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Messages - germish

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Discussion & Troubleshooting / Re: Mass upload?
« on: January 16, 2007, 04:39:38 PM »
Also Kurt, da haste wohl mein Englisch entweder gar nicht gelesen oder nicht verstanden.  :wink:
Ansonsten kann ich Dein posting nicht verstehen.

Da es aber wichtig ist wenn man schon nicht weiterkommt das auch der Letzte es richtig versteht  :lol: man weiss ja nie, hier nochmal in Deutsch.

Das mit dem FTP upload is nicht geeignet, da ich hinterher nicht nur jedes Bild in die DB eintragen muesste sondern jedes Bild aufrufen muss und es seperat zu editieren. Beschreibung Title.... Das spart mir garnichts sondern dauert noch laenger.

Da isses schon besser mit dem Upload Formular im Admin Bereich. Einfach die Dropdown auf 10 Stellen und dann kann man 10 auf einen Schlag vorbereiten.

Genau an dieser Stelle wuerde ich gerne eine hoehere Zahl als nur 10 haben. Das ist alles. Zwar gibt es dabei noch das Problem das wenn man dann nicht Alles ausfuellt Keines hochgeladen wird aber dies steht an zweiter Stelle.

Haste jetzt verstanden  :?: Natuerlich koennte ich es uebersehen haben, ganz bestimmt sogar wenn die Stichwoerter in Deutsch sind. Im Englischen Teil habe ich bereits bevor ich das Erste Mal geposted habe nichts gefunden.

Ich stelle immer sicher bevor ich poste und jemanden belaestige, dass die Antwort nicht schon irgendwo vorliegt. Ich stehe nicht so sehr darauf mich laecherlich zu machen.

Also wenn Du konstruktiv mir etwas mitzuteilen hast, dann schlage mir eine Loesung vor die durchgedacht ist oder poste einen Link wo dies steht.  :wink:

Discussion & Troubleshooting / Re: Mass upload?
« on: January 16, 2007, 02:15:04 PM »
3 month later and still no reply.
I am surprised that it is such a difficult think that nobody has got a suggestion on how to change it from 10 to 50. Even V@no is not responding on this one.

or duplicate and rename usergroup.
I operate a highly complex structure to control access to our family photo album for friends and family.
This involves plenty of usergroups in particular because they differ only slightly in their permission setting
This album has now well over 100 categories and about 30 usergroups.
This gives me a huge amount of permission setting to change when I create a new usergroup and also when I create a new category I have to change all settings for private permission to it's appropriate value.

This is very time consuming and can cause errors.

I had a look if this can be copy and pasted from an SQL table but the info is spread over several tables so it's almost just as daunting.

Anyone got an idea please as this is an ongoing issue and will not change as long as I use 4images or a camera.

Discussion & Troubleshooting / Re: Mass upload?
« on: October 06, 2006, 02:12:05 PM »

In admin control panel go to add images, add images page will open then in the right top corner "New images displayed" you can upload up to 10 pictures just choose the number of picture you want and then upload as normal upload.

Good luck

I would like to know where and how I can set this for up to 50 images. I have searched the forum for a modification but can't find one.
FTP mass upload is not a solution as I would afterward have to edit every pictures record anyway. Description, author... and of course they not all go into the same category.
So having a form for more than 10 would be great !!!

Yet some caution is required. If you let's say choose as number to upload 25 but you only fill in less than this number the upload of all pictures will fail and far more important everything you have entered into the fields gets lost and you have to start all over again.
If it cannot retain the entered field info it should at least ignore left blank records in the multi upload form.

Any ideas anybody?

I could have seen the point of this if there would be 3 different image sizes of a picture !!!
1. Thumbnail size = few KB
2. Enlargement size = KB according to size
3. Original size by click = KB size of the original photo.

YET this is NOT was is happening here.

2. and 3 are the same size in KB only displayed in different pixelsize.

So once you click on enlargement you already download the full picture size which is cropped back.
(If you right click and save this/edit on your PC you have the correct size anyway)

I fail to see the point of opening up the foto in another window, which by the way is not opening in fullscreen mode !!!

If you have a mod which actually would have a third REAL size which is saved with the DB record this would be far more helpful.

I have the same problem but I would put it different than you.
When you put an off site URL to download maybe an even higher resolution photo than shown in 4images, than you have a problem.

You can confirm this by clicking the download button. When after a long time (stinks of time-out and therefore an error) you have the option open or save, choose save and use a ".txt" ending (file format)
Then open your saved file with Notepad and 'hey presto' you see what the error is about.

The download button does not find your file were it should be.

