If you see error message similar to:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in includes/template.php(101) : eval()'d code on line 160
This means one or more template files have not matching number of
{if ..} and
{endif ..} or
{ifno ..} and
{endifno ..} template tags ( ".." is the name of a tag, i.e.
{if blahexample} and
{endif blahexample})
Such error didn't show on 4images v1.7, so if your template worked on v1.7 and after 4images upgrade it shows this error, it means your template is not compatible with new 4images, read next how you can make your template compatible.
What you'll need to do is search in all .html template files for all
{if ..} and
{ifno ..} tags and make sure they have matching
{endif ..} and
{endifno ..} tags.
Also, the number of
{if ..} and
{ifno ..} must be equal to number of
{endif ..} and
{endifno ..} tags in each template file.
For example this is wrong, because it has only one
{if ..} and two
{endif ..} tags:
{if blahexample}
....some html stuff....
{endif blahexample}
...some more html stuff...
{endif blahexample}
Or change template.