You can choose to create Thumbnails from Images or Thumbnails.
the difference is, from Images generated Thumbnails are better Quality, but you do not create so many at once.
From Thumbnails generated Thumbnails are faster and you can creat more as.
Of Thumbnails generated Thumbnails is faster and it can be produced at a time.
This is very dependent on Server, how much Memory is available.
.) In the Field:'Select the number of pictures or enter the image ID:' you can write a single Number(image_id) or Rang e.g. "3-19"
.) On top of the code, you can define the Path to the Big Images.
Copy the File unsharp_mask.php(Attachment) in your admin/plugins Folder.
mfg Andi