Basically the off-site URL was added to the on-site installation directory
something like:  '4homepages/'

This cannot work, but I have not found a solution yet. I guess there is one but it's difficult to find in the forum. The answer might not even be here anymore because of the Forum crash/hack some time ago when all posts got lost.

So if one of our resident Gurus has an answer to solving this, or maybe our Top-Guru V@no finds some of his valuable time to advise of a solution, please feel free to help us along.


This is at first look not so easy as the max. upload size depends on your servers settings in php.
However if tis limit is set high, I cannot see why users cannot have a setting in the profile for max allowable file size.
But I am not sure how this can than be made to work.

Installation, Update & Configuration / Re: Usergroups ? Privat ?
« on: July 19, 2006, 10:19:34 PM »
Indem man eine Kategorie erstellt mit dem Namen "XXX" unddann am besten auch einer Usergroup mit dem gleichen Namenn "XXX"

Hast Du zB. eine Usergroup "Männer" die alle Männer umfast dann ordnest Du den Besucher dieser Gruppe zu. Sollte dieser auch noch über 18 sein kannst Du deinen User auch noch zusätzlich einer anderen Usergroup in dem Fall "XXX" zuordnen.

Du kannst einen Benutzer beliebig vielen Usergroups die alle verschieden Rechte habe zuordnen.
Im obigen Beispiel "XXX" setzt Du die Usergroup auf "View categorie" YES fuer das fuer die Kategorie "XXX" und natülich auch "View Image dieser Kategorie auf yes.

Da das ganze aber auch sehr schnell unübersichtlich werden kann solltest Du Dir auf Papier vorher genau alles ausarbeiten... Flussdiagram and Beziehungen und Rechte.
Du kannst das auch in Excel oder Visio erledigen. Aber ich finden einen grossen Bogen Paier zur Plannung noch am Besten.

Alles ein wenig umstaendlich vor allen Dingen weil ich bisher noch keinen einfachen weg gefunden habe die Usergroups mit Ihren Permissions zu kopieren. Vielleicht sollte ich mir mal in die DB genauer anschauen.

Ausserdem ist es auch recht muehseelig wenn neue Kategorien erstellt werden und diese ins system integrieren muss. Da musst Du an jede Usergroup ran und viele NO auf yes umstellen.

Daher ist gute Planung aeusserst wichtig !!!!

Vielleicht macht sich einer von den Board Gurus mal dran ein Konditionelles Permissionssystem zu erstellen was benutzerfreundlicher ist.

Viel Spass


I have been looking for the modification V@no has on his postcard create page.
sample page here

and I can't find it on the board.

I like the colour swatches and the fact that it immediately updates the photo making it an almost live preview.

Has anybody got the code for this or could you V@no maybe please publish it?

Thank you in advance

PS. Can't do any real work today. 43ºC inside - 38ºC outside

Thank you,
Got to the error by replacing first replacing pages details.php and comment_bits.html with original files.
Than I eliminated one by one and found indeed one further tag not set.
Now it works fine

Hi V@no,
Thank you but it can have been all as I have inserted this into my HTML page and I still get the error.

You possibly think that I have no brains and you've got to tell me every single step.
I just don't know where to continue right now.

This is the altered hmtl in comment_bit.html
Code: [Select]
<td valign="top" colspan="2" class="shadow_black_5a"><hr /></td>
  <td width="100%" valign="top" nowrap="nowrap">
  <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3" bgcolor="#990033" align="left">
  <td class="shadow_other" width="150"><b>{comment_user_name}</b></td>

  <td class="shadow_other" width="*" align="left" valign="top"><b>{comment_headline}</b></b></td>
  <td class="shadow_other">{comment_user_info}<p><b>IP:</b> {comment_user_ip}{endif comment_user_ip}</td>

  <td class="shadow_other" align="left" valign="top">{comment_text}</td>
<td class="shadow_other" valign="top" colspan="2"><hr /></td>

{if comment_user_ip}
  <td class="shadow_other"><span class="smalltext">{comment_date}</span></td>

  <td class="shadow_other" align="left">
{endif comment_user_ip}
<td valign="top" colspan="2" class="shadow_black_5b"><hr /></td>

The error still is:
Code: [Select]
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '}' in /home/user12345/public_html/4images/includes/template.php(101) : eval()'d code on line 13
I checked line 13 in template.php (sorry you will have to count them, but by the looks there is nothing there. So I don't understand the reference to line 13

