As someone has posted here I had the same experience that my host suddenly complained about high cpu and memory usage with my account.
I have a quite big gallery, no registered users (meaning there is no need nor option to register to watch/use the gallery). My host could not narrow it down to a certain script but it is either the gallery or the forum. I think it is the gallery.
account data:
Operating system Linux
Apache version 1.3.34 (Unix)
PERL version 5.8.0
PHP version 4.4.1
MySQL version 4.0.25-standard
conversion tools for thumbnails: GD
vs. 1.7.1
I would like to know if others had the same problem with 4images. If so, any tips how to fix it?
I will upgrade to 1.7.2, maybe that helps a bit.
I pay quite much for space and bandwidth and now this .. Somehow I think my host just wants to get rid of me *paranoid*