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Topics - the0bone

Pages: [1]
Feedback & Suggestions / 4images project dead or alive?
« on: October 12, 2007, 10:36:36 AM »
Oct 2007.... one year since the last release of the 1.7.4 version.... a lot of so called Web2.0 features are implemented in severall other projects. But what happend to 4 images?
Nothing? Or is there something behinds the scene?

For sure, 4images is one of the best gallery systems but it could be more. Or?

Code: [Select]
* Table less default template
* Pingback/ Trackback
* SEO friendly URLs
* overall more SEO (Header informations, Bot accounts with special BOT sites)
* Tags
* Better comment system
   * Moderate comments
* Easier user system and administration
   * connectivity to a forum and blog
   * user warning, blocking etc.
* Better upload system, where I can easily upload more then one file (zip upload)
* More and better image features
   * keep exif information after resizing
   * image rotate
   * watermark adder
   * keep original files (in full size) somewhere
Even this forum need to be updated... A list in a list is not possible :-)

Is there still anybody working in a developer team or is it just the community, that provides addons and templates?


Discussion & Troubleshooting / Pics not shown?
« on: September 29, 2007, 01:30:31 PM »
I got several feedback for my installation that the pictures are not shown. Instead of the picture they saw a white background with a red cross. I did now see the error myself but it was reported from several people.
Is there any know bug with popup blocker or something like this?

I have tested it with FF, IE5.5, IE6, IE7 and did not found any mistake.

URL is


ich habe von verschiedenen Personen Feedback auf meine Galerie bekommen. Es sollen keine Bilder angezeigt werden. Stattdessen ein weisses Bild mit roten Kreuz drauf. Ist euch so ein Fehler bekannt?
Ich habe die Seite mit FF, IE5.5, IE6, IE7 gestestet und finde keinen Fehler.

URL ist


I'm looking since a very long time for a really usefull template that did not use tables for design. The Code of most of the templates is to big, not crossbrowser conform, not CSS able, not state of the art, etc. more ->

Ok, I could create a new one. But there is not good documentation of the template tags (something like this and that make it hard to do.

Anyway, everybody is welcome who can provide something more container like with DIV and SPAN and CLASS and ID :-)


ich suche schon seit längerem ein wirklich gutes Template, das keine Tabellen zum Designen der Seite nutzt. Der Tabellen Code ist viel zu groß, veraltet, nicht den heutigen Standards entsprechend usw. weiter? ->

Klar, ich könnte mir mein eigenes Template bauen. Nur gibt es nirgendwo eine Dokumentation aller Template Tages, wie sie z.B. für WordPress vorhanden ist. Also ein hartes Stück arbeit.

Daher bin ich jedem Dankbar, der etwas entsprechendes hat und postet!


Pages: [1]