Code: [Select]
 *                                                                        *
 *    4images - A Web Based Image Gallery Management System               *
 *    ----------------------------------------------------------------    *
 *                                                                        *
 *             File: template.php                                         *
 *        Copyright: (C) 2002 Jan Sorgalla                                *
 *            Email:                                    *
 *              Web:                             *
 *    Scriptversion: 1.7.2                                                *
 *                                                                        *
 *    Never released without support from: Nicky (   *
 *                                                                        *
 *                                                                        *
 *    Dieses Script ist KEINE Freeware. Bitte lesen Sie die Lizenz-       *
 *    bedingungen (Lizenz.txt) für weitere Informationen.                 *
 *    ---------------------------------------------------------------     *
 *    This script is NOT freeware! Please read the Copyright Notice       *
 *    (Licence.txt) for further information.                              *
 *                                                                        *
if (!defined('ROOT_PATH')) {
"Security violation");

Template {

$no_error 0;
$val_cache = array();
$missing_val_cache = array();
$template_cache = array();
$template_extension "html";
$start "{";
$end "}";

Template($template_path "") {
    if (!@
is_dir($template_path)) {
$this->error("Couldn't open Template-Pack ".$template_path1);
$this->template_path $template_path;

Any other idea what might be causing this?

Hi V@no,
You give me far to much credit to know php.
While I understand what you say and appreciate your help, I haven't got the faintest idea in which file and at what place to insert or change what.

My 4 images is very modular. I have a file which is called comment_bit.html which did display the comment on the page
This is the html code of this page
Code: [Select]
<td valign="top" colspan="2" class="shadow_black_5a"><hr /></td>
  <td width="100%" valign="top" nowrap="nowrap">
  <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3" bgcolor="#990033" align="left">
  <td class="shadow_other" width="150"><b>{comment_user_name}</b></td>

  <td class="shadow_other" width="*" align="left" valign="top"><b>{comment_headline}</b></b></td>
  <td class="shadow_other">{comment_user_info}<p><b>IP:</b> {comment_user_ip}{endif comment_user_ip}</td>

  <td class="shadow_other" align="left" valign="top">{comment_text}</td>
<td class="shadow_other" valign="top" colspan="2"><hr /></td>

{if comment_user_ip}
  <td class="shadow_other"><span class="smalltext">{comment_date}</span></td>

  <td class="shadow_other" align="left">
<td valign="top" colspan="2" class="shadow_black_5b"><hr /></td>

Could you please help me a little bit more.

Thank you

Hi in my modified 1.7 version it worked fine ... now it's up the creek

I used BBCode for formating in posting comments when the error happened, but it also appears when posting comments without BBCode.
Just now I found that it has nothing to do with posting or not, because every commentposted previously while 1.7 was running also does display the same error.
Furthermore the new comment has been entered into the db correctly. I even get it when trying to edit it in ACP. So its purely an error calling and displaying the comment.

Error is as follows:
Code: [Select]
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '}' in /home/user12345/public_html/4images/includes/template.php(101) : eval()'d code on line 13
Code in template.php
Code: [Select]
function parse_template($template) {
    $template = $this->get_template($template);

    // Don't show error notices
    $old = error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);

    //echo $template;
    eval("?>".$template."<?php return 1;");

$str = ob_get_contents();

This is line 101
Code: [Select]
   eval("?>".$template."<?php return 1;");

Any ideas how this can be rectified?

I have version 1.72 installed and html is turned off in most places.
1) While it is generally a good thing ( ! hackers ! ), in my controlled environment I prefer it to be turned on.

This is easily achieved for the picture description field by making a small change (replace a "0" with a "1" in functions.php)

Unfortunately this does not turn on html in the eCard message field where I use the code for bold, underline and very important for line breaks.
This could be tackled in two ways.
One is two switch HTML back on. Or to insert code by use a predefined buttons for the required functions.

Anybody any idea how I can achieve either or. I am not keen into replacing large quantities of code as I have an integrated music modification which took me a long time to get going again in the updated 1.72 version.

2) Has anybody got a mod or an idea how to send the same card to different users. Maybe even changing certain bits in the message depending to which user it goes. MAILMERGE or so. If this is to complicated maybe there is a way just to send an identical eCard with message to all users.

Last I have made use of the search facility but could not find anything. Possibly I am using the wrong keywords. But it also does not help that the forum search option does not allow to turn off the search function for any text formatted as code in the postings.

I have version 1.72 and the mod is part of it.
Unfortunaley it's not so easy to sort out and get it working because I had to alter 1.72 to get my sound modifation of 1.70 working.
Since the sent card has a button to turn of sond when the receiver gets the card I have various form actions already.
And in my HTML files the form already has a name to make the javascript toggle the sound with the button.
Not sure How to give the same form two different names to also get this datamemorising working.

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