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How can I show all images of my 4images website at once

(1/4) > >>

If you would like to show all images of your 4images website from a link in your menu you will need :

1. Find in /includes/page_header.php :

--- Code: ---"url_new_images" => $site_sess->url(ROOT_PATH."search.php?search_new_images=1"),

--- End code ---
and add after :

--- Code: ---"url_all_images" => $site_sess->url(ROOT_PATH."search.php?search_keywords=".str_pad("*", MIN_SEARCH_KEYWORD_LENGTH, "*")),

--- End code ---

1.1 Find in /includes/page_header.php :

--- Code: ---"lang_new_images" => $lang['new_images'],

--- End code ---
and add after :

--- Code: ---"lang_all_images" => $lang['all_images'],

--- End code ---

2. Find in /lang/<your_lang>/main.php :

--- Code: ---$lang['new_images'] = "New Images";

--- End code ---
and add after :

--- Code: ---$lang['all_images'] = "All Images";

--- End code ---
( of course in your language ...  :wink: )

3. In /templates/<your_template>/user_loginform.html and user_logininfo.html you can add the following as link to show all of your images ( of course you can use it also in other templates ) ...

--- Code: ---&nbsp;&raquo; <a href="{url_all_images}">{lang_all_images}</a>

--- End code ---

4. Only for 4images version 1.7.3 :
for this version you need still this change ...
It is fixed in version 1.7.4 !

this tip is related to : show all pics

I think its not workin on new version? Do you have new codes ?


In includes/search_utils.php find:
--- Code: ---    "#[\*\n\t\r^\$\(\)<>\"\|,@\?%~\+\.\[\]{}:\/=!§\\\\]+#s"

--- End code ---
Replace with:
--- Code: ---    "#[\n\t\r^\$\(\)<>\"\|,@\?%~\+\.\[\]{}:\/=!§\\\\]+#s"

--- End code ---

... another way to show all images ... but on index with paging ... you can find here ...
-> http://www.4homepages.de/forum/index.php?topic=14195.0

thanks V@no


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